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E-Lockbox DCR ARB Client: Living Advantage, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Lockbox DCR ARB Client: Living Advantage, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Lockbox DCR ARB Client: Living Advantage, Inc.
Team 05: Miles Gui, Woon Kim, Azuka Okuleye, Eric Song, Weiyi Zhong, Jason Meng, Cecilia Jou Sunday, November 11, 2018

2 Presentation Overview
Project Overview Miles Strong and Weak Points Cecilia TPC & QFP Cecilia Metrics & Tech Debt & OCD Eric Requirements Jason Prototype Weiyi Architecture Woon & Jason LCP & Metrics Miles Feasibility Evidence Azuka

3 Project Overview E-Lockbox OCD LCP TPC FED Operational concepts &
Prototype Architecture E-Lockbox In weekly meeting, we show our prototype and get feedback, then revise. We have finish the most UML diagram, database design according to the win conditions and prototype.如专利 6 of our teammates will continue to choose 577b and we have identified new teammate’s responsibility and required skills. Life Cycle Plan We have decided that which php framework we will choose, why we should choose Amazon S3 to store vital documents. Feasibility Evidence Analysis We start to write our test plan and record metrics After the FCR ARB, we go to the living advantage weekly in order to improve the quality of meeting Operational concepts & Requirements Test plan and metrics

4 Team’s Strong and Weak Points

5 Strong Points Good communication among team members
Operational View Technical View Good communication among team members Teamwork – helping each other when needed Team experience with PHP

6 Weak Points Remote communication with client Lose one teammate in 577b
Operational View Technical View Remote communication with client Team travels to Living Advantage weekly Lose one teammate in 577b Team members inexperienced with Amazon S3 and Laravel

7 Acceptance Test Plan and Cases (TPC)

8 Testing Strategy and Resources
Requirements-test traceability Computers running major operating systems and internet browsers Prioritized by business importance and risk Traceable to requirements in Winbook/OCD and use cases in SSAD

9 TC-01 Document Management
TC Upload a document TC Print a document

10 TC-02 Case Management TC-02-01 Create a new case TC-02-02 Edit a case
TC Add a new activity TC Inactivate a new activity TC Track all history TC Add information for a case

11 TC-03 Report Generation TC Generate a report

12 TC-04 User Management TC-04-01 Create a user TC-04-02 Log in
TC Reset password TC Inactivate users

13 Traceability Matrix OCD Win Win negotiation SSAD Test Case
OC-1 Document Management WC_2600, WC_2534, WC_2669, WC_2678, WC_2688 UC-01, UC-08 TC-01-01, TC-01-02, TC-01-03 OC-2 Case Management WC_2599, WC_2602, WC_2690, WC_2601, WC_2661, WC_2667, WC_2666, WC_2662, WC_2663, WC_2664 UC-02, UC-04, UC-10, UC-12 TC-02-01, TC-02-02, TC-02-03, TC-02-04, TC-02-05, TC-02-06 OC-3 Report Generation WC_2670, WC_2536, WC_2585 UC-05 TC-03-01 OC-4 User Management WC_2596, WC_2606, WC_2672, WC_2696, WC_2604, WC_2589, WC_2684, WC_2686, WC_2597, WC_2605 UC-03, UC-06, UC-09, UC-11, UC-13 TC-04-01, TC-04-02, TC-04-03, TC-04-04 OC-5 Character Recognition (Low Priority) WC_2679 N/A

14 Technical Debt & Operational Concept Description (OCD)


16 Technical Debt Had planned to learn to use Laravel this semester but are postponing this task to next phase. Insufficient design in class diagram: require more detail in attributes and operations; perhaps more controllers.

17 System Boundary

18 Desired Capabilities and Goals
Capability Goals Priority Level OC-1 Document Management: Vital documents for identification can be (i) viewed and printed via accessing the system by foster youth or (ii) scanned and uploaded by case managers or administrators. Must have OC-2 Case Management: Case managers can manage related information of cases in their scope OC-3 Report Generation: The system is capable of generating the report of demographic information. OC-4 User Management: All kinds of users will be managed by administrators. OC-5 Character Recognition: The system can extract information from images of vital documents. Would like

19 Requirements Jason

20 Roles Limited User Case Manager Administrator General User

21 Functional Requirement
Reset Password Questionnaire Evolutional Requirement OCR Internal System

22 Prototype Weiyi

23 Agenda Work done since FCR ARB Introduction of functions

24 Work Done Since FCR ARB Revise the former prototype
Add new functions into prototype Build prototype for Amazon S3

25 Functions Case management Upload vital document Report User management

26 Case Management Limited users (foster youth) can see their own case
General user can see all cases Case manager can see and edit all cases Administrator can do everything

27 Case mgr and Admin can edit it
Only Admin can change it

28 Uploading Vital Documents
Limited user can view and print their vital documents Case manager can upload vital documents for those they are responsible for Administrator can download, print, and upload vital documents

29 Upload vital documents
Choose a document from computer Document's type and descriptions

30 Amazon S3 Stores limited users’ vital documents
Great platform for files’ security storage Amazon already provides developers API to build connections between programs and servers Communications between E-Lockbox and Amazon S3 are transparent to users

31 Report Only case manager and administrator can generate reports
System offers several report templates for case manager and administrator Different reports have different report templates

32 A very simple report demo
Report type Report template A very simple report demo

33 User Management Only administrator can manage all users
Administrator can change users’ level, users’ information, user account status, etc. Administrator can use filters to choose one user

