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We start early to think about our career

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Presentation on theme: "We start early to think about our career"— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Development Services Letshego Mokeki Director – Career Development Services

2 We start early to think about our career
Context – releasing and realising full potential We start early to think about our career

3 World Bank Study The World Bank argue that ‘career guidance services can increase the efficiency of the use of scarce education and training resources’ and improve overall ‘economic efficiency’ especially for developing economies. Study on Public Policies for Career Development (2014) Watts and Fretwell

4 7,5 million 18 million 56 Million 61-67 years 55% (R992 p/m) 25 - 40%
PEOPLE 56 Million EDUCATION LEVELS BELOW NSC (20s) 18 million LIFE EXPECTANCY 2011 UPPER BOUND POVERTY LINES (STATSSA2015) 61-67 years 55% (R992 p/m) NOT IN EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION, TRAINING yrs Poverty Trends in South Africa – STATS SA - negative rural/race bias in all these plus. CDE - 20 million young people, for 7.5 million of them NEET The majority of young people aged in South Africa have a higher level of education than their parents. This was just one of the findings from a report on Educational Enrolment and Achievement for 2016, which Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) released recently. UNEMPLOYMENT % 7,5 million

5 Challenges Unequal access to quality career information and government support services Scarce quality career services within the schooling system Problems of fragmentation and duplication Poor quality of services and lack of professionalisation High drop out rates – low throughput rates Some of the challenges noted… many others…. 14 million learners at school in 2016,

6 Policy and Legislative Mandate
NSDS III aims to reduce inequality ….by increasing access to high quality and relevant education and training and skills development opportunities. This mission will be done by among others, linking of education, training and skills development pursuits to career paths and career development.

7 DHET’S Vision A South Africa in which we have a differentiated and fully-inclusive post-school system that allows South Africans to access relevant post-school education and training, in order to fulfil the economic and social goals of participation in an inclusive economy and society.

8 Purpose CDS has been set up to coordinate and lead the establishment of an all age, national and comprehensive, Career Development Services (CDS) for South Africa. CDS contributes to this vision by providing information and advice on how to access and hopefully succeed at post school

9 Explain the logo? different colours , the arrows


11 Functions and Services

12 CDS- Policy & Coordination
Norms and standards for career services Setting up and managing coordination structures Career Development Services Professionalisation Network of Khetha Centres The Policy and Coordination unit focuses of creating an enabling environment for building an integrated Career Development System for South Africa.

13 CDS Operations Helpline Advocacy Information Outreach Free Calls

14 Key CDS Services Career information, advice and counselling
Train and support Career Development Practitioners Develop and share career information and IT systems Coordinate and integrate career services across all spheres of government

15 CDS Messages

16 Engagement Model Training and resourcing intermediaries – Teachers & SSS Staff Partnerships with key NGOs/CBOs – PwDSA, Rural2Rural Partnership with Government DPT & agencies

17 CDS Online Platform NCAP Info Hub Careerhelp

18 Careerhelp Target groups: All age – Learners, Students, Unemployed Youth, Career Practitioners, Workers, Entrepreneurs, Parents, Job Seekers The Careerhelp website is a one stop shop for all career related matters. This site is an information resource designed to help all individuals make an informed career decision

19 Designed to improve information and knowledge among CDPs
Information Hub The Info Hub is a resource platform for Career Development Practitioner (CDPs) Designed to improve information and knowledge among CDPs Provide a platform for discussing issues and topics (Practitioners Forum)

20 NCAP The National Career Advice Portal (NCAP) is: A free online self-help tool designed to facilitate and support informed career and study decisions A one-stop platform for information on careers and related learning pathways, institutions of higher learning and courses and programmes they offer. A comprehensive career resource for learners, students, unemployed youth, parents, career practitioners and workers looking to make career changes.

21 What Does NCAP Offer? Information on over 1400 careers available in the labour market and information on learning pathways to these careers. Career videos for each occupation (status: over 700 video uploaded - project to be completed in July 2018 Information on careers (occupations) in high demand and a focus green skills; Information on all public post-schools education and training institutions and the courses they offer.

22 Subject Choice & Questionnaire
A variety of non-standardised career questionnaires designed to facilitate self-exploration and a system generated report upon completion of each. A subject chooser tool which helps the user to link subjects to careers and careers to subjects. A user could simply select subjects they are thinking of choosing to see which careers these subjects could lead them to and vice versa.

23 Campaigns

24 Khetha Radio Programme

25 Kimberley, Northern Cape, 2017
NMCDF Mpumalanga, Ermerlo, 2016 Kimberley, Northern Cape, 2017 Umveso, Eastern Cape, 2018

26 Monitoring & Evaluation

27 Monitoring & Evaluation
Client satisfaction tracking Analysis and learning from performance Project partnership reports Mid-term evaluations

28 Helpline Cases: 2015 to 2017

29 T & S : 2015 to 2017

30 Online Platforms Performance

31 Khetha Radio Programme

32 Next Steps for CDS NCAP intergration: Central Application Service, NSFAS, Funza Lushaka Developing an impact evaluation framework Broadening access to online services - Zero rating access request Business case for a government component

33 Challenges and lessons learnt
Coordination & funding within departments Exhibitions and expos models that don’t work Rural bias balance - information sessions/school visits


35 Career Development Services
SMS/“Please call me”: a Career Advisors will call you back Telephone: Call (Mon-Fri: 08:00-16:00) ​​Website:  ​ or follow the link on the DHET website homepage National Career Advice Portal: Get information on career paths, where to study and what to study at or follow the link from the careerhelp website Twitter: Follow us on Twitter at ​

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