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Looking for the following people:

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Presentation on theme: "Looking for the following people:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Looking for the following people:
Hussain Raja Rizvi Sun M. Bang Michael Pardue Those whose Quiz #1 was “redone” or not yet returned Brandon Aaron Z. Aldoosi Matt Andrews Antoine Guerrant Leslie Hand Kristopher Lawton Frank Onugha Harris Oshiokpekhai Md. Setayesh Anyone who did not attend 2 presentations and requested makeup CSE 1111 Week 11

2 Timetable CSE 1111 Week 11

3 Comments on Quizzes Read the question. Answer the question.
Think before you start writing. CSE 1111 Week 11

4 Comments on Group Presentations
It was important to read the requirements. Developing the team was critical. Thanks to those that worked on making it interesting CSE 1111 Week 11

5 Workshop #1 The families of two hospital patients who died as the result of a virus in a hospital computer are suing each of the people listed below and urging the DA to bring criminal charges for negligence against each of them: #1 A student in a course on computer security … #2 The student who activated the virus program … #3 The president of the college #4 The president of the Internet company … #5 The director of the hospital … CSE 1111 Week 11

6 #3 The president of the college.
The families of two hospital patients who died as the result of a virus in a hospital computer are suing each of the people listed below and urging the DA to bring criminal charges for negligence against each of them: #1 A student in a course on computer security at a small college who posted a copy of the virus program on a campus BBS with a discussion of how it works. #2 The student who activated the virus program and released it onto the Internet. #3 The president of the college. #4 The president of the Internet company who provides Internet access for the college. #5 The director of the hospital whose computer system was infected by the virus, causing patient medical records to be unavailable for a full day, which led to the deaths of the 2 patients. CSE 1111 Week 11

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