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Presentation on theme: "Inventors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventors

2 Louis Braille Braille alphabet
Raised dots on paper to allow visually impaired people to read

3 Alexander Graham Bell Telephone
Oral communication was available between houses

4 Eli Whitney Cotton Gin A machine to pick the seeds out of cotton
Saved much time!

5 Wright Brothers Orville and Wilber Wright
Created the first flying vehicle

6 Noah Webster Author of many books
Most commonly known for his dictionary

7 Henry Ford Assembly lines Model T automobile Mass production
Ford Motor Company

8 Thomas Edison Phonograph Electric Lightbulb

9 John Deere Steel plow Steel would cut through the soil much better than wood

10 Robert McCormick Owner of the Chicago Tribune

11 George Washington Carver
Inventions for peanuts 144 recipes that used peanuts Alternative to cotton

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