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The “TOP” “SCOPE”: Follow-up surveys toward Planck Galactic cold clumps with ground-based radio telescopes Tie Liu (KASI fellow) Korea Astronomy and Space.

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Presentation on theme: "The “TOP” “SCOPE”: Follow-up surveys toward Planck Galactic cold clumps with ground-based radio telescopes Tie Liu (KASI fellow) Korea Astronomy and Space."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “TOP” “SCOPE”: Follow-up surveys toward Planck Galactic cold clumps with ground-based radio telescopes Tie Liu (KASI fellow) Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute On behalf of the TOP-SCOPE team 11/11/2018 Tie Liu---IAU---Hawaii

2 11/11/2018

3 We welcome new collaborators!
The team Tie Liu (KASI, KR) We welcome new collaborators! 11/11/2018

4 53 New members since open enrollment

5 Face-to-face workshop on Dec
Face-to-face workshop on Dec at Peking University 1. SOC:  Tie Liu; Mark Thompson; Sheng-Yuan Liu; Gary Fuller; Ken Tatematsu; Yuefang Wu; Di Li; James di Francesco; Kee-Tae Kim; Ke Wang; Isabelle Ristorcelli; Mika Juvela 2. LOC:  Zhiyuan Ren; Jinghua Yuan; Jinlong Xu; Jie Yao; Chao Zhang; Shuxian Li; Huawei Zhang; Yuefang Wu Tie Liu 3. Accommodations:  Please reserve your rooms at "Zhong Guan Xin Yuan Global Village PKU" hotel as soon as possible (before Oct. 15): 11/11/2018

6 11/11/2018

7 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Joint surveys and follow-up observations
3. Preliminary results 4. Summary 11/11/2018

8 1. Introduction 11/11/2018

9 What are Planck galactic cold clumps?
Planck is a third generation space based cosmic microwave background experiment, operating at nine frequencies between 30 and 857 GHz Planck Catalogue of Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCC), clumps The early cold core (ECC) sample: 915 sample Td<14 K, SNR>15 11/11/2018

10 Summary from Planck collaborators et al. (2015)
“We believe that the PGCC catalogue, covering the whole sky, hence probing wildly different environments, represents a real goldmine for investigations of the early phases of star formation. These include, but are not limited to: i) studies of the evolution from molecular clouds to cores and the influence of the local conditions; ii) analysis of the extreme cold sources, such as the most massive clumps or those located at relatively high latitude; iii) characterization of the dust emission law in dense regions and the role of the environment.” 11/11/2018

11 Science topics 1. how dense cores form and how star formation varies as a function of environment 2. the universality of filaments in the cold ISM and their roles in generating dense cores 3. the existence of a density threshold for dense core formation 4. how dust properties change in different environments and, how dust properties affect the chemical evolution of dense cores 5. a comparison between some of the isolated Planck/JCMT cores and the clustered cores they have already found in the JCMT Gould Belt Survey. 6. Bright extragalactic sources 7. Core-YSO association 8. Magnetic Fields in ISM 9. HI-H2 Transition and cloud evolution 10. Collapsing and Oscillatory starless cores 11. Gas-grain chemistry, Dust grain properties and density profiles 12. Study of the cores with lower masses (e.g. brown dwarfs) 13. Search for the first hydrostatic core candidates 14. Core formation in Lamda Orion complex 15. Distance estimates 16. triggered star formation (HII regions, cloud-cloud collision) 17. ….. 11/11/2018

12 2. Joint surveys and follow-up observations

13 Galactic distribution of targets
All-sky distribution of the PGCC sources (black dots) and the 2000 selected PGCC sources (open dots) overlaid on the 857 GHz Planck map (credit: M. Juvela). 11/11/2018

