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How to join a group and share your page with a group in Mahara.

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Presentation on theme: "How to join a group and share your page with a group in Mahara."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to join a group and share your page with a group in Mahara.
Please note: Your page must be ready for submission BEFORE you start this process.

2 STEP 1: Log into Moodle. Find the Mahara link on the bottom left side of the page. Click on the link, circled in red below.

3 STEP 2: This will bring you to the landing page shown below.

4 STEP 3: Click on the “Groups” tab. This will bring you to this page:

5 STEP 4: Click on the “Find Groups” tab.

6 STEP 5: Under results, locate “First Year Comp Assessment.”

7 STEP 6: You need to join the First Year Comp Assessment Group, so click on “Join this Group.”

8 STEP 7: If you have done everything correctly, you should arrive on a page that looks like this:

9 STEP 8: Pull up the page you created for your rhetorical analysis
STEP 8: Pull up the page you created for your rhetorical analysis. Then locate the submit bar near the bottom of the page. Choose “First Year Comp Assessment” in the drop down box and click submit.

10 STEP 9: On the next page, click yes to confirm submission
STEP 9: On the next page, click yes to confirm submission. Once you click “yes,” on this page, the submission is final and cannot be changed.

11 STEP 10: If the submission was successful, you will receive a message stating “Page submitted.”

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