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9th Vocabulary #1.

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Presentation on theme: "9th Vocabulary #1."— Presentation transcript:

1 9th Vocabulary #1

2 micro- small

3 macro -large

4 hyper- -above or -beyond it all

5 para beside; beyond or outside; assistance

6 meta after or behind; change; beyond

7 prefix: un- not

8 suffix: -al having characteristics of

9 9th Vocabulary #1

10 micro- small

11 microphone instrument to intensify slight sounds

12 microscope instrument examine objects too small to be seen by the naked eye

13 micromanage to manage or control with excessive attention to minor details.

14 macro -large

15 macrocosm the great world; universe

16 macroeconomics an overall (“big”) study of the economy

17 macrometer instrument to measure size and distance of objects

18 macrobiotics the science of prolonging life

19 hyper- -above or -beyond it all

20 hyperbole (figurative language) exaggerasion to make a point
These books weigh a ton! Wimp!

21 hyperdrive in science fiction, a car that goes above the speed of light

22 hypersensitive overly sensitive

23 hyperactive overly active

24 hypertension blood pressure above normal

25 para beside; beyond or outside; assistance

26 parachute fabric that assists person, object, package, etc
parachute fabric that assists person, object, package, etc., to float down safely

27 parallel lying evenly side by side

28 paramedic someone trained to assist/ work beside doctors in emergency care

29 paradox a statement that contradicts itself-but also contains a truth
“Fair is foul and foul is fair.”

30 paraphrase to reword a text for clarification
How can I say this differently?

31 parasite

32 paratrooper

33 meta after or behind; change; beyond

34 metabolism burning (changing) calories to make energy

35 metamorphosis change from one stage to next

36 metaphor a comparison between two unlike things without using like or as

37 prefix: un- not


39 suffix: -al having characteristics of


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