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The Nervous System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nervous System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nervous System

2 Functions Receives information about what is happening inside and outside your body. Directs how body responds to information Helps maintain stable internal conditions (homeostasis)

3 Stimulus vs. Response Stimulus = Signal Response = Reaction
Stimuli cause responses. Some internal stimuli and responses are controlled by nervous system (Ex. Heart rate)

4 Neurons Neuron = nerve cell Nerve Impulse = message neuron carries

5 Types of neurons Sensory Neuron– pick up stimuli from environment and convert stimulus to impulse, found in sense organs Interneuron – carries impulse from one neuron to another neuron, located in brain to interpret impulse Motor Neuron – sends impulses to muscles to create a response Remember S  I  M

6 Structure of Neuron Dendrite Axon Tip Cell Body Axon Nucleus Impulse

7 Neuron Vocabulary Dendrites – receive nerve impulses and carry them to cell body Axons – carry impulses away from cell body Synapse – space between nerve cells Impulse always travels dendrite  cell body  axon  through synapse  dendrite  cell body  axon (and so on) To cross synapse, axon tips release neurotransmitters.

8 Divisions of Nervous System
Central Nervous System – Brain and spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System – all nerves outside central nervous system Autonomic Nervous System = involuntary actions Somatic Nervous System = Voluntary Actions

9 Reflex Automatic response Occurs rapidly without conscious control
NOT controlled by brain Stimuli are still involved

10 Injuries Concussion – bruiselike injury of the brain (cerebrum tissue bumps the skull) Paralysis – loss of movement in some part of the body (spinal cord injury – no impulses in that region)

11 Brain Protected by skull
Has 100 BILLION neurons (all are interneurons) Cerebrum Brainstem Cerebellum

12 Parts of Brain Cerebrum Cerebellum Brainstem Cerebrum Brainstem

13 Brainstem Between cerebellum and spinal cord
Controls involuntary actions

14 Cerebrum largest part of brain Divided into halves (hemispheres)
Controls mental processes (thinking, remembering)

15 Cerebellum Coordinates muscles Controls balance

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