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Monarchy Grows in Europe Politics in the Renaissance

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1 Monarchy Grows in Europe Politics in the Renaissance
Reiner Kolodinski - Glendale HS

2 What set the stage? Post- Black Death = Feudalism declines
Towns, Trade & Middle Class ↑↑ National interests emerge

3 Why a monarchy? Monarchs (strongmen) provided
Safety, Law & Order >> ↑↑ $$ for all Monarchs required Allegiance from leaders & subjects Bureaucracy to manage the State Standing Army = professional soldiers! $$ via Taxes / Rents / Tariffs Nationalist ideology, laws, assemblies

4 Where did monarchy first get established in Renaissance Europe?

5 Early Monarchy in France
Charles VII drove E out of France  100 Years War outcome Jacques Coeur  Bureaucracy / Economy Diplomatic Corps Louis XI Defeats Burgundy…  ↑↑ trade & domestic industry War & Internal strife weakens it… 

6 Early Monarchy in Spain
Isabella (Castille) + Ferdinand (Aragon) 1469 Subdue & Secure “Hermandad” >> ↑↑ power Alliances by marriage > Joanna-HRE / Catherine-E Expand Conquers Navarre / Granada / Adds Naples Christianize Spain Moors out… / Inquisition in… Tomas de Torquemada Expels Jews and Muslims

7 Early Monarchy in England
Post- 100 Years War England… civil war War of the Roses York (White Rose) vs. Lancaster (Red Rose) York Edw. IV harsh rule > ↑↑ power / $$ Richard III > usurper / murderer / villain Lancaster / Tudor Henry (Tudor) VII regains Bosworth Tied houses via marriage to Eliz. of York Court of Star Chamber > more = court system

8 Early Monarchy in the HRE
German areas avoid “monarchy” 300+ mini-kingdoms work to stay stable Golden Bull by HR Emperor Charles IV Electoral College: Mainz, Trier, Cologne, Saxony, Brandenburg, Palatine & Bohemia Balanced power: HRE < > German Princes Reichstag established = German Assembly Electors + Minor Princes + Free Cities German areas Less loyal to HR Emperor, more democratic

9 What is the final conclusion?
Feudalism > Monarchy > Modern States Power in “the One” Family dynasty rules Taxes support King & Court & Conflict Assemblies King’s pleasure Wealth = Land + Commodities + Gold In the hands of “the few”

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