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How did Germany move from a democracy to a dictatorship?

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1 How did Germany move from a democracy to a dictatorship?
Starter: Why did Hitler decide to seize power in 1923? Identify the four reasons. Remember your acronym: William Never Makes Brunch In this lesson, we will: Describe the steps taken to change Germany from a democracy to a dictatorship. Assess how reliable a primary source is.

2 From Chancellor to Fuhrer
After he became Chancellor in January 1933, Hitler transformed his democratic position into dictatorial power.  Calling an election - and taking advantage of the Reichstag fire - he got the Reichstag to pass the Enabling Act (which transferred all power to the Chancellor in times of an emergency) Then, using the power this gave him to make his own laws, he set up the Gestapo, banned Trade Unions and opposition parties and (on the Night of the Long Knives, July 1934) removed even the opposition within the Nazi Party.    When Hindenburg died, Hitler declared himself Fuhrer.

3 Learning Task One All targets
Your teacher will give you a handout of the stages from democracy to dictatorship. Read through them as a class, circle key words, phrases and names. Come up with your own acronym e.g.: Rigged German Election Leads To Psychopath Nazi Fuhrer

4 The Night of the Long Knives
By the start of 1934, Hitler had complete control of Germany but the SA were a massive threat. Rohm had increased the SA to 3 million and were growing in discontent with Hitler (60% of them were unemployed) Rohm himself was a threat – he criticised Hitler’s links to rich industrialists and was more powerful to the army. People like Himmler resented him and thought by destroying the SA he could raise the profile of SS. In 1934, Hitler’s inner circle warned him that Rohm was planning to seize power. Hitler arrange a meeting with Rohm and 100 other SA leaders at a hotel in Bavaria. When they arrived, Hitler had them arrested and shot. This event is known as the Night of the Long Knives. This was a turning point – Hitler was now acting illegally and murdering his rivals for power. At a press conference on July 2nd, Goering announced that Rohm had been planning a second revolution to replace Hitler and that his execution was in the best interests of Germany.

5 Source A: Cartoon published on July 3rd 1934 by British cartoonist David Low. Goering is dressed as Thor, God of War and Goebbels is shown as Hitler’s poodle. How reliable is Source A as evidence of Hitler’s leadership of the NSDAP in the 1930s. (5 marks)

6 Homework Task Create a series of notes or poster on the following:
What did the Nazis want for young people? What did the Hitler Youth offer? What did the League of German Maidens offer? Why did young people like these policies? Why did some parents not like these policies?

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