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2016 WInSAR Annual Business meeting agenda

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1 2016 WInSAR Annual Business meeting agenda
12:30 – 13:25 pm 1. Introduction and welcome: WInSAR activities in 2016 Chair and Executive Committee (3 minutes) 2. Report from UNAVCO Chris Crosby, Scott Baker (7 minutes) 3. Update and guidance from sponsor agencies: NASA/NSF/USGS Ben Phillips, Gerald Bawden, others (7 minutes) 4. NISAR & ISCE Updates Paul Rosen, JPL (15 minutes) 5. GMTSAR update David Sandwell, Univ of California at San Diego (3 minutes) 6. Updates on Sentinel-1A/B and SAOCOM from ASF Scott Arko/Franz Meyer, ASF (4 minutes) 7. COSMO-SkyMed Data Access (& Supersite Initiative) Stefano Salvi, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (3 minutes) 8. Discussion on new opportunities for WInSAR; Community input All (5 minutes). 9. Announcement of new WInSAR EC election results

2 What is WInSAR ? Funding:
Consortium of 234 Universities & Research Institutions Executive Committee (elected, 2-year terms) : Chair: Zhong Lu (Southern Methodist University); Vice Chair: Franz Meyer (University of Alaska); Secretary: Gareth Funning (University of California, Riverside); At-large: Ingrid Johanson (USGS HVO); At-large: Christelle Wauthier (Pennsylvania State University); Ex-officio: Matthew Pritchard (Cornell University); Liaison of UAVCO Board of Directors: Eric Fielding (JPL). Hosted by UNAVCO in Boulder, Colorado. UNAVCO provides organizational and operational support for WInSAR activities, including membership administration, financial management, data management and archiving, software tools for data exploration and access, and trainings. Funding:

3 WInSAR Highlights in 2016 Continuing to facilitate TSX tasking
We urge that PIs who have requested tasking of TSX data should write archive proposals to bring the data to the WInSAR archive at UAVCO Facilitating TSX/ALOS-2 data download and sharing among co-PIs Coordinating TanDEM-X DEM proposals among WInSAR members WInSAR presentation at ESA’s Living Planet Symposium Simplified ESA ERS/Envisat data license agreement and allow these datasets to be distributed to all WInSAR members WInSAR input to UNAVCO’s NGEO proposal Organized two training courses Scripps: GMTSAR UNAVCO: ISCE, GIAnT, PSInSAR, etc. Organizing AGU special session (G33C; G43A) ISCE, ARIA, InSAR cloud computing and machine learning Unsupervised SBAS processing SweepSAR technology InSAR from spaceborne, airborne (UNAVSAR and NCALM airborne experiment) and ground-based sensors ….. More report from UNAVCO


5 Thank You WInSAR EC members: UNAVCO team: Eric Fielding Gareth Funning
Ingrid Johanson Franz Meyer Christelle Wauthier UNAVCO team: Chris Crosby, Scott Baker, Susanna Gross Donna Charlevoix Jaime Magliocca

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