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Managing and Measuring Your Strategic Priorities Leading for Impact– [City name] Session 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing and Measuring Your Strategic Priorities Leading for Impact– [City name] Session 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing and Measuring Your Strategic Priorities Leading for Impact– [City name]
Session 6

2 SCI Ontario: Dashboard 2013-2014
5_84 SCI Ontario: Dashboard

3 SCI Ontario: Sharpening strategic priorities
4_89 SCI Ontario: Sharpening strategic priorities Being the most reliable voice, advocate and leading expert on living with spinal cord injury in Ontario Brainstorm one version of this priority that focuses EITHER on advocate OR on leading expert Name one or more outcomes that might be the shared vision of success for this priority For each outcome, name a metric or two that SCI Ontario could track to see progress

4 Dashboards are a powerful tool to help executive teams manage to their strategic priorities
Create an executive team dashboard Gather and classify strategic priorities Translate priorities into outcomes, metrics and targets Dashboards Executive Other Adjust Test, refine and tailor your process Gather data and create dashboard Align your organization Develop departmental dashboards that “roll up”

5 Start with organization-wide priorities and associated outcomes you seek to achieve
Agree on priorities for your organization Define what success looks like for each priority Select metrics for key outcomes Set targets for each metric Report current data and flag areas of concern Category Priority Outcomes Metrics Annual target Current data Status Range key, per metric On track Needs watching Needs attention Programs People and organization Finance Development Communications and engagement Governance

6 Intended Impact Theory of Change People and Organization
The key first step in creating a dashboard is to agree on and classify a set of specific strategic priorities Sources Categories Strategic Plan Programs Intended Impact Theory of Change Finance Strategic Priorities Board Input Development Mission/Vision People and Organization Special Initiatives Governance Communications Communications

7 Client example – The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
Goal Priority Metrics Target Current Status Make gorilla habitats safer Increase our conservation footprint % change in gorillas protected 20% 15% % change in land protected/monitored 10% 0% % change in # of snares detected 50% 25% Conduct cutting-edge science on critical threats to gorillas and biodiversity # of peer reviewed, conservation focused gorilla articles 5 3 # of peer reviewed, cons. focused non-gorilla articles # of research grants secured 2 Evaluate and strengthen community engagement # of landowners participating in programs 6 % change in illegal activities recorded # of local people impacted by programs 15000 Develop the next generation of scientists and conservationists Increase and broaden scientific leadership within the org. # of employees with or working toward advanced degrees 50 Expand and improve training with African universities # of memoir theses published 1 % of memoir students in science or conservation careers 85% Assess, build, and effectively communicate the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund brand Invest in digital media # of visits to website 20000 17539 # of social media post engagements 90000 87675 Improve awareness of the Fossey Fund work in Rwanda # of visitors to Karisoke 750 500 Improve awareness of the Fossey Fund work # of national and international media placements or stories Attract board members and staff that will enable the organization to continue to thrive Maintain a competitive, high performing employee workforce % of employees with development plans 100% % of employees meeting annual goals 95% Employee NPS 9 Maintain an active and engaged Board of Trustees Board meeting attendance rate 0.8 0.67 % of board members meeting give/get targets % of board members active on committees Develop a robust and sustainable funding model Meet budget expectations % actual rev. deviation from budgeted 5% 7% % actual cost deviation from budgeted Fortify and expand annual fundraising initiatives # of mid-level donors ($1,000 - $9,999) 260 % of new donors retained % of donors for which we have met our touchpoint goals 75%

8 Link the executive team dashboard to departmental measures that align your organization to priorities Executive Team Dashboard Priorities (push down) Data (roll up) Programs Dashboard Finance Dashboard Development Dashboard People and Organization Dashboard Governance Dashboard Communications Dashboard Special Initiatives

9 Discuss strategic priorities
3_85 Option A: For teams that do not have an Executive Dashboard or want to refine an existing dashboard Goal: Begin to align on strategic priorities and experiment with creating metrics to measure and manage them Discuss strategic priorities Share the strategic priorities you identified for homework Select 1-2 priorities on which you agree What outcome(s) would tell you if you’d achieved this priority? Which metric(s) are relevant, per outcome? What could you measure? Plan Next steps to further align on priorities Capture your next steps and share with your Bridgespan coaches

10 Discuss current dashboard
3_85 Option B: For teams that already have a working Executive Team dashboard Goal: Review and refine current dashboard Discuss current dashboard Review your current dashboard: Are you clear on your strategic priorities and associated outcomes? Do you have the right vital few measures at the executive level? What could you track at the departmental level to create a strong link with your executive dashboard and align priorities? What, if anything, should you refine? Plan Next steps to refine your current dashboard Capture your next steps and share with your Bridgespan coaches

11 15_85 Exercise continued (for all teams): Implications for you as an executive team Goal: Determine path forward for using a dashboard as an executive team to manage and measure your priorities Discuss with your team How could you better manage and measure your strategic priorities? What changes would this require in the current work of your executive team? What changes in processes and behaviors would be required? Plan Next steps to improve how you manage and measure your strategic priorities as an executive team

12 4_85 Key points to remember Start with strategic priorities, and use the dashboard as a tool to: Agree: What are the strategic priorities you want to achieve over the next months and what it would mean to achieve them Improve: Where are we falling short in terms of achieving our goals, and what actions can we take to improve Align the organization: How do we align departmental measures to our strategic priorities Determine the appropriate focus for the executive team: Choose the “vital few” metrics: What requires the focus of the executive team Manage: What must executive team do to drive the organization forward Communicate: How do we adapt the dashboard to communicate to staff and board This may require a change in the role and behavior of the executive team: Guide the organization: How to guide the organization as a team Work together: How to operate as and integrated team vs. a grouping of functional or department experts

