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INTRO I am Dr. Packard. You can call me either

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Presentation on theme: "INTRO I am Dr. Packard. You can call me either"— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRO I am Dr. Packard. You can call me either
“Dr. Packard” Or “Dr. P.” That’s it. You will probably notice I have a tremor in my left arm. try to ignore it, like me.

2 Sign Up For Remind Now Using or Phones: Enter this #: 81010
Text this message: @967h36 Class Name: Science Enter your real name, not nickname Parents encouraged to join!

3 For announcements, reminders, etc.
Ask a question, etc. and get an answer. Not a chat program! For safety and security, all messaging is cloud-based-recorded. Parents encouraged to join!

4 Class structure, content will be different this year.
And in years to come. MAJOR emphasis on identifying and solving problems using the concepts you will learn THINKING, REASONING, WORKING IN GROUPS

How we will carry-on regular class business on day-to-day basis.

6 PROCEDURES Part of everyone’s everyday life,
Not just for students in a class. Make it possible for people to function well in a group setting, in the world.

7 What are some PROCEDURES we all go through regularly?

BENEFITS of KNOWING AND FOLLOWING PROCEDURES 1. Less confusion, distraction 2. Less stress 3. Helps EVERYONE do their best.

9 4. Shows respect for self and others 5
4. Shows respect for self and others 5. Protects everyone’s right to learn and succeed. I want - and expect - you to succeed in my class, AND in life!

10 FOLLOW THE PROCEDURES! No complaining, No whining,
No making excuses for why you didn’t

11 You are expected to take personal responsibility for your actions in school.

12 It’s up to YOU to choose wisely!
Not me, Not other teachers, Not your friends, Not your parents.

13 Bring pencils and paper to class.
Don’t rely on your classmates to give you these!

14 Follow procedures and rules,

15 Listen and ask questions,

16 Keep track of assignments, grades in PowerSchool,

17 Meet deadlines,

18 Get content online when needed and available

19 Get to class ON TIME, and

20 Be ready - mentally and physically.

21 A Friendly Reminder:

22 We live in a Cause and Effect universe.
ALL choices have consequences.

23 Can be good or bad. Depends on your choice.

24 Example: Choice: Be respectful, Follow procedures and rules,
Take notes, pay attention.

25 Consequences: Earn positive, healthy respect, Get better grades, Help your class and teacher, Have less classroom stress

26 Downside? NONE!!

27 Each TEACHER has authority to set classroom cell phone policy.
 CELL PHONES POLICY According to County policy, Written also in EHS handbooks, Backed by administration: Each TEACHER has authority to set classroom cell phone policy.

28  MY CELL PHONES POLICY Turn off your phone AND put it away in the pocket holder. Every day when you come in to class. IMMEDIATELY! DO NOT WAIT for me to tell you. DO NOT hang onto it.

29 MY CELL PHONES POLICY If needed, you’ll be able to get them…
MY CELL PHONES POLICY If needed, you’ll be able to get them… To be used ONLY AS DIRECTED AND ALLOWED. Routine contact with parents goes through the main office, not your phone. Emergency circumstances – ask me

 IF YOU VIOLATE CELL PHONES POLICY 1st Offense – Phone confiscated 2nd Offense – Phone goes to office, held for 10 days first time with them. More Offenses – To office, more hold time

31 Parents have to work with office to get it back.
Parents have to work with office to get it back.

32 You don’t need a cell phone to do well in this class!
You don’t need a cell phone to do well in this class!

33 The Procedures You are 100% expected to follow them… Without trying to change them to fit what you want.

34 BEGINNING OF CLASS  Without yelling, drama, etc. AND BE DOWN QUIET! SIT

35 BEGINNING OF CLASS Put your phone in the pocket holder.
BEGINNING OF CLASS Put your phone in the pocket holder. Go to and sit in your assigned seat. Don’t hang at the doors or other desks. Don’t slam your books down.

36 BEGINNING OF CLASS Take out class materials (pencils, notebook, etc.).
Take out class materials (pencils, notebook, etc.). Check board for the day's agenda & announcements Get started on any bell work/warm-up, or sit quietly & wait for my instructions

37 BEGINNING OF CLASS Don’t bring open food to class.
You are not allowed to eat in the lab. Water only! To be left on counter, not on lab table. Don’t try to tuck food away and sneak into it during class.

38 End of Class Stay put and working until I end the class. Clock does not end class. Wait patiently in place for my OK to pack up, start talking, etc. No waiting by door. Stay put, by tables. Take your papers and any trash with you.

