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Pertussis/Flu Update 9/6/2011

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1 Pertussis/Flu Update 9/6/2011
CDPH, Immunization Branch

2 AGENDA Opening Remarks Influenza Update AB 354 Discussion
Slides posted on the Immunization Coordinators’ website Influenza Update AB 354 Discussion

3 Influenza Update

4 2011 CA Flu Program Vaccine Update
Order Doses Available Shipped Fluvirin (vials) 193,230 102,050 8/25 FluLaval (vials) 155,000 8/18 Fluarix (syringes) 20,000 Flumist 30,000

5 CDPH Flu Program Guidelines
Community clinics TIV = State-purchased +/- VFC LAIV = VFC >> 317 Screening for VFC eligibility: Yes, if giving VFC supplies at a clinic; No, if non-VFC supplies only, such as 317-funded Flumist or state-purchase vaccine. Prioritization for elderly as before.

6 DPH Flu Program Guidelines
Who has the least access to influenza vaccine? Prioritize vaccine for 60+ first Look at your supply: How many clinics can you schedule? Do you have enough vaccine for outside providers

7 VFC Flu 2011-2012: Vaccine Supply
Brand Manufacturer Packaging Age Group VFC Pre- booked doses Available Doses Fluzone® PF Pediatric Sanofi Pasteur 10 pack - 1 dose syringes (0.25mL)  6-35 months 600,000 39% 10 dose vials (5mL)  3-18 years   500,000 37%  Fluarix   GSK 10 pack - 1 dose syringes (0.5mL)  3-18 years (Prioritized for pregnant teens) 300,000 100% FluMist Vaccine, Live Intranasal  MedImmune Intranasal Spray 10 pack-1 dose Healthy 2-18 years 440,000 21%

8 Order Processing & Shipments
VFC Flu : Order Processing & Shipments Initial VFC flu shipments went out the week of 8/29/2011 Providers should expect shipment to arrive no later than Sep 9th, 2011. Orders are shipped to providers within 3-4 days of order receipt from State VFC Program Order Transmission VFC flu orders are transmitted M-W-F State flu orders are transmitted T-TH

9 Order Processing & Shipments
VFC Flu : Order Processing & Shipments Fulfillment Schedule Full supply available: Fluarix® (GlaxoSmithKline), no preservative all confirmed orders have been shipped in full Limited supply Fluzone® PF Pediatric, PF, 0.25mL pre-filled syringes Fluzone®, preservative-containing MDVs FluMist®, PF, LAIV partial shipments were processed (20-25% of ordered doses) subsequent shipments will be automatically processed as additional vaccine supplies become available.

10 Order Processing & Shipments
VFC Flu : Order Processing & Shipments Second round of shipments will go out the week of September 12, 2011 Fulfillment Schedule (as of 9/6/2011) Partial shipments for: Fluzone® PF Pediatric, PF, 0.25mL pre-filled syringes Fluzone®, preservative-containing MDVs

11 Order Processing & Shipments
VFC Flu : Order Processing & Shipments Receipt of influenza orders Upon receipt, verify shipment contents against packing slip and order confirmation If discrepancies are found, please notify VFC immediately All incidents related to the receipt of influenza orders MUST be reported by VFC to McKesson Specialty within 2 hours of shipment receipt. We’ll need a copy of the shipment packing list

12 Number of 10-18 year olds with Tdap Dose in CAIR, 2010-11

13 9/6/11 CAIR Tdap Doses in 10-18 years 98% compared to 9/27/10
Tdap doses Coverage Rate Northern (INNC) K 80% North CV (SFT) K 44% Central CV (RIDE) K* 55% South CV (CVIIS) K 56% Bay Area K 45% Central Coast K 53% LA - Orange K 63% Inland Empire K 38% San Diego K 45% Imperial K* Total 1,210 K

14 Numbers still needing immunization?
2010 NIS Teen 71% (66-77) with Tdap If coverage rate… Students needing Tdap 70% 0.9 M 80% 0.6 M 90% 0.3 M LHDs, 4/18 – 9/2 ~0.16 M Unused >0.15 M Unused VFC – eligibility is only limit Staffing - ??? Tdap only clinic option – 10/14/11

15 What’s your plan for the final stage? Which School have lower rates?
LHD Schools Vaccinators

16 Messages for providers - Act now
Messages for providers - Act now! Keep pertussis from coming back to school Keep track of who has and hasn’t received Tdap.  Immunize your patients with Tdap NOW if they haven’t had it yet. Provide clear documentation of Tdap immunization that your patients can bring to school. Remind patients about Tdap by letter, postcards, telephone, s and clinic displays – CMAF. Apply seasonal flu strategies: drop-in, after-hours Ensure that you have adequate vaccine supplies and proper storage for them.

17 Messages for schools - Act now
Messages for schools - Act now! Keep pertussis from coming back to school Continue alerting parents and students If haven’t already, get your Tdap shot ASAP From your doctor or other - Provide list of local options Get a record of Tdap booster from doctor to share with school Get your immunization record to school! Clear instructions for submissions Collect Tdap records as soon as possible. Staffing and systems for collecting records During any SB 614 grace period

18 Tools for schools Resources to help ensure that unimmunized students meet the new school Tdap requirement include: Letter from Schools to Parents (Template) English / Spanish Message to Go Home with Unimmunized Student (Template) English / Spanish Script for Recorded Message from Schools to Parents (Template)  English / Spanish Additional information and materials are available at

19 Information, please Experience to date at local schools
Updated links to LHDs and local clinic schedules Exemplary… schools health plans CHCs / RHCs other community partners! Upcoming local press events and publicity

20 AB 354 Communications New FAQ added to
Instead of getting a Tdap booster to meet the new requirement, can a student get a blood test to check for protection (immunity) against pertussis? No. Testing for immunity to pertussis is not reliable and will not meet the new school requirement. to schools encouraging continued efforts to ensure unimmunized students meet requirement

21 AB 354 Communications School Immunization Assessment Reporting now available on

22 Tdap Ordering Order Frequency Vaccine Supply
Due to the size of current LHD Tdap orders, order frequency is shifting from monthly to every two weeks Vaccine Supply All products are now available at McKesson VFC vaccine doses & schools Early guidance released in January and subsequently in April For a limited timeframe, LHD’s VFC doses could be shared with schools (October 2011) LHD is responsible for ensuring compliance with VFC requirements . LHD is also responsible for vaccine distribution and retrieval from schools, as well as for ordering and accountability for all VFC doses received.

23 Summary of Tdap Administration Data
Now on weekly reporting periods >158K doses administered VFC administration: 106K (67%) 317 administration: K (33%) Many of these doses from pre-allocation inventory Large amounts of 317 allocated doses remain unused, however, significant doses of 317 vaccine doses have been purchased and distributed to LHDs with routine orders 317 doses are part of existing LHD inventory Reminder about allocations: your allocation is in addition to the inventory you started with in April. If you are concerned about exceeding your allocation, please contact Nisha Gandhi. Please complete the “snapshot” Tdap inventory sent to Coordinators last week

24 Maxim Tdap Clinic Update
Reminders: Send county staff to Maxim clinics Utilize school nurses at school-located clinics (to help with the logistics) VFC screening can occur at Maxim clinics by LHD staff only Maxim nurses not accustomed to large-scale clinics - share basic principles of mass vaccination clinics with Maxim nurses before clinic starts NOTE: some late August clinics are being cancelled by LHDs (and schools) because of SB 614-we recommend that you keep your clinics-contract ends Sept 30, 2011 Currently working on re-allocating unused doses-7 LHDs have indicated an interest in the remaining 10,000 doses

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