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IB Psych 9/7/17 Today’s Agenda: Syllabus Questions so far…

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1 IB Psych 9/7/17 Today’s Agenda: Syllabus Questions so far…
Turn in: Nothing Take out : Syllabus Today’s Learning Objectives: I can understand the design of the course. Today’s Agenda: Syllabus Questions so far… Our first discussion HW: Both Due: Monday 9/11/17 Syllabus Online Survey

2 A few thoughts on Discussion
Let’s keep it “academic” Let’s challenge ideas, not the people presenting those ideas We don’t have to agree on everything…

3 Question? What do you believe is the most significant invention of human history? Why? How has it improved humanity?

4 Invention Significance
Railroads/Boats Plumbing—indoor Language—written/pencil Money The creation of settlements/farming agriculture… The computer Phones fax/printer Vaccines Bank Film/TV/News Guns Laws Connecting crops/country/goods/people Sanitary conditions & spread of disease Allows us to communicate with each other Motivation to countless peoples to do things… Allowed for specialization of labor Foundation of interaction with the world in a more efficient manner More efficient form of personal communication Send docs faster and through mail… Preventing spread of mass disease Money…storage/theft/work Entertainment/escapism/jobs Influence of war/force/political Uniform code of behaviors

5 Invention Significance Writing Printing press Record thoughts and allowed for development of future technology Allowed for the rapid spread of ideas Language Communicate feelings/thoughts Fire/electricity Warmth/cooking/etc. Transportation/powering of just about everything Government Employment Educational system Creation of structure/divide of politics Organizes finances Need an educated population Time Money Schedules/uniform Places values on items Gunpowder Drones A.I.—automation? Basis of slaughters Improves warfare without risk of human cost/plus packages (Amazon…) Medicine Prevented the spread of disease Internet & improvement of communication Allowing ease of communication without proximity Organized religion Chemistry Role in communities/politics/society Improved upon the field of medicine/weapons/etc

6 Invention Significance Vaccination Improve life span…over-population…the world is going to *ell The wheel Agriculture improvement/specialization/surplus/transportation/modern world Electricity Man-made utilization of most things Record-keeping Internet Culture and civilization to communicate with each other Time-keeping device Organize civilizations… Modes of transportation—planes… Moving people/goods/etc faster Currency Measure trade/ownership/value Cellular devices Communicate without proximity—improvement of communication Assembly line Time reduced in production…automation/jobs Copy/paste Cotton gin Social impact still with us… Guns Warfare/violence Paper Improvement of communication…

7 Agree or Disagree? Gambling should be allowed for any and all people? Why? Narcotics should be available to anyone for purchase? Alcohol should not have any types of restrictions for purchase?

8 Would you… Knowingly allow your thinking to be impaired consistently in a school setting? Knowingly disrupt your sleep patterns for a brief feeling of joy that would diminish over a period of continued experience? Knowingly put yourself at risk of becoming one of the 50% of people between that feel a lack of control over this specific aspect of their daily life?

9 Would you… Be surprised if I told you the average American engages in the behavior on average 221 times per day? Believe me if I told you approximately 2.3 billion people have the delivery device? Believe me if I told you approximately 10% of people could be classified as addicted?

10 Agree or Disagree?

11 Have you ever experienced this???

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