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American History present

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Presentation on theme: "American History present"— Presentation transcript:

1 American History 2000 - present

2 Y2K World is paranoid that technology will shut down.
People prepare for the “end of the world”. Nothing happened.

3 Sept. 11, 2001 World Trade Center Towers and Pentagon are attacked by terrorists. Leads to massive world-wide changes.

4 War on Terrorism begins
Oct. 7, 2001 – America declares war on the Taliban in Afghanistan. March 20, 2003 – America declares war on Iraq.

5 Hurricane Katrina Made landfall in Louisiana/Mississippi on August 29th, 2005. New Orleans flooded, causing many people to relocate. 1, 836 people killed and many never found.

6 Flooding in New Orleans
Damage in Mississippi Flooding in New Orleans

7 Hurricane Ike Made landfall in Galveston on Sept. 13, 2008.
Destroyed many homes along the Texas coast.

8 Financial Crisis American economy begins to decline in 2008 and leads to a worldwide financial crisis. Most of the blame falls on banks and other mortgage lenders who issued home loans to people with bad credit. 2013 – Government shutdown while they try to come to an agreement on federal deficit

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