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State and Resource Provider Guide to Implementing EMAC

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1 State and Resource Provider Guide to Implementing EMAC
Introduction and Section 1

2 Introduction Name Current job title Experience with mutual aid
Experience with EMAC Role you would play either in requesting aid or in assisting another state Introduce yourself to the class. When you have finished your introduction, invite the class to introduce themselves with the same information.

3 Course Design Identify and request intrastate or interstate resources to support a response to and recovery from a disaster Organize, package, and catalog resources and help resource owners and operators during deployment to an intrastate or interstate disaster. Understand EMAC law and state policies and procedures for implementing EMAC as both a Requesting and Assisting State. Understand EMAC reimbursement timelines and processes.

4 Course Goal To prepare in-state agencies, organizations, or jurisdictions to request and receive mutual-aid support through EMAC during an incident and to familiarize them with state laws and EMAC procedures.

5 Course Objectives Understand state structure of EMAC, including governance structure, functions, roles and responsibilities of EMAC components. Demonstrate knowledge of legal foundations and procedures for intrastate and interstate (i.e., EMAC) mutual-aid. Pre-identify critical resources available for deployment. Understand kinds and types of resources that can be requested and deployed under EMAC and the importance of MRPs. Understand how to prepare for, request, and receive resources from the state emergency management agency

6 Course Objectives, cont.
Understand responsibilities as resource or service providers when providing resources through the EMAC system. Understand importance of building relationships between mutual-aid partners and the state EMA.

7 Section 1 EMAC and Our State

8 EMAC and Our State EMAC is the nation’s most efficient, effective, and preeminent interstate mutual-aid system. EMAC complements national disaster frameworks and provides timely and cost-effective assistance to disaster- impacted states. EMAC does not replace Federal assistance. It can be used alongside Federal assistance or when Federal assistance is not warranted.

9 EMAC and Our State, cont. Requesting resources is made at the discretion of the affected state emergency management agency. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam have are EMAC members. EMAC was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1996. Emphasize EMAC is not an entity that owns or has control over any assets. EMAC is a compact comprised of 13 articles of agreement. Inform participants: Procedures and tools developed through this structure will be followed by all EMAC member states. The system also makes allowances for states to use their own internal procedures for implementation of EMAC which we will review in this course. Ask: What are some of the protections EMAC provides for states and resource providers?

10 State EMAC Structure Law states that the state EMAs will implement EMAC on behalf of the governor. Law designates the state director of emergency management as responsible for the state EMAC program.

11 EMAC Personnel in My State
State-Specific Entry Within our state, EMAC is implemented by [name state director/agency]. EMAC authorized representatives (ARs) are [name those individuals].

12 EMAC Personnel in My State, cont.
Primary Contact Other Contacts Primary EMAC contact in our state— the EMAC Coordinator—is [name the state EMAC Coordinator]. Others who are knowledgeable about EMAC and would be able to answer questions about EMAC are called EMAC designated contacts (DCs). They are [name the EMAC designated contacts in your state].

13 EMAC Personnel in My State, cont.
EMAC Authorized Representatives assigned by State Director Governor State Director (Authorized Representative) EMAC Designated Contact/EMAC Coordinator

14 Deployable Resources Through EMAC
EMAC Article II EMAC Language EMAC Article II says that states are to make all resources of the state available for deployment. EMAC language is very broad, enabling a state to make full use of any resource, commodity, or service.

15 Enabling Mechanisms State-Specific Entry
In our state, we use the following enabling mechanisms: Legislation (Intrastate) Memorandums of agreement (MOAs) Inter-Governmental Agreements (IGAs) Governor’s Executive Orders (EOs) Provide a review of the legislation, memorandums of understanding (MOUs), etc., explaining how EMAC works, how EMAC protections are passed down, etc. This should define who is able to enter into enabling mechanisms (i.e., state, county, municipal), and/or who is not able to enter into enabling mechanisms (i.e., private for-profit organizations, volunteer agencies, faith-based organizations

16 Enabling Mechanisms, cont.
State-Specific Entry Provide a review of legislation, MOUs, etc., explaining how EMAC works, how EMAC protections are passed down, etc. Define who is able to enter into enabling mechanisms (state, county, municipal), and/or who is not able to enter into enabling mechanisms (private for-profits, volunteer, faith-based organizations).

17 EMAC Law Protections State-Specific Entry
Provide a review of the legal protections your state’s legislation, MOUs, etc., provide; how they integrate with EMAC legislation; and how they cover resource owners, service providers, and deploying personnel. Liability (EMAC Article VI): How does the REQ-A cover you Compensation (EMAC Article VIII): Injury and Death Benefits Licensure (EMAC Article V): Medical, Law Enforcement, Inspectors, Appraisers, etc. Reimbursement Liability (EMAC Article VI): How does the REQ-A cover you Compensation (EMAC Article VIII): Injury and Death Benefits Licensure (EMAC Article V): Medical, Law Enforcement, Inspectors, Appraisers, etc.

18 Can I Deploy Through EMAC?
If You Are a State Employee One of the most frequently asked questions is also the simplest to answer: “Can I deploy though EMAC?” The answer is twofold: If you are a state employee, you are eligible to deploy through EMAC. Nothing further is needed to define your eligibility. If you are not a state employee, the state will have to develop a mechanism for you to be able to deploy under EMAC as an agent of the state.

19 Key Things to Remember About Deployed Resources
Deployable Resources It is critical to understand that EMAC is a state-to-state agreement for sharing resources. Any resource sent to another state on an EMAC mission must be an agent of the Assisting State. We will cover this in greater detail later in the course. Deployed resources are under operational control of the Requesting State, but they remain under command and control of the Assisting State. Deployable resources must be “agents of the Assisting State.”

20 Section 1—Summary Our state EMAC structure
Deployable resources through EMAC, including: Enabling mechanisms of EMAC in our state EMAC law protections Can I deploy through EMAC? Our state EMAC structure Deployable resources through EMAC, including: Enabling mechanisms of EMAC in our state EMAC law protections Can I deploy through EMAC? 1 2 3

21 Thank You! Introduction and Section 1

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