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LEDCs output consumed by the family

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1 LEDCs output consumed by the family
Physical Inputs Climate – Amount of rain temperature Growing season Relief – Soils and drainage Possible Changes to the system These are usually beyond the farmers control Physical Changes Floods Drought Diseases Pests Human Changes Demand for the out put Market price Government policy e.g. change in subsidy improved technology Process Running the Farm, the jobs Needed to grow The crops or rear the Animals e.g. ploughing, Planting, weeding, Harvesting, Milking. Outputs The products are produced by the Farm; crops e.g. wheat, oats, rice, Animal products e.g. milk, wool, eggs, Animals e.g. beef, lamb, pigs, chicken The farmer – The decision maker. Human and economic inputs Labour, rent, transport costs, Machinery, fertiliser & pesticide, Government control, seeds of Livestock, farm buildings, energy, Market demand. MEDCs usually a profit for reinvestment

2 Farm Systems: Case study of Lynford House Farm

3 Location – Cambridgeshire
Lynford House Farm Location – Cambridgeshire

4 Task Produce a system diagram of your own based on Lynford House Farm
Go to ‘Farming and countryside education’ homepage Click on Farm profiles, UK Farms and Lynford House Farm. Complete all boxes on the A3 handout in neat. Think about the decisions that the farmer has had to make about this farm. The information you gather will be used to compare farming in MEDCs and LEDCs. Learning Objective: To understand how a systems diagram fits into a real life example. Virtual fieldwork.

5 Term you may not have come across:
Mineral and Organic Fen Soil – Scientific. Typical near water. A fen denotes an area in which the soil is organic (peaty) and alkaline rather than acid. Vining Peas – Grown to be frozen. CAP Reform – Common agricultural policy that encourages farmers to do more with their land for the environment. Arable Aerial Aid – Update of CAP. Offers payments to farmer who grow cereals. DEFRA – Department for Environmental Food and Rural Affairs. Hundred Foot Wash – flooded area. Freezes and Is skated on during winter.


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