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Growing Educators, Achieving Results with Students July 25, 2017

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1 Growing Educators, Achieving Results with Students July 25, 2017
G. E. A. R. S. Growing Educators, Achieving Results with Students July 25, 2017

2 Mission In Avondale, every student will grow as a thinker, problem solver and communicator to pursue a future without limits.

3 Affirming our Beliefs We believe all children are capable of success – No exceptions. We connect all children to caring adults to reveal and grow the possibilities. We prepare students for their future by time traveling to allow children to see their potential in four destinations and to plan for it today. We are a district of Hope.

4 Growing Educators, Achieving Results with Students
GEARS Growing Educators, Achieving Results with Students

5 Resource To Share

6 Teaching Every Student Five Key Elements
Learning Environment The Curriculum Assessments Instruction Classroom Management

7 4 – second partner Your Task:
Find a partner from another school and a different grade-level and/or content area. Find 2 seats, introduce your self, and tell them one goal you have for this school year. Smile…


9 Depth of Knowledge Edition
State and justify the DOK of each assessment Classify plane and three-dimensional figures. (Math) Describe cause-effect of particular events. (Social Studies) Support ideas with details and examples. (ELA – Writing) Develop generalizations of the results obtained and the strategies used and apply them to new problem situations. (Science) Perform procedures with multiple steps and multiple decision points. (Math) Use a dictionary to find the meanings of words. (ELA – Reading) Perform a simple science process or a set procedure (like a recipe). (Science) Analyze and explain multiple perspectives or issues within or across time periods, events, or cultures. (Social Studies) DOK 2 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 DOK 3 DOK 1 DOK 1 DOK 4 Clue: 2 are DOK 1, 2 are DOK 2, 2 are DOK 3, 2 are DOK 4


11 Brain Break

12 Our Task – Solve the problem. Justify the DOK level Deconstructing the
AzMERIT What we know: Domain: MDG Cluster: 5.GB Standard: 5.GB.3 AzMerit: Item # 3 Our Task – Solve the problem. Justify the DOK level

13 Deconstructing an AzMERIT Item

14 Deconstructing an AzMERIT Item



17 Justifying the DOK of the Item

18 When is this standard taught/learned?

19 Mystery Envelope Work with a partner to:
Inside your envelope is an actual AzMerit item experienced by students. Work with a partner to: Solve the problem. Justify your solution. Identify and defend the DOK of the item (Scaffolding – consider using the DOK chart) Prepare to defend your solution/DOK level and critique the reasoning of others. Enjoy!

20 Main Myth about Learning
Some part of the learner’s anatomy must be in contact with the chair in order for learning to take place!

21 Brain Break

22 Why Bother?

23 Wisdom from the CHESHIRE CAT
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”, said Alice. “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where – “ said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland

24 ALL means ALL

25 ALL means ALL

26 DART Team Task Task: Work in your DART team to deconstruct a sample AzMERIT assessment*. Use the sample assessment items and the item analysis chart to: Analyze each assessment item Identify the DOK level of the item Establish when it is taught in the current suggested pacing guide *NOTE: Grades K, 1, and 2 use the appropriate Grade 3 assessment. Science use a Math assessment Social Studies use an ELA assessment

27 Brain Break

28 Good Instruction (Keep it Simple…Keep it Real)
“We can, whenever and wherever we choose, successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than we need to do that. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven’t so far.” ~Ron Edmonds

29 AVONDALE Elementary School District #44
In Avondale, every student will grow as a thinker, problem solver, and communicator to pursue a future without limits. Essential Knowledge Essential Skills LEARNING TARGET Essential Vocabulary Prepared for the GEARS Team Members of AVONDALE Elementary School District #44 by Dan Mulligan, Ed. D., July 2017 “The difference between who you are and what you want to be is what you do.” ~Bill Phillips,2006

30 GOAL: To Clarify Our Work:
Today’s GOAL: To Clarify Our Work: Today I will: work with my peers to increase my understanding of the rigor embedded in the Arizona standards and related AzMERIT items. So I can: unpack a standard and decompose assessment items. I will know I have it: when I can identify/revise/create focused assessment and lessons. Objective

31 Mix it Up in the Box Listen for the topic and the amount of time;
Silently mix around the room; When directed, pair up with person closest to you; In pairs, Partner A shares and Partner B listens; Partner B responds to what he/she heard by paraphrasing: “LET ME TELL YOU WHAT I UNDERSTOOD YOU TO SAY”; Record summary of partners response; then Switch Roles


33 Thinking inside the Box
1 2 3 Describe the elements of unpacking a standard? What are some tools you and/or your DART team used during the process? Explain. How will unpacking a standard impact assessment and lesson planning? Explain… How would you justify to teachers at your school why it is important to unpack standards?

34 Share the Ideas you Gathered
1 2 3 Describe the elements of unpacking a standard? What are some tools you and/or your DART team used during the process? Explain. How will unpacking a standard impact assessment and lesson planning? Explain… How would you justify to teachers at your school why it is important to unpack standards?

35 Implemented Curriculum
Effective Assessment and Instruction focuses on Unpacked Standards that identify the nonnegotiable knowledge, skills, processes, & vocabulary Three types of curricula exist in any classroom: The Intended Curriculum: content/skill specified by the state, district, or school at a particular grade level. The Implemented Curriculum: content/skill actually delivered by the teacher. The Attained Curriculum: content/skill actually learned by the students. The BIG Idea Implemented Curriculum Attained Curriculum Intended Curriculum

36 Additional DOK Indicator Resource

37 The Process of Unpacking Standards

38 Arizona College & Career Ready Standards Performance Level Descriptors

39 To make an assessment truly diagnostic, we must include
Items at each proficiency level. Create items to provide feedback on student mastery of each indicator.






45 AzMERIT Item Format Types
Resource: AzMERITitemFORMATmaster

46 Step 6: Is there an AzMERIT question that aligns with this standard?

47 Identify all Galileo items that assess this standard.

48 AESD Math End of Module Assessment Galileo 3.EMA.7



51 Opportunity to Learn

52 Today’s DART Task Unpack a standard that will be taught during the first quarter. Use the ‘Michelle’ Chart to identify any AzMERIT items that align to this standard. Review the diagnostic Avondale Unit/Module assessment to approve/revise/create items based on the above steps. Prepare for a peer review/submission of the new assessment.

53 Thank you for your commitment to children!
"It's your attitude, not just your aptitude that determines your ultimate altitude." Zig Ziglar  Dan

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