13 In your second LFI project, you can create dashboards to manage and measure your strategic priorities Step 1: Develop and/or align on priorities and outcomes Using your current strategic plan, II/TOC, mission, etc., identify and agree on your, strategic priorities. Step 2: Align on metrics and targets Propose, review and adopt metrics and targets (for this dashboard period) for each priority. Step 3: Collect data and build dashboard Assemble the data you need then pilot and refine your dashboard process

14 Appendix

15 SCI Ontario: Helping people with spinal cord injury
5_89 SCI Ontario: Helping people with spinal cord injury Mission: Spinal Cord Injury Ontario assists persons with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities to achieve independence, self-reliance and full community participation Economic costs of spinal cord injury across Canada are ~$2.7B/year In Ontario, 33K people live with spinal cord injury

16 SCI Ontario: Key programs and priorities
6_85 17_85 SCI Ontario: Key programs and priorities Key programs Strategic priorities Direct services for people with SCI Transition from acute care into community Employment Non-medical services for people with SCI Peer support Public policy/advocacy Research Information sharing and communication about SCI Advancing service access and excellence Being the most reliable voice, advocate and leading expert on living with spinal cord injury in Ontario Sharing knowledge and driving change related to spinal cord injury Excellence in governance, management and accountability Increasing and diversifying revenues As I mentioned earlier, the Leading for Impact program gives our team the opportunity to do two customized projects with support from The Bridgespan Group. We are currently in the midst of one of these projects, focused on strategic clarity. [Explain context for the project, the key question, the analysis approach, how staff will be involved, and what to expect in terms of next steps and timing]

17 SCI Ontario: Dashboard 2013-2014

18 8_84 14_84 Executive Teams use dashboards to ensure their organization is working towards its strategic priorities An executive team dashboard provides measures of progress toward an organization’s strategic priorities What is an executive team dashboard? An executive team dashboard fosters: Agreement: It forces your team to agree on the strategic priorities you want to achieve and what it would mean to achieve them Improvement: It enables senior leaders to easily see what is and what is not working, so they can take action to learn and improve Organizational alignment: It informs the development of departmental measures that will drive the everyday activity of your organization Why is an executive team dashboard valuable?

19 Priorities can be of two types – either ongoing operational measures or finite special initiatives
12_85 Executive Dashboard: High-level Categories and priorities to track Programs Finance Development People and Organization Governance Communications Ongoing operational measures Major program goals Financial health (e.g., # months reserve, and actual vs. budget) Fundraising targets Staff satisfaction Unwanted turnover rates Talent development plans Board engagement and activity Board recruitment Traditional and social media presence Community connections Finite special initiatives 6, 12, 18 and 24 month milestones

20 6_85 17_85 18_84 “Rolling up” allows you to track progress of multiple departmental level measures at once Example: Home Healthcare Organization Programs and Impact Departmental Level Executive Team Level % of target population served Number of patients with a Primary Healthcare Provider Average appointment waiting time % of patients triaged as high need % of patients with a care plan % of target population served Number of patients with a Primary Healthcare Provider % of service measures on track As I mentioned earlier, the Leading for Impact program gives our team the opportunity to do two customized projects with support from The Bridgespan Group. We are currently in the midst of one of these projects, focused on strategic clarity. [Explain context for the project, the key question, the analysis approach, how staff will be involved, and what to expect in terms of next steps and timing] “Roll up” is a simple way to know what percentage of departmental level targets are being met

21 3_85 Good strategic priorities: Get specific about what you must do next to achieve your intended impact Strategic Priorities “What” you must do over the next months as an organization to achieve your overall Intended Impact Example 1 (Programmatic): Ensure our programs meet or exceed established, research-based service quality indicators and client outcomes benchmarks Example 2 (Finance and development): Develop an unrestricted reserve fund that can cover at least 6 months of expenses Example 3 (People and organization): Increase retention of future leaders to grow our programs using internal talent Each priority may have several “how’s” – the initiatives or actions required

22 15_85 Outcomes, metrics and targets: What you will use to assess your progress against your priorities Outcomes Metrics Targets Define what success looks like for your priorities Specific, quantifiable indicators of whether you have accomplished your priorities The specific numeric goal you seek to achieve, customized for each metric Examples (Programs): Service outcomes will improve Enhanced ability to grow programs % or # of target beneficiaries achieving desired outcomes % of service quality control checks that are acceptable 65% of target beneficiaries achieve desired outcomes 90% of quality control checks are acceptable Example (Finance and devt): Financial sustainability will increase Months of cash reserves 6 months of cash reserves Example (People): Turnover and hiring costs will decrease Average tenure of managers % of manager and executive positions filled with internal candidates Average manager tenure of 30 months or longer 25% of manager and executive positions filled internally this year Outcomes demonstrate the value of achieving priorities Metrics and targets drive everyday behaviors

23 Before review meetings During review meetings
4_85 Using your dashboard effectively: Process checklist to conduct executive team review meetings Before review meetings During review meetings After review meetings Update all metrics with latest data Generate dashboard report(s) Identify key observations and insights to discuss Circulate meeting agenda with dashboard, summary of insights and focused discussion questions ~2-3 days before meeting for people to read and reflect in advance Remind participants of meeting norms and objectives Recap summary insights about data Reflect on underlying causes: What is our hypothesis about why we’re seeing these trends? Plan next steps: What decisions can we make now based on data we have? What decisions will we be able to make later when we have more information? How will we gather additional information we need to make a decision? Capture key decisions and insights Perform any immediate action steps stemming from conversation Gather feedback from team members on the effectiveness of the dashboard conversation and make improvements as appropriate

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