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South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) September 2014

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2 South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) September 2014
Under Suspicion, Under Attack: Xenophobic Political Rhetoric and Hate Violence in South Asian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Middle Eastern and Arab Communities in the United States South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) September 2014

3 Under Suspicion, Under Attack
South Asian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Middle Eastern and Arab communities in the United States face an increasingly hostile climate: seen as un-American, unwelcome, disloyal Surge in xenophobic political speech and hate violence targeting our communities. 90% of documented xenophobic statements were motivated by anti-Muslim sentiment Many better practices developed by individuals, communities and NGOs to respond to these incidents

4 Report Goals Provide an updated analysis to SAALT’s 2010 report, From Macacas to Turban Toppers Given lack of FBI data on hate crimes affecting our communities, original research is critical Examine continued impact of post 9/11 climate on our communities from 2011 to April 2014 Highlight better practices in messaging, policy advocacy and community mobilization to respond to hate violence & xenophobic rhetoric, offer recommendations to the President and Congress

5 A Troubling Climate Climate facing South Asian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Middle Eastern and Arab communities in this country is increasingly hostile: 50% of Americans reported discomfort with Muslims in 2012, while 59% of Americans viewed Muslims favorably in 2001. Our communities increasingly affected by law enforcement profiling and surveillance, growth of Islamophobia ‘industry’, xenophobic political speech and hate violence

6 A Troubling Climate

7 Hate Violence

8 Attacks on individuals, religious institutions, community spaces
Hate Violence SAALT documented 78 instances of hate violence against our communities. Many incidents go unreported. Attacks on individuals, religious institutions, community spaces Hate violence against our communities surged after 9/11; this growth has continued with little variation. Overwhelming share of incidents—84%— motivated by anti-Muslim sentiment.

9 Hate Violence Targeting individuals: Outside a Costco, a man called a woman wearing a hijab a “terrorist” before telling her to “go to hell”. Shortly thereafter, the same man tried to run the woman over in the parking lot and almost hit her. (March 2014, Stockton, CA) Targeting religious institutions: Six Sikh worshipers were killed and four injured at their local gurdwara when a gunman went on a shooting rampage, later killing himself. (August 2012, Oak Creek, WI) Targeting the fabric of communities: Molotov cocktails were thrown at an Islamic Center, a bodega, and two houses – one of which is used as a Hindu place of worship. Approximately 80 worshippers were in the Islamic Center during the attack. (January 2012, Queens, NY)

10 Xenophobic Political Speech
SAALT documented 78 examples of hate speech by political figures and saw a 40% increase in these comments since 2010 Many political comments related to President Obama’s reelection, Rep. Peter King’s radicalization hearings, immigration reform debate

11 Xenophobic Political Speech
More likely to be heard on a national platform

12 Xenophobic Political Speech
Overwhelmingly motivated by anti-Muslim sentiment

13 Xenophobic Political Speech
“If we as Americans were ruled by Islam, then Christians and Jews like you and I could only keep practicing our faith if we paid a protection tax. But if you’re Christian or Jewish and don’t immediately convert to Islam, they imminently [sic] decapitate you. This is proven by ongoing observation around the world today.” -Oklahoma State GOP Chair Dave Weston, September 2014

14 Xenophobic Political Speech
“…the fact is even though Muslims are 1 percent of the population, almost 90 percent of the terrorist crimes are carried out by the Muslim community. And there are not enough people in the community willing to step forward and speak out against this and cooperate with law enforcement…it’s so important the NYPD focus on [the Muslim community].” -Congressman Peter King (R-NY), June 2012

15 Xenophobic Political Speech
“If you just objectively look at every action that Barack Obama has taken as president of the United States, the fruit of his actions have lifted up the aims and goals of the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic jihad, and his actions have taken down Israel.” -Congressman Michele Bachmann (R-MN), September 2013

16 Spotlight on Surveillance
Given our communities are often treated as a presumed threat to national security, new accounts of widespread surveillance aimed at South Asian, Muslim, and Arab residents are no longer surprising. Coupled with advances in surveillance technologies, this dynamic creates a perfect storm for government agencies and entities to target our communities without suspicion or accountability.

17 Better Practices Messaging – framing search for suspects after the Boston Marathon bombings Policy Advocacy – advancing changes aimed at preventing future incidents of hate violence after Oak Creek tragedy Community Mobilization – organizing for changes to NYPD’s suspicionless surveillance of Muslim communities


19 Thank You Report available at
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