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Office of College and Career Preparation Kickoff

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1 Office of College and Career Preparation 2010-11 Kickoff
September 2, 2010

2 Agenda 2009-10 School Year CPS Results 2010-11 CPS Focus
OCCP Focus Department Focus Recognition

3 ISAT Reading Both %M/E and %E on ISAT Reading have continued to grow. The percentage of students exceeding standards has risen steadily over the past few years, and has more than doubled from 2001 (6.4% to 14.6%).

4 ISAT Math As with Reading, the district’s % M/E and % E have risen steadily in recent years. % of Exceeds has quadrupled over the past nine years.

5 College Readiness Benchmarks
ACT College Readiness Benchmarks % Students Meeting Benchmarks by Subject College Readiness Benchmarks Subject ACT Scale Score Reading 21 Math 22 Science 24 English 18 CPS’s percentage of students meetings College Readiness Benchmarks increased in all subjects from 2008 to 2009, including a >4% increase in English. A student who reaches the College Readiness Benchmark in a given subject area has a 50% chance of earning a ‘B’ and a 75% chance of earning a ‘C’ in the corresponding introductory college course 08 09 10 08 09 10 08 09 10 08 09 10

6 ACT District Trend Average Scale Score by Subject
CPS’s average ACT scores increased in every subject from 2009 to The increase was especially large in Math. 08 09 10 08 09 10 08 09 10 08 09 10 08 09 10

7 PLAN-ACT % Students Making Expected Gains by Subject
PLAN-ACT Gains is a measure of how many sophomores meet their growth targets by junior year. Growth targets are set based on average growth made by a national sample of students, and are specific to a student’s incoming score in order to provide a fair measure of student gains, regardless of where they start. The percentage of students making expected Gains increased in 3 out of 4 subjects. 08 09 10 08 09 10 08 09 10 08 09 10

8 Every student will graduate from high school prepared to succeed in college and the global economy

9 Empower you to create a culture of performance
2. Ensure our students are safe and prepared to learn

10 Human capital Instructional framework Performance management

11 Challenge: Improving College and Career Readiness
Students Graduating from College 71% First year persistence % Graduating in 4 years Students Enrolling in College % Accepted to college 78.5% completing FAFSA 24.4% students scoring >20 on ACT 54.5% enrolling in college Students applying to college % Applying to College 41% Applying to match college % enrolling in a Match College Students Graduating from High School 54.5% graduating from HS Average 17.3 ACT composite Freshman and Sophomores on track to graduate from high school 33,000 18,000 10,000 Students Not Enrolling in College 7% earning >$20k 65% employed 4500 11/11/2018

12 College and Career Planning
OCCP Vision: All CPS Students graduate high school college and career ready Academic College and Career Planning Youth Development 11/11/2018

13 Mission CPS Every child will graduate from high school prepared to succeed in college and the global economy OCCP OCCP prepares students for success in college and careers by providing Targeted academic programs (such as CTE, AVID and Freshman Connection) Planning support for postsecondary awareness, readiness, access and success targeted to students, parents and school staff (such as funding for coaches and specialists, PD for counselors and teachers) Youth development supports (such as internships, job shadows, peer and career networks and mentors) In collaboration with schools and partners 11/11/2018

14 OCCP Theory of Action Improving H. S
OCCP Theory of Action Improving H.S. graduation rate, college and career success Data defines underserved populations to target OCCP offers interventions of proven higher yield Schools select interventions (and co-fund) Execute with fidelity; evaluate results; refine OCCP finds new high yield programs Expand reach of students served 11/11/2018

15 Strategy: Integrated School Support Model
Curricular and Programmatic Supports Integrated School Support Model Data and Analysis AVID Integrated school teams College and career cultures Data driven decisions OCCP supports catered to student needs Integrated partnerships Coaches and Specialists Student Outcome Tracking Data tools Data Driven Strategies CTE SCHOOLS Improved Student Outcomes GEAR UP Counseling Awareness, Readiness, Access Strategies/supports Partnerships 11/11/2018 15

16 Driving College and Career Success is a Team Effort
Chief Area Officers (7) OCCP Counseling Department School Counselors (350) School Principals (130) College and Career Coaches (40) CC Coaches and Specialist Department College and Career Specialists (7) AVID, GEAR UP AVID and GEAR UP coaches (35) Career and Technical Ed CTE College & Career Academy Coordinators (8) Partner Programs 11/11/2018 16

17 Programs of Proven Higher Yield
AY Number Students On Track Rate Grad Rate Grad Rate in Comparison Group College Enroll- ment Rate (CER) CER in comparison group $/student (excluding school based $) Core Programs AVID (HS) 9,600 68% TBA 62% 50% $286 CTE 25,200 56.6% $574 Gear UP 16,000 N/A TBD Partner Programs US Empowered 230 98% $1600 Partner funded Chicago Scholars 450 Benchmark Total CPS HS 121,360 54.5% 54.4% *2009 11/11/2018

