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GIRLS INC. Strategic Plan

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1 GIRLS INC. Strategic Plan 2016-2020

V. IMPLICATIONS AND NEXT STEPS Pat welcomes everyone and facilitates introductions. Reviews the agenda. Let’s people know that there will be opportunities to ask questions and comment after the Bold Goal presentation and again after the Strategic Priorities. The SPC had 6 affiliate representatives out of its 15 members plus an alum. Joining us today is/are # execs from the planning committee:___________________. The other affiliate reps were… And of course this SP could not have happened without all the input from affiliate leaders over the past 7 months, most especially the tremendous work that was done at Annual Conference in St. Louis with TCC. Because you have received monthly updates from Judy, we won’t review more of the process right now, but that will all be detailed in the full plan which you will receive by the end of the month. Finally, this is the first of many conversations we plan to have! We are sharing a lot of information but there will be multiple opportunities for discussion over the next several months. So, let’s get started…

3 What is a Bold Goal and Why?
Inspiring, long-term vision, with measurable targets Opens an organization to creative, innovative thinking Unifying framework for decision-making by all Judy briefly reminds everyone of the decision to come up with a bold goal; the reasons behind defining a BHAG; and the fact that it is not meant to be achievable in 5 years! The Network’s achievements during the current Strategic Direction have positioned us well.

4 OUR Bold Goal Girls Inc. is the leading advocate in advancing rights and opportunities for all girls. Each year, we employ a proven, dynamic model to empower 250,000 girls from low-income communities to discover their strengths and thrive. Judy reads Bold Goal then asks Sonya to speak to the 4 main elements (next slide)

5 Elements of the Bold Goal
Advocacy for all girls Proven, dynamic model Girls from low-income communities Empower 250,000 girls annually ADVOCACY – ratchets up our commitment to inspire ALL girls; enhanced, exciting focus on advocacy & pubic policy leadership that will impact all girls. PROVEN MODEL – we are committed to having evidence that our program framework produces the outcomes we want GIRLS from LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES – given our intense approach & the resources necessary to deliver it, we will focus on the population that has not made significant gains over the past period of time: girls from under-resourced communities 250,000 girls – the number is meant to be INSPIRATIONAL! To move us toward that number we will partner with our existing affiliates to identify the capacities/infrastructure necessary to serve more girls impactfully – greater support & training, technology investments, etc. We will also, thoughtfully & strategically, determine how to enter new markets. Pause for comments, questions. We need to complete this portion of the agenda within 25 minutes. If it doesn’t come to a natural conclusion in that amount of time, we will need to say “Let’s move on to the strategic priorities. They were developed directly from the Bold Goal so they should address your questions.”

6 Programming Model and Evidence
Strategic Priority One: Girls Inc. program framework will effectively deliver desired outcomes for girls Objectives: Girls Inc. will codify and institutionalize its data-driven program framework. Girls Inc. will codify and institutionalize a dual-focused national measurement strategy, consisting of annual outcomes measurement and a formal evaluation by a third-party firm. Girls Inc. will communicate the impact of its program framework to internal and external audiences. ELIZABETH: Read SP#1 and describe the Objectives in your own words. This speaks to firming up our Program Framework – the one many, many affiliates provided input for, and are using or working towards; then providing training & technical assistance to affiliates to implement it. SP#1 also addresses our measurement strategy – annual Strong Smart and Bold Outcomes survey of girls plus a formal evaluation. Again, we will work together to train affiliates in collecting data, analyzing it and using it to tell the Girls Inc. Story. We will be asking affiliates to adopt the program framework and the measurement strategy. And then to use outcomes data to communicate your impact. We plan to phase this in over the first four years of the SP.