34 User Management Filters Results

35 User Management Change status Change level

36 Architecture Woon & Jason

37 Use Case Diagram

38 Use Case Diagram

39 Sequence Diagram

40 Design Class Diagram

41 ER-Diagram

42 Software Component Diagram

43 Deployment Diagram

44 Life Cycle Plan (LCP) & Metrics

45 Agenda 1. Responsibilities & Skills投入 2. Project Plan
3. Resource Estimation 4. Progress Indicator 2. Project Plan

46 Responsibilities & Skills
1. Quality Focal Point 2. Tester Skills: 1. PHP Laravel 3. Amazon S3 4. Github 5. Unit Test 1. Project Manager 2. Life Cycle Planner 3. Builder 4. Trainer New Teammate 1. System Architect 2. UML Modeler 3. Tester 4. Trainer 5. VP-UML Unit Test 3. Builder 5. VML 1. Operational Concept Engineer 2. Builder 3. Trainer Woon Kim Deijie Meng 1. Prototyper 2. Builder 1. Feasibility Analyst 2. Builder 3. Trainer Azuka Weiyi Zhong Chen Gui Cecilia Joy

47 New Teammate Amazon S3 Laravel ICSM - OCD Github PHP Responsibilities:
1. Operational Concept Engineer 2. Builder 3. Trainer

48 The end of this semester & Winter break
Development Phase – Transition Iteration Foundation Phase – Rebaseline The end of this semester & Winter break Project Plan Development Phase – Construction Iteration Operational Phase Winter Break Duration: 01/06/14 – 01/13/14 Foundation Phase – Rebaseline: Duration: 01/13/14 – 02/17/14 Development Phase – Construction Iteration: Duration: 02/17/14 – 04/14/14 Development Phase – Transition Iteration: Duration: 04/14/14 – 04/28/14 Operation Phase: Duration: 04/28/14 – 05/12/14

49 Resource Estimation 10.60 / 1.67 = 6.3,
10.60 / = 6.3, At least we will have 6 teammates, so it is feasible.

50 Progress Indicator The most serious problem in our project is inconsistencies after FCR ARB.

51 Feasibility Evidence

52 Overview Business case analysis Personnel costs
Hardware and software costs Benefits Analysis Return on Investment Risks

53 Business Case Analysis
Program model covered in FCR ARB. Costs Benefits Development costs including time spent meeting for requirements and feedback in the development phase Maintenance costs Provides an easy system tailored towards foster youth management Centralized, secure repository for foster youth vital documents

54 Personnel Costs Activities Time Spent (Hours)
Development Period (24 weeks) Valuation and Foundations Phases: Time Invested (CS577a, 12 weeks) Client: Meeting via , phone, and other channels [3 hrs/week * 9 weeks * 3 people] 81 Client Representatives: Meeting via , phone, and other channels [1.5 hrs/week * 9 weeks * 1 person] 13.5 Architecture Review Boards [2 hrs * 2 times * 3 people] 12 Total 106.5 Development and Operation Phases: Time Invested (CS577b, 12 weeks) Client: Meeting via , phone, and other channels [2 hrs/week * 12 weeks * 3 people] 72 Maintainer: Meeting via , phone, and other channels [1 hrs/biweekly * 6 fortnights * 2 people] Architecture Review Boards and Core Capability Drive-through session [2 hrs * 3 times * 3 people] 18 Deployment of system in operation phase and training Installation & Deployment [2 hrs * 3 times * 2 people] Training & Support [3 hrs * 3 times * 4 people] 48 150 Total One-Time Costs 256.5 Maintenance (Yearly) 10 hrs * 2 maintainers * 12 months 240

55 Free for up to 25000 documents at ~200kb each (4.7gb)
Hardware Costs Development phase Type Cost Rationale Hardware - VPS Hosting $5/month Digital Ocean Development server Software - Amazon S3 Free for up to documents at ~200kb each (4.7gb) Offsite secure file storage and/or backup Domain name $12/year Total $42 $24/hr 1.75 Production phase Type Cost Rationale Software - SSL Certificate $149/year* Secure login and transport encryption Hardware VPS hosting $20/month Digital Ocean Isolated hosting for the system to ensure security Software - Amazon S3 Free for up to documents at ~200kb each (4.7gb) for the first year. $6/year thereafter for 10gb of storage Offsite secure file storage and/or backup Domain name $12/year Total $407/year 2014: $314 $24/hr 17.71 hrs 13.1 hrs

56 Benefit Analysis Current activities & resources used % Reduce
Time Saved (Hours/Year) Case Management Case creation and tracking (20hrs * 5 case managers * 50 weeks) = hrs 70% 3500 Document Management Vital document upload (4 hrs * 5 case managers * 50 weeks) = 1000 hrs 33.33% 333.3 Report Generation Custom reports (3 hrs * 4 monthly reports * 12 months) = 144 hrs for manual reporting 30% 138 User Management User management (2hrs * (5 case managers + 1 administrator) * 50 weeks = 500 hrs 10% 50 Total 4021.3 Total saved in 2014 (7 months)

57 Benefit (Effort Saved)
ROI Analysis Year Cost Benefit (Effort Saved) Cumulative Cost Cumulative Benefit ROI 2013 106.5 -1 2014 284.85 391.35 4.99 2015 257.71 4021.3 649.06 8.81

58 Risk Assessment Risks Risk Exposure Risk Mitigations
Potential Magnitude Probability Loss Security risks may turn up in one of our NDI packages or libraries especially the Laravel framework which is constantly being updated. 7 0.9 6.3 Keep up to date with latest versions of packages and apply security patches. We can also provide documentation on the setup to the maintainers. Users may have difficulty adjusting to the new system 8 1 Provide extensive training on using the system, and receive feedback from users while developing the system. Public agencies may not be interested or be wary in using the system 5 0.7 3.5 Client can communicate with agencies during the development process to educate them about the system. Complexity – some team members do not have all the necessary skills 6 Workshops and assistance from other teammates.

59 Thank you See you next semester

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