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2 Child Find Consistent with requirements of IDEA ( ) and State Rules (II.A(1-3)), each LEA shall ensure that all students with disabilities ages 0-21 residing in the LEA who are in need of special education and related services are identified, located, and evaluated. 8/26/05 1 Child Find

3 Child Find applies to students…
Highly mobile, such as migrant and homeless. Suspected of having disability even though advancing from grade to grade. 0-21 Private school students. Includes students from out of state placed by parents or agencies in private schools or residential facilities. 8/26/05 1 Child Find

4 FIND means.. Search out and find.
Educate staff on signs that student might have a disability. Playground supervisors, teachers, principals, parents, neighbors. Be alert but not paranoid. Not every that does something strange or that struggles with a concept in math has a disability. Look for patterns of behavior, whether academic or social, and for how different from the typical student. Beware of certain behavior patterns that just plain push your teacher buttons—we all have some pet peeves, but that doesn’t mean the child has a disability. Students with internalizing disorders are often overlooked. Be aware of the quiet girl (or boy) who doesn’t do her work very well or have friends, but who also doesn’t cause any trouble in the classroom. Be aware of developmentally appropriate behaviors, however aggravating they may be. Middle school boys have some interesting challenges. Fourth grade girls likewise. But is the behavior you observe atypical? 8/26/05 1 Child Find

5 How do we find the babies, toddlers, and preschoolers?
Newspapers. Posters in school offices. Flyer at post office. Grapevine. Church organizations. Inform hospital, local physicians. Interagency agreements with public health and early intervention. Public announcements. Children in 0-3 are referred to early intervention. There are statewide memorandums of understanding or agreements with Head Start (3-5) and with Baby Watch (Part C, 0-3). LEAs should have agreements with local Head Start and EI providers as well that spell out the coordination of child find and services between the two agencies. 8/26/05 1 Child Find

6 Clues that child might have a disability
Parents tell a special education teacher or principal that they suspect child has a disability. Student is struggling academically, functionally, socially, and/or emotionally. 8/26/05 1 Child Find

7 What if.. Teacher tells principal child may have disability.
Another person refers student for evaluation. Classroom and school interventions haven’t helped. 8/26/05 1 Child Find

8 Always Be alert for students who are having difficulty with educational performance. What is educational performance? 8/26/05 1 Child Find

9 Educational Performance
Academic achievement Functional performance Developmental markers Emotional regulation Social relationships Communication 8/26/05 1 Child Find

10 Regular Education Interventions
History of failed classroom interventions and/or programs. Interventions correctly implemented. Data collected and analyzed. Proved ineffective. Before referring student for special education evaluation. Applies to some preschoolers. Regular education interventions are a regular education responsibility. Most teachers will have tried to help the kid and just need to record their efforts. Sped teacher can suggest interventions teacher doesn’t have ideas. If whine, probably are just trying to get rid of a kid from their classroom At least 2 interventions. Change Seat and Call Parents are the most popular and there is no evidence to suggest that they are at all effective in addressing educational needs. The interventions must be focused on the particular need of the child. If he is struggling in reading, the part of reading that is a problem must be identified and appropriate intervention implemented. 3. Generally interventions should be attempted for at least 2 weeks. Data on performance must be kept and attached. 6. Preschoolers enrolled in Head Start or a district-sponsored preschool such as Title I or tuition must have regular education interventions documented 8/26/05 1 Child Find

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