7 Business Model and Standards
Strategic Priority Two: Girls Inc. will have strong affiliates that are able to consistently deliver a high-quality Girls Inc. Experience. Objectives: Girls Inc. will understand and articulate the organizational capacities needed to support sustainability, fuel growth, and consistently deliver a high-quality Girls Inc. Experience. Girls Inc. will provide the training and support needed to consistently deliver a high-quality Girls Inc. Experience. Girls Inc. will have clear performance standards and a strong performance management system. ROBIN - Read SP#2 and describe the objectives in your own words. This priority addresses the need for us to delineate the business model necessary to deliver the program framework: what are infrastructure requirements (technology, staffing, systems), best practices and the funding model? Similar to SP#1, with you (the affiliates), we will identify the capacities needed and provide training and support. In this case, we are talking about developing a capacity-building toolkit to help with this. With you, we will also develop a performance management system, with revised Quality Assurance standards as a roadmap to help affiliates be successful.

8 Growth in Existing Markets and New Markets
Strategic Priority Three: Girls Inc. will grow the number of girls from low-income communities served with the Girls Inc. program framework Objectives: Existing Affiliates will implement growth plans to increase service delivery to girls from low-income communities. Girls Inc. will develop and begin implementing a managed growth plan to strategically expand to create new affiliates serving girls from low-income communities in new markets. ROBIN - Read SP#3 and describe objectives in your own words. The largest piece of this Priority is to help existing affiliates serve more girls with the comprehensive Girls Inc. Experience. Key to this will be codifying the program framework and business model. Most importantly, providing the funding model and training on that will be necessary for you to grow. We must provide support to research your markets, identify girls from under-resourced areas and meet their needs. The second part of this SP is new markets. Markets will be vetted to determine which ones have the need and resources, but ALSO reviewed against which markets can bring the most value to the overall network. For example, we hear continually from you for the need for greater visibility and we hear from corporate partners that we must be in their major markets in order for them to invest in us. We will continue to build up LA; investigate Chicago; and, identify 4-5 additional markets with a plan to begin serving girls by the end of this plan in 2 markets.

9 Advocacy Leadership Strategic Priority Four: Girls Inc. will expand its impact by becoming a leading advocate for advancing the rights and opportunities for all girls Objectives: Girls Inc. will strategically identify the key issues to pursue. Girls Inc. will elevate its presence in conversations and initiatives affecting the selected issues. Girls Inc. will build the capacity of affiliates and girls to influence policy and advocacy at the local, state, and national levels. ELIZABETH - Read SP#4 and describe objectives. While certainly not new to our network, public policy and advocacy leadership will be significantly elevated through this Strategic Plan to address our desire to impact ALL girls. Issues will be identified by the network, significantly informed by your experiences and the voices of your girls, and then an influence agenda will be developed, again collaboratively. Having annual conference will enable us to build this work together over the next few years, and also build the skills necessary for each of us – and our girls – to confidently speak to the strengths, needs & rights of girls.

10 Building the Support Strategic Priority Five: Girls Inc. will have the necessary resources, systems, and supports to be a data-driven and performance-oriented network and external influencer Objectives: Girls Inc. will support a culture of performance management across the network. Girls Inc. will ensure affiliate board and executive leaders have the support necessary to execute on the strategic priorities of the organization. Girls Inc. will have the appropriate internal communication and infrastructure in place to ensure inclusivity, engagement, and buy-in as the strategic priorities are implemented across the network. JUDY – Read SP#5 and address the six objectives. Stress that while this is about building National’s capacity, it is to serve the network. BOTH National & affiliates will see performance management as a means to better serve girls; we must enhance our support of affiliate leaders; we will improve our communication across the network; we know that both national and affiliates must pay attention to having the best talent (next slide); we will continue to increase our visibility – in collaboration with you (our affiliates); and we will raise the resources necessary to carry out this plan!

11 Building the Support (Cont’d)
Strategic Priority Five: Girls Inc. will have the necessary resources, systems, and supports to be a data-driven and performance-oriented network and external influencer Objectives: Girls Inc. will have the necessary human resources to execute on the strategic priorities. Girls Inc. will have increased brand visibility and stature, nationally and locally, with a commitment to program impact, performance management, and advocacy leadership. Girls Inc. will assure funding and other resources to support each of the strategic priorities.

12 PAT – facilitate discussion
PAT – facilitate discussion. All speakers (plus RDs) should assist in answering questions. Will need to end this with at least 5 minutes left for Next Steps. DISCUSSION

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