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Declaration on Conflict of Interests

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Presentation on theme: "Declaration on Conflict of Interests"— Presentation transcript:

1 Declaration on Conflict of Interests
I herewith declare that with respect to the topics of the event No conflict of interests exists. A material conflict of interests exists. See next slide An immaterial conflict of interests exists.

2 Declaration on Conflict of Interest
Company Relationships (Company property/ shares, employment relationship, consulting, contract fee, grant for research, other)

3 Explanation on Conflict of Interests
Please show this slide (page 1) in all lectures of DGMKG events at the beginning of the lecture in the conference room. A conflict of interests exists, if the lecturerer has material or personal relationships which are likely to affect the topics of the event. Material conflicts of interest can, for example, be financial ties to companies the products of which are directly or indirectly affected in the event. Financial ties are, for example, employment relationships, consulting activities, shareholdings, lecturer‘s fees, assumption of travel expenses, study support or other third party funds. Immaterial conflicts of interest exist, for example, if close personal connections with someone exist whose economic or idealistic interests are affected by the event (partnership, family ties etc.)

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