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Restorative Approaches provide the foundation to build, maintain and repair relationships positively with families, communities, staff and partners.

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Presentation on theme: "Restorative Approaches provide the foundation to build, maintain and repair relationships positively with families, communities, staff and partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Momentum Voluntary Sector Forum Brigitte Hyde Restorative Approaches Coordinator

2 Restorative Approaches provide the foundation to build, maintain and repair relationships positively with families, communities, staff and partners by working with people, as opposed to doing things ‘to’ or ‘for’ them

3 Restorative Approaches
RELATIONSHIPS Restorative Justice

4 So what’s different? Traditional Restorative
What happened? (who did what) Who is to blame? How can we punish those at fault, so they will not do the same thing again? Restorative What happened? (from each person’s perspective) Who has been affected or harmed, and what do they need to move on? How can everyone affected be involved in repairing the harm and finding a way forward?

5 Where do we use it?

6 Complaints: Noise Bad language Speeding Litter/broken glass in play area and field Damage to property (e.g., bins, shelter) Intimidated by large groups Resolutions proposed: Need for mutual respect, consideration and tolerance Trying to reduce speed and noise from mopeds More community circles Having a respect and tolerance zone Adults offering to help young people fundraise for activities in Brundall

7 RA in schools Monmouth Comprehensive School, Wales 2014
Exclusions down by 93% Attendance at highest ever level – over 94% Focus on needs of the students and staff which affected A level and GCES results – they were the best ever in Behaviour control mechanisms no longer used and instead young people are encouraged to develop internal self-regulation Referrals to YOT are down 78% and anti-social behaviour in the town is down by 48% Staff absenteeism due to stress is down by over 60% (saving of over £60,000)

8 It pays to obsess: Reducing the number of looked after children
Number of children looked after 1500 1400 1300 1200 March 11 March 15 March 13 March 12 March 14 250 fewer children in care (£16m saved)

9 RA in residential homes Norfolk Residential Services Project Report, 2010-2012
19% reduction in the number of Police call-outs to NCC Children’s Services residential homes since the introduction of RA 20% increase in the amount of calls that have resulted in a crime being recorded, which indicates that when calls are being made, they are more appropriate

10 RA in HR Surrey County Council, 2017
Improved performance Motivation is on the up and formal grievances are down On average 15% of casework is resolved through HR restorative practice

11 Benefits of working restoratively
Improved relationships Improves communication skills and develops emotional literacy in children and young people Empowers young people to make their own decisions Encourages accountability Equips staff to manage difficult situations Reduction in school exclusions Reduces bullying Reduction in police call-outs to children’s residential homes Reduced offending Builds communities

12 The vison for the Norfolk Restorative Approaches Strategic Board is to secure a county-wide approach within which all partners coordinate, prioritise and maximize their collective efforts to enable people of Norfolk to use non-blaming ways to resolve conflicts and repair harm through the use of restorative approaches to build and maintain effective relationships, prevent potential conflict and create restorative communities. Can you help us?

13 Any questions?

14 Norfolk Children’s Services - Restorative Approaches Team
Patrycja Salbut-Jezior – RA Manager Brigitte Hyde – RA Coordinator Telephone: /6

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