39 Late/Tardy Be On Time! Life Skill!
4 tardies: warning, parents notified 5 tardies: detention 6 tardies: referred to administration Your stuff being on time doesn’t count. Over 15 minutes late => bring a note from teacher or office

40 Late/Tardy (cont.) 1. No drama, no disruption, no horseplay, slamming books, etc. when you come in. 2. Sign the Tardy Log, if one is out. Give me any note. 3. Quietly take your seat and get to work.

41 Early Dismissal Office will call when it’s time.
Until then - stay put. Follow regular rules and procedures. Leave without disrupting class.

42 Moving Around the Room Stay put. It interrupts/disrupts class.
Stay put. It interrupts/disrupts class. If you need hand sanitizer, etc. Ask permission. FIRST.

43 No getting up to throw away regular trash.
No getting up to throw away regular trash. Keep it until work/open period or end of class. Don’t get up and then try to give an excuse for not asking in the first place.

44 Classroom Discussions
Participate! With order and respect. Slow down, think before speaking. Pay attention to discussion style Some more open-format than others If not, wait your turn.

45 Asking and Answering Questions
Similar to discussions Barked-out answers can short-circuit others’ thinking. Not fair. WAIT to be called on. Be respectful.

46 Asking and Answering Questions
Life Lesson! Wait your turn. Give others a chance. No shouting, etc., for attention.

47 What you have to say or ask may be important.
We may need to hear it! Most times - don’t just bark out an answer.

48 Off-topic questions Stop class learning.
Can short-circuit other students’ concentration. Don’t ask! Stay on topic. If you think you’ll forget, write it down and ask later

49 If you don’t get something, ask.
No harm, no foul, no shame. Don’t be embarrassed. Be courageous. Others probably have same question.

50 Stay mentally in touch Have to be able to tell me the part or idea you don’t get. But if you don’t listen in the first place… You won’t understand what I’m teaching.

51 I WILL NOT stop everyone’s progress & reteach a lesson or huge parts of it to students who goof off, don’t listen, or show, through their actions, that they don’t care.

52 Student: “I don’t get it.”
Teacher: “What part don’t you get?” Student: “I don’t know. I just don’t get it.” Teacher: “Well, is it what we just talked about, or the idea just before?” Student: “I don’t know. I just don’t get it. You’re confusing me.”

53 Working in Groups Table-based groups. 3-4 people per group, usually.
I have final say over who goes where. May change as we go along. Don’t complain or whine. ALL MEMBERS WILL PARTICIPATE.

54 Working in Lab/Inquiry Groups The idea: thinking
Individually and in a group to identify needs, problems, and produce solutions To promote thinking: likely be a limit on questions per group


56 Organizing Papers Have TWO folders and a notebook just for this class.
Bring every day Label one ‘incoming/from teacher’ (for papers you get back) Label the other ‘outgoing/to teacher’ (for things you need to turn in)

57 Hang on to papers. Put in proper folders.
Turn papers in as directed, in proper place, w/name, date, block # If not turned in properly, you didn’t hand it in. Papers often lost in backpacks, locker

58 Assignments/HW (#1) Announced and/or written on the board.
Announced and/or written on the board. Also posted in PowerSchool, maybe in advance Website is for content and materials

59 Assignments/HW (#2) YOUR JOB to know details of classwork or assignment, and when it’s due. Ask me, use your notes and text, ask classmates

60 Key website:
Certain handouts, worksheets, links, etc., will be/are there No excuses about not having a paper. You can print most copies from the website

61 Grading 50% Assessments (unit tests, pop tests, etc.), AND
50% Instructional Task (anything that’s not a test).

62 Assignments are weighted according to content.
Harder, graded, etc. = heavier weight (count for more, like quizzes, labs) Completion grade = less weight

63 On Every Paper: Upper right of paper – Assignment name, Your name,
Block #, Date passed-in, collected. Assignment due-date is the date you see in PS

64 Assignments always due next class period, unless I say differently.
“You didn’t tell us!’ No excuse. It’s due next period at check time.

65 “Check Time” When assignments checked for completion
“Check Time” When assignments checked for completion. Happens soon after we start class Done = g_ _d Not done = n_t g_ _d.

66 At "check time" quietly take out papers for checking.
Half done? Completion grade = 50, etc. Graded = 50% max DO NOT TRY to do your work during check time!  Correction and/or collecting papers may follow checking.

