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Arms Race & the End of the Cold War

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1 Arms Race & the End of the Cold War
Lecture # 7 Objective~ Intense competition between US & the USSR…and the end

2 Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)
Arms Race – 1945 U.S. A-Bomb 1949 USSR 1953 both had h- bombs Espionage ~ U-2 spy planes Col. Francis Gary Powers’ plane was shot down over Soviet airspace (1960)

3 Space Race 1950s-60s USSR launched Sputnik 1957
USA launched satellite 1958 Soviets were 1st to orbit in space US~ 23 days later U.S. sent 1st person to moon Neil Armstrong A rocket that could launch a satellite could also launch a nuclear warhead at a target. In 1961 Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet was the first man to orbit the earth – the Soviets had the lead. For Khrushchev it was a triumph for communismThe economy, science, culture and the creative genius of people in all areas of life develop better and faster under communism.’ Khrushchev Race would continue until 1980’s ‘ The Sputniks prove that communism has won the competition between communist and capitalist countries.’

4 Brinkmanship (1960s) to Détente (1970s-80s)
Détente - Reducing tension/prevent nuclear war 1972- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I) 1991—Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) Reagan Star Wars (Strategic Defense Initiative SDI) Caused by 1.Fear of Nuclear war “cooling down” limit number of submarines & missiles 2. Widespread popular protests 3. Financial

5 Gorbachev Tries Reform
late 1980s Perestroika~ free market reforms (private ownership) Glasnost~ “openness” freedom of expression Open political criticism, freedom of press…democracy Allowed Reforms in E. Satellite countries Glasnost- Openness, free flow of ideas & information, more freedomDemocratic movements spread NATO got more powerful, Warsaw lost power Perestroika- Restructuring economy less govt. control, allowed private businesses E. Germany Czech Hungary Poland Romania

6 The Fall of the U.S.S.R~ 1991 Command Economy
Collectivization = Unproductive Fell behind in space/arms race U.S. = Lone Superpower We win!!!

7 Communism Around the World
China Influenced by Soviet changes Economic BOOM Growth Rates Increased Vietnam Opened in the 1990’s Diplomatic Relations with United States North Korea Isolation Cuba Economy deteriorated Poor standard of living Many believed that Communism would die with Castro

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