14 Summary of joint surveys
1. PMO/TRAO 13.7-m telescope survey in the J=1-0 transitions of CO isotopologues TRAO Observations of Planck cold clumps (TOP): 400hrs/yr for 3 years Goals: large scale structure & kinematics 2. SMT 10-m telescope survey in the J=2-1 transitions of CO isotoplogues (PI: Ke Wang, 600 hrs/3yrs). Goals: CO excitation, column density and depletion, kinematics 3. SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution (300 hrs for first phase) Goals: dense cores and filaments 4. KVN 21-m telescope survey in dense gas tracers (e.g. HCN, HCO+, N2H+) (PI: Kee-Tae Kim, pilot survey done, 2016B proposal accepted; large proposal to be submitted soon) Goals: chemistry & kinematics of dense cores 5. NH3 follow-up survey with Effelsberg 100-m and TianMa 65-m (PI: Yuefang Wu, ~30 hrs at 100-m. Proposal to TianMa 65-m to be submitted by the end of this year) Goals: kinetic temperature & turbulence 6. HI survey with Arecibo 300-m and future FAST 500-m telescopes (PI : Di Li) Goals: HI abundance and chemical evolution of molecular clouds 7. Follow-up observations with NRO 45-m (PI: Ken Tatematsu, ~150 hrs in 2015B; 2016B proposal accepted) Goals: Chemistry 8. Follow-up observations with the SMA (four standard proposals submitted or accepted) Goals: Fragmentation and small scale structures/kinematics 9. Proposals to IRAM 30-m and SOFIA submitted 11/11/2018

15 TOP: TRAO Observations of Planck cold clumps
Targets: 2000 PGCCs Tracers: 12CO (1-0) and 13CO (1-0) Telescope: 13.7 m TRAO telescope (same as FCRAO, PMO) Receiver: SEQUOIA is a cryogenic focal plane array designed for the GHz range. 32 pixels are arranged in a dual-polarized 4x4 array. The noise temperature ranges from 50-80K over most of the band. Tsys: ~250 K for 13CO (1-0) , ~500 K for 12CO (1-0) Single pointing Obs: 3 minutes (on+off+cal) per source Rms: < km/s for 13CO (1-0), <0.3 km/s for 12CO Otf Mapping Obs: ~42 minutes per source for a 15arcmin*15arcmin map Rms: ~ km/s for 13CO (1-0), <0.5 km/s for 12CO 11/11/2018

16 Status of “TOP” Until end of May, ~150 fields have been mapped in 12CO/13CO (1-0). The mapping sizes range from 6arcmin*6arcmin to 30arcmin*30arcmin. Nearly all the Herschel fields observed at JCMT in 2016A have been mapped by “TOP”. Below, I show an example of 13CO (1-0) map of a high-latitude cloud G Interestingly, the dense regions show very different velocities from the surroundings. 11/11/2018

17 With a diameter of 15m the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) operated by EAO is the largest astronomical telescope in the world designed specifically to operate in the submillimeter wavelength region of the spectrum.  SCUBA-2 (Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2) is a 10,000 pixel bolometer camera operating simultaneously at 450 and 850 micron. The camera has in total eight TES arrays, four at each wavelength band. With each array having 32×40 = 1280 bolometers there are in total 5120 bolometers per wavelength.  11/11/2018

18 constant velocity (CV) Daisy mode
15 minutes per source 6 mJy/beam within central 3 arcmin 10-30 mJy/beam in the map out to 12 arcmin TRACK pattern Exposure time map 11/11/2018

19 Why 850 micron? 1. Could be done under normal/bad weather conditions (grade 3 &4) 2. The SCUBA micron data are essential for constraining SED fits and determining dust emissivity (beta) (beta map; Hersche+850 micron) (beta map; Hershel only) Perseus B1 clump: Sadavoy et al. 2013 11/11/2018

20 and high angular resolution mm/submm continuum survey.
When compared with previous continuum surveys, “SCOPE” is the first “all-sky” high sensitivity and high angular resolution mm/submm continuum survey. 11/11/2018

