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Extended Project Qualification

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1 Extended Project Qualification
Level 3 Extended Project Qualification WJEC Entry Code: Teaching from 2015 INTRODUCTION

2 Level 3 Extended Project Qualification
Key features: Level 3 Extended Project Qualification Available to centres in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, British Oversees centres and British Forces Oversees centres Level 3, one-unit, stand-alone qualification Available for Summer series only

3 Internally assessed and externally moderated
Free online e-submission platform available to all centres Diversity is a key element of the EPQ philosophy

4 Helps learners develop a range of independent learning skills
Universities are including the EPQ in their UCAS offer Fewer learners pursuing a fourth A level Worth more than an AS; A* in EPQ carries 28 UCAS points compared to a minimum 20 points for AS grade ‘A’

5 EPQ allows learners to research topic of their choice
Offers flexible timetabling options for centres Contributes to the Level 3 Threshold and Performance points in England and Wales

6 Why choose WJEC for the EPQ
Face-to-face and online CPD training courses Free centre visits to new centres Continuous direct access to subject specialists Unlimited access to free educational resources

7 Continuous support offered on approving project proposals & titles
Wide range of exemplar materials on our secure website Access to Regional Support Officers

8 Online e-submission platform (SecureAssess)
Submit Extended Projects online Simple to use and developed to streamline the administration for both teachers and learners Significant savings for centres in terms of postage, print and stationery costs Candidate work is submitted online and securely stored on WJEC servers

9 Centres do not have to make up paper based portfolios and send samples in the post to External Moderators It meets candidates' expectations for the operation of qualifications in a digital age Guidance and continuous support on using the e-submission platform is available

10 Specification overview
Develop knowledge and understanding of a specific topic through research Develop as critical, independent, self-evaluative learners by improving and reviewing their own learning and performance Develop their communication and presentation skills

11 Demonstrate initiative, creativity and flexibility in responding to challenges and in applying new technologies, where appropriate Support their personal aspirations for higher education and employment EPQ can be developed from one or more programme of study or topic of personal interest

12 Can be in the form of a dissertation, field investigation, artefact, design or a performance
Requires 120 GLH, 45GLH recommended for Teaching & Learning Programme It has a taught element, a skill based individual piece of work and a supervisor for every learner

Choosing a project topic and writing a proposal outlining the aims and objectives, and a project plan of how the project outcome will be achieved Recording progress demonstrating what was learned from the taught element, how research has been conducted, decisions made, problems solved and how the whole process was reviewed and evaluated, including meetings with supervisors

14 Producing a project outcome providing evidence of the final piece of written work or product in an appropriate format Making a presentation to a non-specialist audience explaining the project outcome including a review of their own performance and learning through a question and answer session

15 Learners are required to complete the following sections:
Part A - Learner Records EPF1 - Proposal and Title EPF2 (A-E) - Extended Project Record EPF3 - Extended Project Outcome EPF Extended Project Presentation

16 Supervisors are required to complete the following sections:
Part B - Supervisor/Assessor Records EPF 5 - Extended Project Presentation Witness Statement EPF 6 - Extended Project Supervisor Final Assessment Mark Sheet & Centre Internal Standardisation Form

17 Teaching & Learning Programme
Sufficient amount of time should be allocated – recommended 45 GLH Sample Scheme of Work available in our Guidance for Teaching available on our public website

18 Assessment Assessment Objectives Weighting Mark Available AO1 Manage
20% 20 AO2 Use resources AO3 Develop and realise 40% 40 AO4 Review and communicate Total 100% 100

19 AO1 Manage Realising the identified project aims and objectives Quite simply, aims are the strategy; objectives are the tactics Aims are general statements describing what the learner hopes to achieve Objectives are specific statements that are about actions which explain the outcomes of the steps of how the learner is going to go about the project Objectives define the structure of the project

20 Project planning and design – which includes action planning, setting timescales, milestones and deadlines, identifying sub tasks and activities, setting targets, priorities and goals Project management – which includes checking, measuring, monitoring and assessing progress, adapting to change, managing risks, health and safety, using project management software (for example, Gantt and PERT charts, Critical Path Analysis and time management) Project accountability – which involves establishing appropriate success criteria and methods to measure success

21 AO2 Use Resources Source selection and application Source evaluation, evaluating credibility, for example, using BRAVENS analysis, evaluating source utility Data analysis and validity

22 Source referencing and avoiding plagiarism
Synthesising complex information and data Ethical considerations

23 AO3 Develop and Realise Problem solving Decision making Use of language and argument Use of new technologies, such as 3D printers, new software, online publishing, etc.

24 Submission and assessment
Skills Development Selecting an appropriate topic/question Understanding how to research effectively Developing effective planning and organisation Problem solving and decision making Critical source handling and evaluation Analysis, selection and synthesis Presentation and reflection skills Submission and assessment

25 Structured and fluent writing with a clear line of argument
Have a focus on critical analysis over description Have strong supporting evidence, correctly referenced Show evidence of the counter-argument They need to be well-structured and coherent paragraphs

26 Be a minimum of 5,000 words in length, although there is no penalty for going over this word count
Show evidence of drafting and proof reading but only the final draft is required for submission Be evidence based and show developed conclusion that fully addresses the identified aims & objectives Have an academic bibliography Learners need to have given attention to SPaG issues

27 Dissertation or artefact?
Both dissertation (written project outcome) and artefact (non-written project) outcome are equally valid Weak artefacts that are unlikely to meet the demands of a Level 3 qualification Best artefacts have clear aims and objectives and are rooted explicitly in research

28 Examples of good artefacts:
‘To produce a scale model of a trebuchet for under £100 that is capable of throwing a tennis ball over ten metres.’ ‘To manufacture a leather bomber jacket for under £100 using the school laser cutter.’ ‘To write and produce a short film on the Syrian refugee crisis aimed at learners of sixth form age.’

29 AO4 Review and Communicate
Presentation skills – learners need to structure their ideas effectively, ensuring audience engagement and avoiding ‘death-by-slide’, and deal with challenging questions Evaluate and reflect on what they have done

30 Key requirements for AO4 - Presentation
The learner’s supervisor has to be present as ultimately s/he has to assess the effectiveness of the presentation The learner has to answer a series of questions from the audience at the end of the presentation and these questions must not be previously shared with the learner

31 Other resources EPQ specification Student Guide Guidance for Teaching
EPQ specification Student Guide Guidance for Teaching Administration Handbook FAQs CPD events details Principal Moderator’s report

32 Other resources CPD materials Exemplars

33 Contact Details Glenda Kinsey Extended Project Qualification manager Tania Lucas Subject Support Officer For further details, please visit the Extended Project web page on the WJEC website

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