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Connecting Data, Strategy and Programs in LBUSD

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1 Connecting Data, Strategy and Programs in LBUSD
WestEd Webinar Christopher Lund Assistant Superintendent of Research May 23, 2017

2 Student Support Services
Silo Effect Leveled Offices OCIPD Student Support Services Research

3 Coherence and Alignment
Leveled Offices OCIPD Student Support Services Research Coherence and Alignment


5 Data Guiding Principles
“It takes a village” We can protect privacy while also giving data to the people that need it We can help schools prioritize students that need help We need to know what interventions we have provided to students and if they have helped.

6 Research Mission and Vision
Research Mission: The mission of the Research Department is to work collaboratively to support all stakeholders by collecting, maintaining, and reporting accurate data, facilitating testing, and using current technology in order to provide useful and timely information and to support positive student outcomes and achievement. Research Vision: The vision of the Research Department is, by 2019, to provide a dynamic data and online testing system, blend roles across our units and work collaboratively with other departments to connect teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders with timely data, information, training and resources.

7 Research Values Research Values Statements:
We provide differentiated training to stakeholders. We seek training for ourselves. We troubleshoot and plan collaboratively within and across teams and departments. We pilot new projects and conduct focus groups for feedback and continuous improvement. We cross check data and test systems across platforms. We help with patience and respect.

8 Research Goals (4 Teams with Select Goals)
Data and Accountability Team--By November 2016, design and deploy a budget accountability report that compares data, budget and interventions around a designated focus area and subgroup. Technology Team--By January 2017, create an automated School Messenger announcement that alerts parents when grades fall into the D/F categories. Training and Support Team--By November 2016, provide training and support for the new intervention platform, the new district math assessments, supplementary gradebook, report card, build report, enrollment and attendance training. Testing Team--By December 2016, regularly download SBAC Interim Assessment data and integrate results into LROIX. Collaborative Goal: By June 2017, finalize the transition to an electronic CUM.

9 Categories of Data Academic Culture-Climate College-Career Readiness

10 Academic Data (Predominantly ELA and Math)
Traditional Measures Local Measures SBAC Grades* CELDT PSAT (8-11) SAT (11, 12) Unit Assessments (Math and ELA)* Reading Benchmarks-Elem (Fiction and Non-Fiction)* Foundational Reading Skills*- Elem Completed/Missing Assignments*-Sec * Denotes formative measure

11 Culture-Climate Data Traditional Measures Local Measures
Suspension Rate* Attendance Rate* Discipline Incident Rate* Discipline/Suspension by Category* Chronic Absenteeism Rate* Culture-Climate Survey Social-Emotional Learning Survey Attendance, Career, AP, LB College Promise Survey * Denotes formative measure

12 College-Career Readiness Data
Traditional Measures Local Measures Cohort Graduation Rate A-G Rate College Attendance AP-IB Participation/Pass SAT Scores Dual Enrollment Credits HS Readiness Rate (MS)* On/Off Track for Grad* On/Off Track for A-G* D/F Rates* CSU Eligibility Work-Based Learning Khan Academy Usage Pathway Certification * Denotes formative measure

13 Data Access and Applications
Staff Dashboards and Reports •Build Report •Work Based Learning Student Success Team Intervention Tracking Student Summary Math Facts Benchmarks/FRSA •SPSA Students Student Data Dashboard AP Registration Course Requests Work Based Learning Parents Parent Data Dashboard Online Registration School of Choice Emergency Card Update Data Access and Applications

14 Alignment of Accountability for LCAP/State/CORE
Academic Culture-Climate College-Career Readiness Research Leveled Offices EACCR

15 Alignment of Measures Data in 3 areas (Academic, Culture-Climate, College-Career) Goal setting in 3 areas Action plans in 3 areas Analysis, goal setting and action plans prepopulate SPSA Research Leveled Offices HR

16 Budget-Accountability Report
Links Principal’s Goal-Budgeted Items-Live Data Measures-Interventions Monitoring of SPSA Research Budget EACCR Student Support Services

17 Shift from Data Availability to Data Messaging
Targeted Communication to Parents Nightly messaging regarding absences and tardies Weekly messaging regarding Ds and Fs Biannual messaging regarding college-career readiness Targeted Communication to Staff At-Risk Flags

18 At-Risk Flags 3 Types of Flags Risk Factors
Elementary: 10 Risk Factors FRSA, Benchmarks, SBAC, Attendance, Discipline, Grades Middle School: 17 Risk Factors SBAC, Attendance, Discipline, Grades, HS Readiness, GPA High School: 15 Risk Factors Attendance, Discipline, Grades, Grad Status, A-G Status, GPA Caution Alert: 1-2 Risk Factors High Alert: 3-4 Risk Factors Severe Alert: 5+ Risk Factors

19 Teacher’s Attendance Screen
1. LROIX Risk Caution Alert SBAC (Not Met Both) GPA Below 2.0 1. LROIX Risk High Alert Chronic Absent Prior Year Benchmark (Below Target) FRSA (Overall Not Met) 1. LROIX Risk Severe Alert Chronic Absent Prior Year Discipline Prior Year GPA Below 2.0 Off-Track for Graduation Off-Track for A-G

20 Intervention Tracking System
1304 interventions created since September 2016 21240 students have at least 1 intervention New SST Application for Tier 3 students

21 Strategic Use of Data Math placement in grade 6 and 9 HS Readiness
At-Risk lists of incoming students (MS and HS) Off-Track for grad and A-G lists Student-level SEL data for intervention

22 Strategies for Coherence and Alignment
Steering committees Collective ownership of the work Interconnected systems (SIS, Data, LMS, Communication, Gradebook) Focus groups and pilot programs

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