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Female Reproductive System

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1 AMA 174 - Anatomy & Physiology/Medical Terminology/Pathology 5 Female Reproductive Systems

2 Female Reproductive System
Function: to produce ova and provide a place for the growth of the embryo. Supplies important hormones that contribute to development of female sex characteristics such as breast development, body hair and structural changes in bones and fat

3 Anatomy of the Reproductive System
Ovaries: female reproductive organs, produce ova (eggs) Fallopian Tubes: carry the eggs to the uterus Uterus: hollow muscular organ that provides a place for gestation Cul-de-sac: area between the uterus and rectum Vagina: structure that leads from the uterus to the outside of the body, carries sperm to the uterus and fallopian tubes, used for sexual reproduction Bartholin Glands: secrete fluid to lubricate the vagina Clitoris: sensitive erectile tissue Perineum: area between the vagina and the anus


5 External Genitalia Labia Majora: outer lips of the vagina
Labia Minora: inner lips of the vagina Vulva: combination of labia majora and minora


7 Reproduction The ovum or egg, leaves the ovary, travels down the fallopian tube and enters the uterus. If fertilization occurs, the egg and sperm may combine (forms a ball of cells called the zygote) in the fallopian tube and implant in the uterus to form the embryo (2-6 weeks). The embryo then becomes a fetus (6-38 weeks). Gestation (pregnancy) takes about 40 weeks. The uterus builds up a lining each month to support fertilization. If fertilization does not occur, the ovum is shed with this built up inner lining of the uterus; this is called menstruation.


9 Accessory Organ Breast: the breasts are mammary glands that contain milk glands that respond to hormones secreted during fertilization. Breasts also respond to hormones that cause them to grow during puberty. The hormones that affect production of the ovum after puberty are the follicle-stimulating hormone and the luteinizing hormone. Human Chorionic Gonaditropin is the hormone that is produced when pregnancy occurs. When the woman reaches a certain age, menopause occurs. This is the gradual ending of the menstrual cycle. This is when estrogen levels fall.









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