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Presentation on theme: "CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL COPRODUCTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

Working with China OVERVIEW Banff World Media Festival 2018

2 OUR MISSION Telefilm is the administrative body responsible for evaluating projects to assess whether they may eventually be recognized as audiovisual treaty coproductions.

3 Canada, a federation of 10 provinces and 3 territories
North West Territories Yukon Nunavut Newfoundland & Labrador British-Columbia Prince Edward Island Nova-Scotia Alberta Saskatchewan New-Brunswick Manitoba Québec Ontario

4 What is a Canadian official co-production?
An audiovisual work produced jointly between Canadian and Foreign co-producers in accordance with International Co-production Agreements (Treaties) signed between countries. Most co-productions involve producers from 2 countries but can involve 3, 4 or more.

5 Advantages of co-producing with Canada
Official coproductions are recognized as ″100% Canadian″ and have access to the same domestic financing as Canadian productions Advantages of co-producing with Canada

6 Main treaties used since 2013
Close to 60 countries have audiovisual coproduction treaties and memorandums of understanding with Canada. 8016

7 Canadian co-pros from 2013- 2017- Television vs Film

8 Canadian copros from 2013- 2017- English vs French

9 Financial support from Canada
Federal tax credits (production & service) Telefilm Canada, Canada Media Fund National Film Board Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC/SRC) Federal level Provincial tax credits / incentives Provincial agencies selective funding Provincial public broadcasters Provincial level Broadcasters / Canada Media Fund envelopes Distributors Private Funds (Shaw, Bell, Québécor…) Facilities and services Private

10 Support from Telefilm Feature Film Funding: + 100M$ / year Including: 4/5M$ for aboriginal content Split: 2/3 English, 1/3 French Phases: Development Production National distribution International distribution Festivals Promotion Coproduction certification

11 Official treaty co-productions with China
Treaty since 1987 – renewed in 2016 Cover film only Minimum contribution: 15%, 10% multipartite. Require balance between: Financial contribution and expenditures Creative and technical elements Revenues and copyrights Eligible to programs and benefits offered to national productions. Source: Telefilm - Guidelines & Treaties

12 Co-productions Canada/China since 2006
DIAMOND DOGS, Drama, English, Film, CineQuest Films, Type: Bipartite, Financial share: Canadian majority. 2007 IRON ROAD, Drama, English, Film, CCI Entertainment, WUSHU WARRIOR, Drama, English, Film, Société Spectra-Scène Inc., 2009 THE WAY OF TAI CHI, Documentary, English, Film, Lowik (Tai Chi) Inc., Type: Multipartite, Financial share: Canadian majority. 2010 CHINA HEAVYWEIGHT, Documentary, English, Film, Eyesteel (CHW8) productions. Inc., 2013 OUTCAST, Drama, English, Film, Groupe JFK Inc. Type: Multipartite, Financial Share : Canadian minority. Source: Telefilm - Guidelines & Treaties

13 Promoting the Canadian content in China
Focus Canada at the 21st Shanghai Int'l Film Festival 16 Canadian films will be screened in the Panorama Focus Canada section 3 films in official competition: Translator, by Rodrigo and Sebastian Barriuso, Tadoussac by Martin Laroche, and My Enemy, My Brother, a documentary by Ann Shin. Source: Telefilm - Guidelines & Treaties

14 International Website


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