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Windows 10 | Do great things.

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Presentation on theme: "Windows 10 | Do great things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Windows 10 | Do great things.

2 Inside Windows 10 Recovery
Welcome Inside Windows 10 Recovery Welcome: Inside Windows 10 Recovery

3 Let’s start Let’s start
This is part of the ‘First time animation’ you see when you login the very first time. By default, the first sign-in animation will show animated detailed preparation messages when new users sign-in for the first time. Step-By-Step: Disabling the Windows 10 First Sign-in Animation via Group Policy

4 Windows 10 Recovery and Provisioning
The continuous option for at Cloud scenario Windows 10 Recovery and Provisioning The seamless option for at Cloud scenario

5 The next generation Enterprise components
Devices | Windows 10 | Cloud The next generation Enterprise components For a successful implementation of Windows 10, a clear Workstyle Strategy is essential. Do you have a Work style Strategy? Do you have a Work place Strategy? Do you have a BYOD strategy? Do you have a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure strategy? Devices Do you have a (one) Device Strategy? Windows 10 Do you have a OS Strategy? Cloud Do you have a Cloud Strategy? Microsoft Azure AD Office 365 Recovery Provisioning

6 Windows 10 Recovery and Provisioning
Advantages You can configure new devices without reimaging. No network connectivity required. Simple for people to apply. Ensure compliance and security before a device is enrolled in MDM. Rather than wiping a device and applying a new system image, you can reset the device and then apply a settings and provisioning package(s). Windows 10 Recovery and Provisioning Rather than wiping a device and applying a new system image when you need to change configuration, you can reset the device to its original state and then apply a new provisioning package. Advantages You can configure new devices without reimaging. No network connectivity required (depends…). Simple for people to apply. Ensure compliance and security before a device is enrolled in MDM. Use the Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD) tool included in the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 to create a runtime provisioning package.

7 Overview of Windows 10 Recovery
Issues and challenges Disk space required to support Push-Button Reset ALL Updates will have to be installed all over No Servicing support for Windows RE

8 Overview of Windows 10 Recovery
What’s new Reduced disk footprint impact of Push Button Reset Push Button Reset recovers PC’s to an updated state Windows RE will be serviceable via rollup updates

9 Overview of Windows 10 Recovery
Windows Recovery Environment WinPE-HTA optional components included by default Windows RE isenabled during Specialized Future updates to Windows RE will replace the on-disk copy with new version

10 Overview of Windows 10 Recovery
Windows Push Button Reset New design rebuilds OS in place Restore factory customizations Users can choose to keep data

11 Windows 10 Recovery and Provisioning
Let’s have a closer look: Windows 10 Recovery and Provisioning Get the sample files here:

12 DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
Ensure your recover solution is up-to-date Run: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase

13 Protect your Recovery folder
attrib.exe +S +H +I "C:\Recovery\*.*" /s /d icacls.exe C:\Recovery\Customizations /inheritance:r /T icacls.exe C:\Recovery\Customizations /grant:r SYSTEM:(F) /T icacls.exe C:\Recovery\Customizations /grant:r *S :(F) /T icacls.exe C:\Recovery\OEM /inheritance:r /T icacls.exe C:\Recovery\OEM /grant:r SYSTEM:(F) /T icacls.exe C:\Recovery\OEM /grant:r *S :(F) /T

14 Start Windows RE from Command line
Configure the system to start Windows RE next time the system starts up :: /info reagentc.exe /info :: /boottore configure the system to start Windows RE next time the system starts up reagentc.exe /boottore :: /setosimage sets the location of the recovery image used by system reset. reagentc.exe /setosimage /path "C:\RecoveryImage" /index 1 /target :: /target specifies the Windows installation. If this argument is not specified, the running operating system is used. reagentc.exe /setosimage /path "C:\RecoveryImage" /index 1 /target "C:\Windows"

15 Summary Summary

16 Prepare your Organization
Organize Windows Insider roles Define your Work style & Work place strategy Consider you options

17 Thank you Thank you

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