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Eumetsat conference 2004, Praha

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1 Eumetsat conference 2004, Praha
SINERGEE: simulation and exploitation of data from MSG using an NWP model Richard Allan and Tony Slingo ESSC, Reading University, UK Sean Milton and Ian Culverwell Met Office, Exeter, UK THANKS ALSO TO: The GERB International Science Team (GIST) Members of the SINERGEE project at the Met Office Eumetsat conference 2004, Praha


3 1) The SINERGEE project: OVERVIEW
Near real-time (within ~24 hours) comparisons of Met Office NWP model with GERB and SEVIRI Calibration and validation of GERB and SEVIRI Evaluate and improve Met Office Unified Model Studies of radiative processes involving clouds, water vapour, aerosols, etc Results so far just use GERB broad-band fluxes future work to include simulation of SEVIRI narrow-band radiances

4 METHODOLOGY GERB fluxes (RMIB) NWP model (Met Office)
Transferred by ftp to ESSC (Reading University) HDF files read Data interpolated to NWP grid Comparison of GERB and NWP at model analysis time Displayed online: Data stored: NetCDF/PP

5 Recent Comparison 12 May 2004 1200 UTC
OLR ALBEDO Recent Comparison 12 May 2004 1200 UTC

Current data are preliminary and are being validated Data Issues: geolocation, radiance to flux processing Missing/bad data Spectral response/calibration Recent data (2004) use SEVIRI for radiance to flux processing, have improved geolocation and reduced missing data compared to earlier data

7 OLR DJF means Using SEVIRI processing Albedo

8 GERB minus Model Albedo
GERB minus Model OLR Left: MJJA Right: DJF GERB minus Model Albedo

9 Clear-sky Flux Comparison
Compare GERB and the Model where the model fluxes are likely to be most accurate e.g. Clear-sky OLR over the ocean Perform comparisons where both GERB/SEVIRI and the model find clear-skies Consistent sampling

10 Scatter plot of GERB clear-sky values versus model
May to August 2003: MS7A processing OLR Albedo

11 Scatter plot of GERB clear-sky values versus model
December 2003 to February 2004: SEVIRI processing OLR Albedo

12 Clear-sky sampled OLR and Albedo
Left:MJJA 2003 Right:DJF 2003/04 Lots of green (~0 difference) over ocean Larger differences over Sahara: albedo, emissivity and aerosol

13 3) MODEL EVALUATION Example comparison: 31st March 2004, 12h00

14 Example comparison (Albedo):
31st March 2004, 12h00 MODEL ALBEDO

15 Namibian Stratocumulus region 31st March 2004

16 Shading: Albedo Contours: Cloud Fraction
Errors in the representation of sub-tropical marine stratocumulus in the model GERB/Meteosat Model Shading: Albedo Contours: Cloud Fraction July mean (1200z data)

17 Errors in the representation of tropical convection in the model

18 Time-series for 1200z means for 30S-30N, 40W-20E
Atlantic ITCZ region Time-series for 1200z means for 30S-30N, 40W-20E

19 Occasional large differences in OLR seem to be due to excess cloud in the ITCZ
OLR for 1200z 1 July 2003 (shading) Contours show vertical motion (solid=ascent, dashed=descent) GERB Model

20 CONCLUSIONS Broad-band fluxes from the Met Office NWP model have been compared with GERB fluxes from RMIB in near-real time DATA VALIDATION data quality improving (geolocation, radiance to flux conversion, …) clear-sky OLR over the ocean MODEL EVALUATION overall radiation budget is close to the observed good representation of cloud structures in mid-latitudes diurnal cycle of convection and grid point noise in the tropics albedo over the Sahara marine stratocumulus: unrealistic spatial structure and reflectivity convection and cirrus outflow over Atlantic ITCZ

ADDITIONAL STUDIES Radiative signature of Saharan dust Combining GERB with model clear-sky fluxes to produce hybrid cloud forcing diagnostics FUTURE WORK comparisons between simulated radiances and data from SEVIRI versions of model with higher resolution and new parametrizations combine with surface stations to investigate atmospheric radiative divergence

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