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Project Management for Software Engineers (Summer 2017)

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1 Project Management for Software Engineers (Summer 2017)
LECTURE 14 PROJECT TERMINATION July 27, 2017 (9:00 am – 11:40 pm PST) University of Southern California, IMSC/SSU CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 11/12/2018

Wind down  Conclusion  Close-out Extinction: e.g. External projects Addition : e.g. Growth Projects Integration: e.g. Improvement Projects Starvation: e.g. (Some) Sacred Cow Projects!  (May not follow the same path as others)  Go over reasons for early termination form the book (p. 556 of e.7): University of Southern California, IMSC/SSU CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 11/12/2018

3 Close-Out & Project Life-Cycle
When to Start Close-out!? Focus on Project Close-out START ASAP ! Physical Progress (%) Initiation Planning Execution Close-out The more focus on the project-close out, during the project life-cylce, the more efficient the close-out process and the less effort (& less stress) at the close-out phase for EVERYONE Winding Down C l o s e – o u t Terminate Time Stay Focused during the Life-Cycle University of Southern California, IMSC/SSU CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 11/12/2018

4 Pareto Principle Application
This is why project close-out is difficult and needs a lot of advanced planning, preparation and documentation The Principle (Origin): 80% of the wealth in the hands of 20% of the population  Application in Project Management: Vital Few: 80% of results (good or bad) are contributed by 20% of causes Resources: 20% of Resources define 80% of the project productivity (Translate to P.O.) CLOSE-OUT: THE LAST 20% OF THE PROJECT TAKES 80% OF THE EFFORT! University of Southern California, IMSC/SSU CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 11/12/2018

5 Critical Success Factors
Project mission achievement Audit results Top-management support BELIEF  Trust, Respect, Faith Good planning, monitoring, and feedback Analytical Competence (Good CMS), Good PM&C, Good Audit Client acceptance & consolation Happy Client  Build relationships  Achieve long-term goals Effective Communication among ALL Building relations is the key! Problem-Solving & Trouble-Shooting Watch for the caveat! University of Southern California, IMSC/SSU CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 11/12/2018

6 Some Close-out steps Ensure tasks are completed (document all as-builts) Notify the client of approaching termination Finish the paperwork and organize them proerly Send out final invoices to the client Redistribute resources to other projects/their Dep.s Clear with legal counsel, NO LOOSE ENDS! Determine what records to keep Assign support Close the project books University of Southern California, IMSC/SSU CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 11/12/2018

7 Project HISTORY Documentation (Final Report)
Project performance (SV,CV,SPI,CPI,…) Administrative performance Organizational structure (Continuum) Project and administrative teams (1+1>2 ?) Techniques of project management DOCUMENT LESSONS LEARNED University of Southern California, IMSC/SSU CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 11/12/2018

8 Early Termination What should NOT be the primary reason
Weak Commitment (financially, emotionally, or politically) Weak management plan / team (Fix it! Don’t erase the problem to solve it) Fear of Change (Project MEANS change. If you don’t like it, don’t start it) Change in leadership: The Problem with Sacred Cow projects! University of Southern California, IMSC/SSU CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 11/12/2018

9 PMBOK® Reference (Handout):
Chapter 4 – Integration Management Section 4.6 – Close Project or Phase Chapter 12 – Procurement Management Section 12.4 – Close Procurement University of Southern California, IMSC/SSU CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 11/12/2018

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