67 Sometimes - completion grade.
Sometimes – number grade. Not very paper is collected or checked after a check time. Doesn’t matter! I will still expect you to have it, so Save in folder for another day. DO NOT throw away!

68 If we do What would be a fair grade? in-class work
collected at end of class student is present but goofed off, didn’t try work not done, nothing handed in What would be a fair grade?

69 Zero, for zero effort, will be given.
I will not give credit for work that has not been done. CANNOT make up not doing class work. CANNOT pass in late, for late grade. DO NOT frantically copy someone’s paper while papers being collected.

70 Present when assignment given, but work not done by check time?
Zero, reflecting 0 effort, may be given. Parents may be notified. CANNOT make up a completion grade. Either done or not. CANNOT pass it in late, for late grade.

71 Absent when assignment given so work not done at check time?

72 Have # of days absent to either hand in or show me the paper, assignment.
Clock starts the day you get back Grade of zero is entered until work is made up. No make up – zero stays Late papers, without being absent, do not receive full credit

73 Missed Quizzes, Tests Usually not made up during class. Your responsibility to see me to schedule it!! Your responsibility to see me after you’ve been out to find out what you missed!!

74 Retaking Failed Quiz or Test
Grades below a 70 on quizzes or tests can be retaken. Open book quizzes/tests cannot be made up. The two grades are averaged. Max of this average = 70 Have five days after papers returned or grades posted in PowerSchool to schedule retake. YOU must schedule it.

75 Lab/Inquiry Reports Specifics to be announced.
If lab has questions, each student passes in their own paper with their own answers to questions. Charts, graphs, etc may have a shared grade

Do your own work. Always. Do not copy other student’s work. That’s theft. Don’t copy answers, use a cheat-sheet, talk, or look at someone else’s paper while taking a quiz or test.

77 Don’t even look like you are doing that
It’s cheating. Cheating = lying Cheating = theft Cheating is dishonorable. Cheaters get a zero. Parents and principal notified.

78 Taking Notes Required to take notes and keep a notebook.
Notebooks/notes may be collected and graded, without notice. No notes = zero. Use the Cornell note-taking system. For your benefit: effective and easy to use. Cornell System materials, info also available at my website,

79 Taking Notes, 2 Separate notebook for this class. Only this subject
A green 3-ring binder, please.

80 Taking Notes, 3. If you miss a day, get the notes and bring yourself up to speed. Ask questions (of course) whenever needed.

81 Extra Credit “Extra credit” is rare.
Extra points are built into the grading system I use. If you keep up with your work, ask for help, probably won’t need extra credit

82 Most students ask at the end of quarter
After FINALLY checking PowerSchool And freaking out. DO YOUR JOB throughout the quarter.

83 Remember, I don’t “give you” a grade.
YOUR Grade is what you earn.

84 Getting Help *** There is nothing abnormal or weird about asking for help! I want you to understand the material, and am here to help! After-school tutoring is available. Monday and Wednesday, This is not a reteaching time for students who don’t pay attention during class. Bring questions ! 

EMERGENCY ONLY! GO BETWEEN CLASSES! No phone. Leave it in holder, or, if we are using them, in sight on top of desk Sign out & back in with proper time. GREEN HALLWAY ONLY! Take a left when leaving the room. Habitual use = temporary loss of privilege

86 Leave your phone on top of your desk, even if I don’t specifically ask for it.
No bathroom privileges within 10 minutes of class starting or ending. Raise three fingers. Wait to be called on. Sign out, take pass, sign back in, return pass

87 When the phone rings… If it looks like I haven’t heard it…
Raise your hand and get my attention. If one of you answer: Say this: "Dr. Packard's class. This is ______. How can I help?“ Ask them to repeat if you don't understand what they say.

88 If There's A Substitute Follow all regular procedures and rules.
If There's A Substitute Follow all regular procedures and rules. Be respectful. Sub will keep record of class behaviors.

89 If I have to step out of the room… Stay on task.
If I have to step out of the room… Stay on task. Behave the way you are supposed to.

90 Wrap-Up Remember: Procedures and Rules are to help YOU
Wrap-Up Remember: Procedures and Rules are to help YOU I have high expectations of you! Everything we cover this year - it's all do-able and learn-able. I believe each and every one of you has great potential to succeed. You can succeed in class - and have a great year - if you make the right choices and do the work you are responsible for. * You are starting this year with a clean slate!

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