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Pragmatic Event-Driven Microservices

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Presentation on theme: "Pragmatic Event-Driven Microservices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pragmatic Event-Driven Microservices
Allard Buijze –

2 Service Service Service


4 Layered architecture User Interface Domain Model Service Layer
Data Access Layer Domain Model Method invocation Cache Worker pools Web Cache Session replication Distributed 2nd level cache Query Cache


6 Source:

7 AxonFramework

8 Monoliths St Breock Downs Monolith -

9 Microservices vs Monoliths
Almost all the successful microservice stories have started with a monolith that got too big and was broken up Microservices system Almost all the cases where I've heard of a system that was built as a microservice system from scratch, it has ended up in serious trouble. Martin Fowler Source:

10 Are you tall enough? Source:

11 Microservice journey

12 Command Query Responsibility Segregation
Events Command model Projections Client

13 Location transparency
A component should neither be aware of nor make any assumptions about the location of components it interacts with. Location transparency starts with good API design (but doesn’t end there) A Component should not be aware, nor make any assumptions, of the location of Components it interacts with

14 Reasons to send a message
Event Something has happened

15 ‘Event-Driven’ Microservices
OrderCreated ItemAdded ItemRemoved OrderConfirmed Order service Need to know ordered items

16 3 reasons to send a message
Event Something has happened Command I want the system to do something Query I want to know something

17 Something has happened - Event
Data change Deadline passing Or anything else that’s relevant in the domain

18 Publish-subscribe Want to know Something happened! Want to know

19 Exclusive consumers One of us wants to know Something happened!
Want to know

20 Competing consumers One of us wants to know Something happened!
Want to know

21 Balanced consumers One of us wants to know If (%) Something happened!
Want to know

22 I want something done - Command
Request-a-side-effect Change data / application state Send Exactly 1 destination OK / NOK reply Maybe some data

23 Command Routing Can do something Can do something Do something!

24 I want to know something - Query
Desire for information The response has more value than the question (Usually) side-effect free Different messaging patterns Single destination Scatter – gather query

25 Query – point to point Result = Price Price = 49

26 Query – scatter-gather
Price = 199 Result = Min(Price) (wait 100ms) If (…) Price = 149

27 Query – scatter-gather
Price = 199 Result = Min(Price) (wait 100ms) If (…) Price = 99 If (…) Price = 149

28 ‘Event-Driven’ Microservices
OrderCreated OrderConfirmed ItemAdded GetOrderDetails ItemRemoved OrderDetails OrderConfirmed Order service Need to know ordered items

29 At scale, different rules apply

30 How do you route all events to all components? How will this scale?

31 You Don't! It Won't!

32 As shipping module, I want to know when an order is placed
Unmanageable mess Order Created Item Added to Order Shipping Address Added Billing Address Added Order Confirmed As shipping module, I want to know when an order is placed

33 Bounded context Explicitly define the context within which a model applies. Explicitly set boundaries in terms of team organization, usage within specific parts of the application, and physical manifestations such as code bases and database schemas. Keep the model strictly consistent within these bounds, but don’t be distracted or confused by issues outside.

34 Within a context, share ‘everything’

35 Between contexts, share ‘consciously’
As shipping module, I want to know when an order is placed Order Created + Item Added + Order Confirmed  Order Placed Order Created Item Added to Order Shipping Address Added Billing Address Added Order Confirmed

36 Where does Axon Framework fit?
Inside each component in bounded context Axon provides the Java APIs towards platform EventBus, CommandBus, QueryBus Separation of business logic and infrastructure logic

37 It’s hard to get messaging right

38 We’re all solving the same problems

39 “Just enough” intelligence
AxonIQ Messaging Platform Understands difference between Commands, Events, Queries and their routing patterns. Does not care about the content of these messages. Message Broker Sends messages. Main value add is reliability. Enterprise Service Bus Understands message content. Hard to configure and maintain. dumb smart

40 Our mission Provide the APIs and implementations necessary for event-driven microservices to cooperate harmoniously, allowing each of them to focus on the business logic.

41 More info? Too late for that now…
Allard Buijze @allardbz Visit our booth Too late for that now…

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