21 Status of “SCOPE” 150 observed in pilot phase, 686 (65%) observed in “SCOPE” PMO selected sources: 37/60 Herschel selected sources: 68/78 Lamda Orion region: 11/49 HINSA: 12/31 180 PGCCs in Galactic, ~100 observed, very high detection rate (>80%) ~530 PGCCs unbiased selected in Dec. -30 to 35 deg. ~20 papers in preparation 11/11/2018

22 3. Preliminary results 11/11/2018

23 SCUBA-2 Dense core detection rate

24 HINSA detections with Arecibo 300-m (Di Li)

25 HINSA sources in “SCOPE”

26 High-Latitude clouds (|b|>30 deg.)
Dense gas clumps revealed in PMO/TRAO survey. But most of them have no SCUBA-2 detections. Density too low to form cores? 11/11/2018

27 Cold filaments We detected several tens of very cold (T~10 K) and quiescent (starless) filaments 11/11/2018 (Henshaw et al. 2016)

28 PGCCs in Orion Lamda Orionis Orion A+B (Hee-weon Yi, in preparation)
(Blue: Halpha, Green, IRAS 100 micron, red/contours: Planck 353GHz Black stars: PGCCs without SCUBA-2 detections White stars: PGCCs with SCUBA-2 detections) 11/11/2018 (Hee-weon Yi, in preparation)

29 SCUBA-2 cores in Orion Planck SCUBA-2 SCUBA-2
Protostellar core fraction: Lamda Orionis (9/15), Orion A (30/73) , Orion B (9/28) Lamda Orionis cores have higher temperature, lower beta, lower mass and lower column density than Orion A+B cores. 11/11/2018

30 brown-dwarf and very low-mass star formation (Liu+2016)
850 micron 1.3 mm MIPS 70 micron Green Contours:70 micron Blue contours: 1.3 mm Color: 24 micron Extremely young Class 0: G192N: M=0.43 Msun (JCMT); M=0.38 Msun (SMA); Lint=~0.2 Lsun Proto-brown dwarf: G192S: M=0.23 Msun (JCMT); M=0.02 Msun (SMA); Lint=~0.08 Lsun 11/11/2018

31 1.3 mm continuum in color image and black contours; CO outflows in red and blue contours

32 Chemistry or accretion gas flows as in VLA 1623A (Lai+)?
Color: WISE 22 micron Contours: 850 micron Gray image: 850 micron Red contours: HC3N Black contours: N2H+ (Tatematsu et al. 2016) Chemistry or accretion gas flows as in VLA 1623A (Lai+)? Need higher resolution obs! 11/11/2018

33 CCS-N2H+ configuration for prestellar core
SCUBA2 contours on WISE 22 micron image Gray image: 850 micron continuum Black contours: N2H+ (1-0) Blue contours: CCS, CCS is depleted toward the core Red contours: HC3N (Tatematsu, K. in preparing) 11/11/2018

34 Summary  The Planck telescope has provided us with an unprecedented sample of “all-sky” pre-stellar object candidates. Planck cold clumps correspond to the coldest portion of the ISM where stars form, and can be used to characterize the earliest stages of star formation. In order to make significant progress in understanding the early evolution of molecular clouds and dense cores in a wide range of Galactic environments, we are carrying out unbiased “all-sky” surveys of Planck cold clumps in J=1-0 of CO/13CO lines with TRAO 14-m telescope and 850 µm continuum with the JCMT/SCUBA-2. We are also actively developing follow-up surveys/observations (SMT, KVN, FAST, NRO 45-m, SMA) for these legacy surveys, which will allow us to deepen the investigation of the dense core or star formation in widely different environments at their earliest evolutionary phases. Our survey will also provide a unique legacy database for such studies with other instruments, especially with ALMA. Our observations have proved that Planck cold clumps are really interesting for studies of initial conditions of star formation at their earliest evolutionary stages in various environments. Our survey data could be used for various science topics related to star formation and cloud evolution. 11/11/2018

35 Thanks! 11/11/2018

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