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Originated as a deal to keep the peace in Europe following world war II Started in 1950 to unite its founding countries economically.

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Presentation on theme: "Originated as a deal to keep the peace in Europe following world war II Started in 1950 to unite its founding countries economically."— Presentation transcript:

1 Originated as a deal to keep the peace in Europe following world war II
Started in 1950 to unite its founding countries economically

2 The Union grew over time as more countries wanted into the free-trade area
 In 1993 the Single Market is completed with the 'four freedoms' of: movement of goods, services, people and money

3 The EU introduces its own currency to further bring down borders
A European Parliament makes European Laws is established in Brussels, Belgium

4 PIIGS Portugal Italy Ireland Greece Spain
All these countries are EU members The governments of these countries have spent all the government’s money

5 PIIGS To keep the governments and the Euro zone from going bankrupt, the Germans constantly loan them money German tax payers now pay for the debt of other countries

6 PIIGS and Germans Because the Germans pay these countries they also tell them what to do Germans make them pass AUSTERITY laws Raise Taxes Cut government spending Social Programs Cut minimum wage

7 The Effects of Austerity
Massive protests in Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal against the government and especially against the Germans

8 Austerity Merkel accused of being an Austerity Nazi
Leads to unemployment and poverty

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