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AABC Contracts and Purchasing

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1 AABC Contracts and Purchasing
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2 Today’s Agenda Welcome! Why Review Contracts Level of Impact
Submit Contracts to?? Contract Process Payment Request PSC PO Budget Authority VS Contract Authority Things to Remember Additional Resources Purchase Card BennyBuy Questions OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

3 Why review contracts? Better align with the future of purchasing (eProcurement). Transparency & Consistent processes applied across the BC Streamlined process for faster service OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

4 Who is impacted by the changes?
Customers Level of impact varies by department Retains vendor relationship and control over contract terms Units Reduction of contract worksheet and contract duplicate input Efficiencies in reducing the level of go-between transactions PCMM Potential for additional questions OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

5 Who do I submit my contract requests to?
Contracts should be sent to AABC, please send to *Note: Virginia Kestler will be monitoring the inbox for Plaza supported units. Coordinators will be monitoring the inbox for SEC supported units. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

6 Contracts/PSC Process
Department initiates/reviews contract Review Scope of work, unallowable items, etc. Review of the insurance need Sends to AABC AABC Reviews the contract Sends to the appropriate PCMM Group Receive Vendor and Department signature Verify current vendor or set up new vendor PCMM Reviews contract/PSC Negotiates contract with vendor Signs Contract Executes agreement and provides copies to all parties OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

7 What is a Payment Request Form? When can one be used?
Payment Request is for Personal Services that are low risk and under $5,000 do not require a PSC. They can be processed through a payment request form or paid off an invoice Departments should assess the risk and nature of the scope of work for each service. AABC can assist with this review. While a PSC is not required, if the department feels a PSC, with standard terms & conditions plus insurance, would help cover OSU in any instance, a PSC can still be written for any service. Examples: Speakers, DJ’s, Small Performance Groups OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

8 What is a Purchase Services Contract? When should a PSC be used?

9 What is a Purchase Order? When is one required?
POs are basically contracts, but in a preset format, which is more streamlined and easily understood Purchases over $5000 must have a PO or contract Services can also be procured through POs if a PSC is not considered necessary Goods purchases are usually procured through POs Purchase Orders OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

10 Budget Authority vs Contract Authority
Delegated by the Office of the Provost to unit/department head or delegated person responsible for a university index and who must approve the expenditure of funds from that index. Contract Signature Authority Delegated to Contract Officers from the VP for Finance and Administration for specific types of contracts. Only contract officers are authorized – anyone who signs on behalf of OSU takes on personal liability of commitments, except interdepartmental agreements. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

11 Things to remember…. Go to the PCMM webpage for forms whenever possible. This will insure you use the most up-to-date forms whenever PCMM has a new revision. Purchasing limits at: $5000, $25,000 and $150,000. If a PSC is used, the vendor must provide an invoice for payment to be processed Be mindful of BOLI PWR work at any dollar amount Any contracts involving horses should be brought to PCMM’s attention. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

12 Additional Resources Conflict of interest – Procurement and Contract Services (PaCS) Manual – 101 Procurement Ethics and Conflict of Interest purchasing-and-contract-ethics/101-procurement- ethics-and-conflict-interest Procurement and Contracting Essentials – Your Guide to Successful Contracts and Procurements at OSU /pacs/resources/pacs_essentials_march2018.pdf OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

13 When can a purchase card be used?
P-Card purchases are restricted – please see Business Affairs site for specific listing P-Cards provide the ability to make fast purchases of low dollar value items OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

14 When can BennyBuy be used?
BennyBuy is currently most effective on purchases between $1-$25,000, for goods and some services Small dollar “punch-out” or catalog orders with Staples, CDW, Office Depot, Waxie, etc BennyBuy can be used to make purchases with any vendor that is in the Banner system, through the Purchase Request Form OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

15 What’s new in Benny Buy? Contracts module has been purchased
PCMM is in the process of tailoring to meet OSU’s needs PCMM is completing an Advancement Process to have more campus-wide involvement Contracts module will include new request form OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY


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