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My Learning Journey Through LCP: Midpoint Report

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1 My Learning Journey Through LCP: Midpoint Report
Denise Parrott Thank you for the opportunity to showcase my LCP learning, it has been a highlight of my professional career. In the next few minutes I’ll show some of my learning and discuss how I’m applying it. I’ll present my four learning goals and for each I’ll highlight my related artifacts and my formal learning. My LCP framework is built on exploring workplace literacy and how I can support this in my role as the person who oversees NSCC library collections. My Learning Journey Through LCP: Midpoint Report

2 1. Learn how to refocus, enhance and share my reflective and creative learning Artifacts: WordPress Website Blog posting summaries of meetings with creative mentor Blog postings of course certificates and summaries of learning Bibliographies and summaries of learning through research Creative reflection and time management practices Creativity courses documentation and reflections French and ASL courses documentation and reflections I wanted to learn to be a creative learner again, something I felt I’d lost after CCEDP. My biggest artifact is my website, which I’ll demo at the end. I have published 56 artifacts so far. My creativity mentor, Kathleen Naylor, has kept me on track. I have taken a couple of courses on creativity, but I have also been a learner myself, and as I have been studying the principles of adult learning, I have been able to observe myself through this lens. Courses: Ignite your Everyday Creativity (State University of NY - Coursera) Creativity (one of the 4 Cs of 21st Century Learning – P 21) French, Beginner 2,3,4 & Conversation (Université Sainte-Anne) American Sign Language I (NSCC)

3 Goal 1: Personal and Professional Impact
Personal creative portfolio learning re-established Improved time-management practices LCP advocacy and portfolio learning coaching Identifying opportunities to share learning Got back to portfolio learning, think every morning of what I will learn and the end of every day what I’ve learned and how I will apply it. Using Steven Covey’s time management model. Encourage people to participate in LCP Found formal ways to share my learning.

4 2. Learn about NSCC students and their information literacy needs
Courses and Workshops: Learning how to Learn (University of California, San Diego - Coursera) A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment (Indian School of Business - Coursera) Foundations of Teaching for Learning (Commonwealth Education Trust - Coursera) and subsequent research on andragogy CCEP3017 – The Student Services Professional (NSCC) AACUSS 2016 Conference How to Teach Us (High Tech High Graduate School of Education - Coursera) Sit Less, Get Active (University of Edinburgh - Coursera) Artifacts: Student Services course documentation, research and reflection Presentations at AACUSS and NSCC Librarians’ meeting Documentation and reflections on learning-related courses Data on NSCC students from IR I oversee the development of library collections at NSCC and these collections support campus library staff in helping students develop information literacy skills, so I wanted to learn about these students. Student services course allowed me to study and research the context and history and think about where Library Services fits within it. Life of Happiness and Fulfillment and Sit Less, Get Active, are tied into adult learning. Mentor Darlene Burton models wellness in her classes.

5 Goal 2: Personal and Professional Impact
Understanding and application of adult learning “andragogy” principles in developing training and work plans for students and staff Understanding and application of generational considerations in working with students Understanding of the evolution of student services and context of the new NSCC Students Services model Exploration of how NSCC Library Services might align with Student Services to support students in developing workplace information literacy skills Have been able to observe how andragogy applies to me and students in my classes. Used the principles in working with 6 LIT students to develop their training. 72% of our students are Gen Z, researched them as a cohort and identified information literacy practices that work with them. See how Library Services fits into Student services and how we can work with them to support workplace literacy. Have observed that workplace literacy skills at NSCC are addressed in an ad-hoc manner, with some being handled by Library Services, some by Student Services, some by Communications and other faculty. Douglas College has taken a coordinated approach and provides an Essential Skills Training Program, which addressed the 9 Govt of Canada essential skills that employers report our students being deficient in.

6 3. Learn workplace information literacy strategies for skilled trades students
Courses and Workshops Metaliteracy: Empowering Yourself in a Connected World (State University of New York - Coursera) Building an Infrastructure for Inquiry-Based Learning: Models for Transforming Library Instruction (Ontario Library Association Conference 2017) Mohawk College Digital Skills Toolkit (Ontario Library Association Conference 2017) Essential Skills Training at Douglas College (HRDC Webinar) Artifacts: Reflections and collation of resources on ACRL standards research Reflections and collation of resources on 21st Century Skills and Government of Canada Essential Skills research Work I did on my second goal gave me an understanding of what soft skills our students will need to have in the workplace. This goal explores how to address the deficiencies that employers across North America are reporting in our grads soft skills. They are coming out with great abilities in their programs but not in the 21st century skills, such as communication, collaboration and crititcial thinking. Examined ACRL, 21Century and Govt of Canada skills and they all address the soft skills, pointing to the importance of metaliteracy, or the ability to be a reflective learner who can be involved in creating new content and working together with others to mix content together. What the college was trying to get at with portfolio learning.

7 Goal 3: Personal and Professional Impact
Strategies for personal intentional learning, creativity and growth Understanding of how 21st century skills, Government of Canada Essential Skills and the new ACRL framework interconnect within the paradigm of workplace metaliteracy skills Understanding of the role of libraries in supporting metaliteracy skills development Able to apply to my own intentional learning. Learned how all three frameworks support metaliteracy. Understand how Library Services supports metaliteracy. Library staff do this well and are a great resource.

8 4. Learn about library collection practices for skilled trades
Next Steps: Application of Theory Evaluation and Sharing of Findings: Continue mindful, reflective learning practices. Consult with NSCC Library Services colleagues about best practices that support workplace literacy (All Library Services spring staff meeting and follow up survey). Consult with public libraries about collections which support workplace literacy (thorough site visits and presentation at Nova Scotia Library Association fall conference). Consult with industry libraries about collections which exist to support workplace literacy (through site visits and conversations). Work with Library Services to help create library instructional pieces in the new Adult Education Program. Work with Library Services to provide input into student instruction and help create a related collection development model. Artifacts: Reflections on site visits to industry libraries Reflections on mentor meetings Professional literature searches documentation Where I am now. Visited the Barristers’ Library, APSEA, and going to the Business Library next week. Meetings with Ann Roman and Mary Jane Pittman who are attempting to align collections to what their specific trades need. Beginning to research collection development in 21st century libraries.

9 Thank you!

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