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War of 1812 Review Power Point

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1 War of 1812 Review Power Point

2 This review power point will help you prepare for the War of 1812 Unit Exam. It reviews all the people you need to know. You also need to study your notes, take the Moodle quiz several times and come to at least one review class.

3 Who Am I? Battle of Plattsburgh

4 John Murray I am a British officer.
I led a raid into the Champlain Valley in the summer of 1813 and burned many buildings in Plattsburgh.

5 Thomas Macdouough I was commander of the American navy during the Battle of Plattsburgh. My ship was the Saratoga and I am called the “Hero of Lake Champlain”. There is a street in Plattsburgh named after me.

6 Martin Aikin A group of boys from the Plattsburgh Academy fought during the battle. I was their leader.

7 George Izard I was commander of the American army before the Battle of Plattsburgh. I was ordered to take most of the men to Sackets Harbor. Even though we knew the British were going to attack Plattsburgh, I had to follow orders.

8 Sir George Prevost I was the leader of the British army at the Battle of Plattsburgh. After we lost the naval battle I ordered a retreat. I was blamed for the defeat.

9 Noah and Adam Brown We built the Saratoga and several of the other ships used to defeat the British at the Battle of Plattsburgh

10 George Downie I am a British officer.
I was commander of the British navy but was killed early in the Battle of Plattsburgh. My ship was the Confiance.

11 Alexander Macomb I was the commander of the American army at the Battle of Plattsburgh. There is a street in Plattsburgh named after me.

12 Benjamin Mooers I was commander of the Clinton County militia during the Battle of Plattsburgh.

13 Robert Henley I was an American officer.
During the naval part of the battle, I commanded the Eagle.

14 Peter Sailley I was a local Plattsburgh businessman.
I served as a supply agent for American troops in Plattsburgh. There is an avenue named after me.

15 Zebulon Pike During the winter of 1812 – 1813 I built a cantonment in Plattsburgh I was killed at York in the summer of 1813.

16 Stephen Cassin I was an American officer.
During the naval part of the battle, I commanded the Ticonderoga.

17 American Political and Military Leaders
Who Am I? American Political and Military Leaders

18 William Bainbridge I was commander of the USS Constitution when we defeated HMS Java in 1812.

19 Winfield Scott I was an American army officer.
I was wounded and captured at Queenston in 1812. I led the army to victory at Chippewa in 1814.

20 William Henry Harrison
I defeated The Prophet at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. I also won the Battle of the Thames in 1813. Later I was elected President of the United States.

21 John Quincy Adams Henry Clay and I were the two American negotiators at the Treaty of Ghent in December of 1814. Later I was elected President of the United States.

22 Francis Scott Key I watched the bombardment of Ft. McHenry from an American ship held by the British. I was inspired to write the poem that became the Star Spangled Banner.

23 Isaac Hull I was commander of the USS Constitution when we defeated HMS Guerriere in 1812.

24 Oliver Hazard Perry In 1813 I won the Battle of Lake Erie.
In my report I said “We have met the enemy and they are ours”.

25 Dolley Madison This First Lady saved the portrait of George Washington when the British attacked and burned Washington in 1814.

26 James Monroe I was the Secretary of State at the beginning of the War of 1812. I assumed the job of Secretary of War after the attack on Washington. Later I was elected President of the United States.

27 Andrew Jackson In 1814 my soldiers defeated the Creeks at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. In January of 1815 we won the Battle of New Orleans. Later I was elected President of the United States.

28 Isaac Chauncey I was the American naval commander on Lake Ontario during the War of 1812.

29 George Armistead I commanded the American forces at Ft. McHenry in September of 1814. We did not surrender despite the heavy British bombardment.

30 Stephen Decatur I was commander of the USS United States when we defeated HMS Macedonian in 1812.

31 James Madison I was the President of the United States during the War of 1812.

32 Henry Clay I was a War Hawk from Kentucky.
I also served as one of the American negotiators at the Treaty of Ghent in December of 1812.

33 Jacob Brown In 1813 I stopped a British attack on Sackets Harbor.
In 1814 I was commander of the American forces on the Niagara Frontier.

34 British Military Leaders
Who Am I? British Military Leaders

35 Tecumseh I was the Native American leader who helped defeat William Hull at Detroit in 1812. I was killed at the Battle of the Thames in 1813.

36 Robert Ross I led the British forces to victory at the Battle of Bladensburg and the burning of Washington. I was killed in the attack on Baltimore.

37 Isaac Brock I was the British officer who defeated William Hull at Ft. Detroit in 1812. I was killed at the Battle of Queenston later that year.

38 Alexander Cochran I was a British Vice Admiral.
I ordered hit and run raids in the Chesapeake Bay area in the summer of 1813. I commanded the attacks on Washington and Baltimore in 1814.

39 James Yeo I was the commander – in – chief of the naval forces in Canada during the War of 1812. I built the British fleet on Lake Ontario.

40 George Cockburn I was a British Rear Admiral.
I conducted raids in the Chesapeake Bay area in both 1813 and 1814. I was involved in the burning of Washington. I helped eat the dinner prepared for the President before my troops burned the White House.

41 Sir Edward Pakenham I was a British officer.
Andrew Jackson beat me at the Battle of New Orleans in January of 1815.

42 Good Luck!

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