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Warm Up: Do you and your siblings come to each others defense, even though you may be two completely different people and sometimes fight? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: Do you and your siblings come to each others defense, even though you may be two completely different people and sometimes fight? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: Do you and your siblings come to each others defense, even though you may be two completely different people and sometimes fight? Why?

2 The Effects of the Persian War
Persian Wars united Athens and Sparta against the Persian Empire Athens became the leader of the Delian League (an alliance of the Greek city-states on the Balkan Peninsula and in Asia Minor) Athenian victories over the Persians at Marathon and Salamis left Greeks in control of the Aegean Sea Athens preserved its independence and continued innovations in government and culture, leading to the rise of the Golden Age of Greece

3 Post Persian War Athens is the leader of the Delian League, whose goal was to be a mutual defense group in case of invasion Other city-states pay money to help fund Athens’ navy and army Athens is the premier city-state of Greece at this point in time Sparta began the Peloponnesian League (an alliance of the Greek city-states on the Peloponnese Peninsula), whose goal was to be a mutual defense group in case of invasion as well

4 The Peloponnesian War (431-401 BCE)
A war fought for the control of Greece in which Athens and their allies were defeated by Sparta and their allies Athens and the Delian League vs. Sparta and the Peloponnesian League Competition between Athens and Sparta for the control of Greece was a major cause of the war

5 The Effects of the Peloponnesian War
Ends the Golden Age of Athens, Sparta emerges as the dominant power Slowed cultural advances and weakened political power Poverty throughout Greece as a result of the war slowed cultural advancements

6 Exit Ticket: Keeping in mind the different cultures of Athens and Sparta, as well as the effects of the war, for the sake of Greece, who do you think should have won the Peloponnesian War?

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