18 Improving College Enrollment and Persistence
OCCP High Yield Programs Students Graduating from College 71 71% First year persistence % Graduating in 6 years Students Enrolling in College % Accepted to college 78.5% Completing FAFSA 24.4 % students scoring >20 on ACT 54.5% enrolling in college Students applying to college % Applying to College 41% Applying to match college %enrolling in a Match College Students Graduating from High School 54.5% graduating from HS Average 17.3 ACT composite Freshman and Sophomores on track to graduate from high school 33,000 AVID Freshman Connection AVID CTE Gearup 18,000 College Coaches and Specialists ? 10,000 4500 Note: Programs affect all levels below 11/11/2018

19 OCCP AY11 Focus Targeted Academic Programs
Increase graduation rate from 54.5% Increase persistence in programs Increase students covered by proven programs Increase students earning college credits in HS Increase college enrollment rate from 54.5% to 57% Increase college match by 4 points to 45% Increase FAFSA by 3/30 from 63% to 70% Increase scholarships by 10% Increase number of internships from CTE:1400 to 1500 ASM: to 4450 Youth Ready: 1100 Increase job shadows to 1200 Execute Reinvention of CTE Execute AVID with fidelity and grow enrollment Expand Dual credit options Expand reach via select partners Targeted Academic Programs School based plans, data-driven Counselor productivity and proactive planning College Match Initiative Coach Reach and effectiveness Use of Tools-What’s Next Illinois College and Careers Planning Support Renew Freshman Connection Grow Career Exposures GEAR UP Execution Youth Development Support 11/11/2018

20 Targeted Academic Programs Execute CTE Reinvention Strategy Career and Tech Ed AY11 Goals and Objectives Reach: # CTE Enrollment Total – 23,000 # CTE Enrollment in academies – 3,954 (fully enrolled relative to seats open) Implementation: # Student Applications Submitted – 8x number of seats open (i.e., 2 applicants per seat, and 4 applications per applicant on average) % Admissions Yield (# offers accepted / # offers made) – 15% (equivalent to 60% of students accepting an offer, assuming 4 applications per student on average) % Teachers meeting ISBE and CPS credential requirements – 95% ISBE (up from 83%) and 75% CPS % of programs with standardized curriculum and college credit earning agreements – 50% (or 20 out of 40 programs, an increase from 25%) % Facilities operational – 98% at all times % industries with Industry Advisory Councils – 67% (from 3 to 10 IACs, out of 15 total desired) Outcomes: % Certifications growth – 20% increase (from 2,768 to 3,332) % Internship growth – 10% increase (from 1,382 to 1,520) % Job shadow growth – 10% increase (from 1,105 to 1,216) % Work-ready students – 30% (baseline goal using new assessment; estimated 20% last year) % Retention – 3% increase (pending AY10 results) % Completion & Graduation – 2.5% increase (pending AY10 results) % College Enrollment – 2.5% increase (from 56.6% to 59.1%) % Employment of students not enrolled in college – 1.5% increase (pending AY10 results) Improved results for AY10 and AY11 academy cohorts, compared to other CTE students 11/11/2018

21 Targeted Academic Programs Avid AY 11 Goals: Execute Avid with fidelity and grow enrollment
Reach: Avid reaches 12,000 HS students in AY12 Up from 10,000 in AY11 Implementation: Meet Fidelity metrics Effectiveness *AVID students will achieve a 95% school attendance rate, up from 90% *AVID students will earn at least an overall 2.7 (B-) grade point average, up from 2.6 *70% of all AVID High School students Class of 2010 will enroll in college, up from 58% in Class of 2009 Goal is 80% for the Class of 2011 *At least 70% of all AVID Freshman students will achieve On-Track Status per grading period, up from 68% *At least 95% of all enrolled AVID Senior students will be graduating On-Time *At least 85% of all AVID Senior students will be enrolled in a 4th year Math Course *At least 50% of all AVID Senior students will have taken at least two College Board approved AP Courses, up from 45% *At least 80% of all AVID Senior students will have completed at least five college applications, up from 76% *At least 95% of all eligible AVID Senior students will have completed the FAFSA Form by May, 2011, up from 92.5% At least 91% of AVID seniors will have completed the FAFSA by 3/31/11, up from 86% in 2010 11/11/2018

22 Foundation Delivery System Management System Accountability
Driving Counselor productivity and proactive planning Moving CPS to ASCA Foundation All schools will have a counseling mission, vision statement and annual plan FY11 plan complete by Nov 1, 2010;  AY12 plan substantially complete by start of school School based plans are data-driven, tied into principal’s plan, approved by principal Increase number of RAMP certified schools from  17 to 19 Move number of ASCA model schools from 68 to 78 Delivery System Best Practices are defined 90 % of schools will use a  guidance curriculum in AY11 Implement a system to aid counselors in Individual Student Planning Create  a set of standard guidance curriculums for roll out in AY13 System support :  train the trainer professional development system,  with 100% of schools represented at PDs and 80%  participants ranking training as effective or highly effective  Management System  Promote the set of  on line tools to assist counselors in tracking and improving the outcome metrics below Dashboard on-track system (new); student behavior system (new); FAFSA on chooseyourfuture (existing); WNI To support counselor productivity and proactive planning Accountability School counseling centers  will measure and improve:  % FOT, % students with ISPs,  students on track to graduation, Interventions offered to students off track, % FAFSA completion, % students with concrete post secondary plans, % students with resumes, % students applying to college, accepting to college and getting scholarships, % graduation and college enrollment ….in support of their school’s goals and objectives

