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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization

2 Industrialization Caused by natural resources Black Gold- Oil
Bessemer process- removes impurities in steel

3 Inventions Thomas Edison George Westinghouse
Created the incandescent light bulb and the direst current- travels short distances George Westinghouse Created an alternating current- travel long distances

4 Inventions Charles Hires- pharmacist, root beer
Samuel Morse- Invented the telegraph and Western Union

5 Inventions Alexander Graham Bell- Invented the telephone
John & Washington Roebling- Built the Brooklyn Bridge- a suspension bridge

6 Why Industrialization?
Natural resources Population Free Enterprise- Laissez faire

7 Railroads Leland Stanford- "Last Spike" in Promontory, Utah on May 10, 1869, uniting the transcontinental railroad. Cornelius Vanderbilt- made wealth in railroads

8 Railroads Land Grants Gov. offered transcontinental RR companies land along its right-of-way to encourage rapid construction of tracks

9 Railroads Robber Barons- RR tycoons that built fortunes by swindling people and stocks Jay Gould- most famous robber baron

10 Industry Consolidation
Andrew Carnegie- U.S. Steel Gospel of Wealth Vertical Integration Horizontal Integration

11 Industry Consolidation
John D. Rockefeller- Standard Oil Used a trust to gain control of the oil industry in America

12 Industrial Labor Piecework- pay based upon production
Fined or fired for no reason Child Labor- no rights, harsh conditions, long hours

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