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Cloud Security An IaaS Story 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

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1 Cloud Security An IaaS Story 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

2 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.
IaaS Market Overview The IaaS market will grow by 38.6% in 2017 to reach $35 billion by year’s end. With no sign of slowing down in the foreseeable future, IaaS is expected to reach $72 billion by a CAGR of 29.7%. 31% 44% Market Adoption Projected Growth Vendor Dominance The market for cloud services is growing faster than virtually every other IT market today. IaaS is expected to show the fastest growth over the next five years. In terms of overall cloud IaaS market share, AWS commands 44 percent of the sector, followed by Microsoft Azure at 7.1%. No other company has more than 3 percent of the sector. $35B IaaS is current outpacing the SaaS market given its increased flexibility + options AWS still holds market dominance when it comes to IaaS, however Microsoft is starting to catch up SOURCE Report - Gartner 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

3 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.
IaaS Market Overview 55 41% Accelerate product development/innovation 41 40 53 55% Improve agility and responsiveness 52 40 40% Save money or reduce costs 40% Governance over cloud solutions Drivers Barriers 52% Legal and regulatory risks Reasons which enterprise organizations adoption cloud computing. Barriers to entry for enterprise organizations adopting the public cloud. 53% Data loss and privacy risks Even with all the wins and use cases that AWS touts….security is still a huge concern behind the scenes Most organizations don’t have the resources or skill sets to deploy, manage, and secure cloud environments Legal teams are being overworked to re-evaluate all of their existing agreements as data starts to become “freed” from the data center 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

4 What Seems to be the Problem
Security for IaaS is HARD….but why? Cloud security for IaaS and SaaS are COMPLETELY different IaaS security is significantly more complex MSP growth is exploding due to lack of cloud security resources in the market Most cloud environments, applications, and assets are now managed through code/software 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

5 Shared Responsibility Model
Data Software Runtime OS Network Storage CPU SaaS PaaS IaaS Data Center You Manage (security in the cloud) CSP Manages (security of the cloud) This is a perfect example of how the shift in responsibility happens from IaaS to SaaS With the end user more responsible in the IaaS model, you need a clear cloud security strategy Data security is ALWAYS your responsibility 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

6 The Cloud Security Problem
It starts off easy enough... but gets complicated in a hurry! Deployments Compute Storage Compute Storage Cloud Assets Networking Database Networking Database Compute Storage Compute Storage Compute Storage Networking Database Networking Database Networking Database This is not a definitive list of components in a cloud strategy, but a solid starting point Our CSO team can help to shape/articulate enterprise cloud security strategies at the C-Level If you haven’t accounted for one of these components, stop and take a step back (e.g. re-evaluate your cloud security strategy) Talk about different options: You may not be doing assessments, but others may You may need to integrate with other platforms You may not know what data is 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

7 The Cloud Security Problem
It starts off easy enough... but gets complicated in a hurry! Deployments Compute Storage Compute Storage PCI Workload Cloud Assets Sensitive Data Networking Database Networking Database Compute Storage Compute Storage Compute Storage 3rd Party Access GDPR Workload Networking Database Networking Database Networking Database The problem gets worse as you scale multiple systems and workloads The more environments, workloads, etc the more complicated security gets 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

8 Program Strategy Approach
A set of common core components included within a cloud security strategy. Business Alignment Governance Cost Management Audit & Compliance Legal & Data Privacy Data Protection Identity and Access Mgmt Product Lifecycle System Security Infrastructure Security Resiliency Incident Response Start with the program conversation Emphasize what is required and how this ties back to CSA/NIST/ISO (we didn’t make this up) 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

9 Program Strategy Approach
Cloud Adoption (CAF) Cloud Security (CSA) Assess Product Life Cycle Portfolio Analysis Plan Business Alignment Secure System Security INF Security Data Protection & Security Build Migrate Run IAM Audit & Compliance Resiliency Manage Governance Incident Response Legal & Data Privacy Optimize Cost Mgmt This is how the AWS CAF overlays to what you just showed As organizations are going on their cloud journey through the CAF, they need to consider these areas 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

10 Data Protection for CSPs
Mobile At the Office Remote When we sit inline (proxy) we can provide visibility, insights, DLP, and audit for all three CSPs We can achieve this across all types of locations/devices 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

11 Data Protection for CSPs
Ok, we are a vendor at heart - here is our shameless product plug Overlay our full platform capabilities on top of the cloud security strategy Clearly shows what we “do/don’t do” and where we can partner System + INF Security coming soon (w/ v50 release) 2018 © Netskope. All rights reserved.

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