23 College and Career Planning Support Coaches and Specialists AY 11 Objectives: Coach Reach and Effectiveness Goal: Increase % of Graduates enrolled in college to 57% Increase the number of students that complete the FAFSA: 71% by 3/31/11, up from 63% in 2010 From 82% to 87% for the full year Increase the number of students that complete 3+ college applications by 5% Increase the number of student that complete 3+ match applications by 5% Increase the number of students that complete 3+ scholarship applications by 5% Increase the number of students that complete What’s Next IL Portfolio by 5% Increase the number of parents that attend financial literacy (FAFSA) workshops by 5% 100% of CTE juniors participate in monthly professional leadership workshops (at Career Academies) Increase the number CTE students that prepare for job shadow/internship opportunities by 10% Support CTE’s goal to get 30% juniors work ready Increase number of coaches at “target 1” schools from 8 to 10; at “target 2” schools from 3 to 5 11/11/2018

24 College and Career Planning Support GEAR UP Execution: AY 11 Objectives
90% of students completing the FAFSA ( Gear Up Schools) 59% Average College Enrollment Rate (Gear Up Schools) 42% Average College Match Rate (Gear Up Schools) 67% of students completing 3+ college applications at Gear Up Schools 67% of students completing 1+ match applications at Gear Up Schools 69% of students completing at least 1 scholarship application at Gear Up Schools 63% of students accepted to at least 1 school they plan to attend 50% of students involved in college exposure activities (college fairs, college tours) Bernard McCune: Expand reach via select partners Lead Match Initiative L 11/11/2018

25 College Match Initiative AY 11 Goal: Raise Match 5%

26 Strategy and Operations AY 11 Goals and Objectives
Establish and monitor OCCP annual plan Goal : Ensure data and scorecards implementable and implemented Metric = % of KPIs and reporting updated and distributed on a timely basis Goal: Establish Performance Management process and calendar for OCCP Metric = % of action items from departmental PM designated green /on track in red-yellow-green tracking report Use Data to define underserved populations to target Goal: Identify key populations needing more attention to drive graduation and college going rates Metric = Complete prioritization of schools for allocation of OCCP resources Identify new, high yield programs Goal: Expand OCCP Reach by increasing number of students covered through high yield programs /partnerships Metric = % of high school students active in high yield programs of select partners (e.g., dual credit programs/options) Improve College Going Culture in Schools Improve access to college through accumulation of student scholarship awards Goals: Increase the number of seniors receiving scholarships, and the total $ amount received; Improve scholarship reporting Metrics = % of high school seniors receiving scholarships; $ amount of scholarships received by seniors; % of high schools reporting scholarship data via electronic tool Improve students’ college awareness Goal: Increase college exposure through OCCP-sponsored College tours Metric = Increase the number of students participating in a college tour (overall; to a match college) Establish Marketing function for OCCP Reach primary stakeholders (e.g., students, parents, school teams ) with key messages Goal: Develop and implement marketing plan for OCCP Metric = Reach and Frequency (# of touches) within key constituencies 11/11/2018

27 Business Ops AY 11 Goals and Objectives
Budget 100% of grant funds expended by grant deadline and within grant guidelines Program budgets finalized and 100% of CTE school allocations loaded by August 1st Alignment of OCCP budget plans with ADP At least four targeted professional developments a year to OCCP staff and related teachers, Business Managers and Principals on budget policies and procedures Procurement 90% of PO’s approved within two business days. Average procurement cycle time of 7 business days (from transfer to PO#) At least four targeted professional developments a year to OCCP staff on procurement policies and procedures Close out 80% of all PO’s by grant end date. Ensure the number of unpaid invoices (goods and services rendered by vendors without PO’s) is reduced. Payroll Reduce the percentage of historical edits –metric TBD Reduce late payments to student debit cards – metric TBD Reduce the debit card timeline by ensuring all assigned students are verified and have complete IMPACT information. Ensure 100% of OCCP staff and miscellaneous employees are paid on time. 11/11/2018

28 Data Team Analyze and make available data to inform day-to-day management and strategic planning Analyses aligned with key OCCP initiatives and timelines Core metrics delivered annually and monthly Data easily available through CPS systems (e.g., Choose Your Future, Dashboard) Improve data infrastructure Refine data collection, delivery, and usefulness Obtain and analyze unique data aligned with OCCP goals Capacity building around data Work with staff to develop their expertise in measuring, analyzing, and using data about their programs 11/11/2018

29 Total College Enrollment and college enrollment rate improving!
11,000 2010 Goal N=18,224 N=17,672 N=17,348 N=17,669 N=18,159 N=18,846 11/11/2018

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