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collapse Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word to learn this week is collapse. Say it with me: collapse. Collapse means “cave in, or fall down.” When you build a block tower too high it can fall down or collapse. If you do not put a tent up correctly, it can collapse. 2. En español, to collapse quiere decir “derrumbarse o caerse.” Si uno construye una torre de cubos demasiado alta, se puede derrumbar. Si uno no arma su carpa de la manera correcta, se puede caer. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word collapse. (Point to the tower in the photo.) See this tower. It is a little crooked. The boy has his hand out because he does not want the tower to collapse, or fall down. MOVEMENT 4. Let’s all stand up. Then when I say the word collapse, we will all slowly collapse to the floor. Ready: Collapse. 5. Now let’s pretend to make a block tower. Keep building until I say, Oh no, it collapsed. Then watch your tower fall. (Have children build for a few seconds, then say “Oh no, it collapsed!) 6. Now let’s say collapse together three more times: collapse, collapse, collapse. collapse
company Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is company. Say it with me: company. Company means “people who are together with you.” Playing alone is not as much fun as playing with company. 2. En español, company quiere decir ”las personas que están contigo, compañía.” Jugar sólo no es tan divertido como jugar en la compañía de alguien. 3. Company in English and compañía in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word company. (Point to the children in the photo.) See all of the children. They are company that the birthday girl invited to her party. It is fun to have company at a party. PARTNER TALK 5. Tell your partner who you would like to invite to your house for company when you play. 6. Do you like to have company when you watch TV? Why or why not? Use this sentence to talk to your partner about it: I like/do not like to have company when I watch TV because ____________. 7. Now let’s say company together three more times: company, company, company. company
construct Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is construct. Say it with me: construct. To construct means “to make or build.” When we make a building with blocks, we construct the building. What else can we construct with blocks? (Examples include: city, tower, castle) 2. En español, to construct quiere decir ”construir.” Cuando hacemos una torre con cubos estamos construyendo la torre. ¿Qué otras cosas podemos construir con nuestros cubos? (una ciudad, un edifi cio, un castillo) 3. To construct in English and construir in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. MOVEMENT 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows someone constructing. (Point to the paper chain in the photo.) This teacher is showing the children how to construct paper chains. Then she will give the children the things they need to construct or make their own paper chains. 5. Let’s pretend we are constructing paper chains like the children in the photo. First we cut the paper. Then we glue it into a circle. Now we cut another piece and put it through our first circle. 6. Now let’s pretend we are constructing a big castle with our blocks. Let’s take our time because we don’t want our castle to collapse! 7. Now let’s say construct together three more times: construct, construct, construct. construct
entire Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is entire. Say it with me: entire. Entire means “all, or the whole thing.” If all of the children in our class are in the room, the entire class is in the room. If you put your hand into a bowl of water, your entire hand will be wet. 2. En español, entire quiere decir ”todo o algo completo, entero.” Si todos los niños de nuestra clase están en el salón, la clase entera está en el salón. Si metes tu mano en un plato hondo lleno de agua, tu mano entera quedará mojada. 3. Entire in English and entero in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. MOVEMENT 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word entire. (Point to the daffodils in the photo.) See the flowers. They are daffodils. The whole meadow is covered with flowers. The entire meadow has daffodils. 5. Put a crayon on your desk. Let’s cover part of the crayon with our hands. Now let’s cover the entire crayon. Can you still see the crayon? If you can see part of it, you did not cover the entire crayon. 6. Only the boys stand up. Now sit down. Next, only the girls stand up. Now sit down. Get ready. Now I want the entire group to stand up. Good. Now I want the entire group to sit down. 7. Now let’s say entire together three more times: entire, entire, entire. entire
material Key Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is material. Say it with me: material. Material means “something you need to make things.” The material you need to make clothing is cloth. The material you need to make a bookcase is wood or metal. 2. En español, material quiere decir ”lo que necesitas para hacer cosas, material.” El material que se necesita para hacer ropa es tela. El material que se necesita para hacer una estantería para tus libros es madera o metal. 3. Material in English and material in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows materials. (Point to the paper and crayons in the photo.) These children are using art materials to make pictures. The materials they have are crayons and paper. PARTNER TALK 5. Talk to your partner about an art project you made. Tell what materials you used. (Examples include: crayons, paint, paper, markers) 6. Talk to your partner about the materials you need to do your homework. Use this sentence frame: The materials I need to do homework are ____________. 7. Now let’s say material together three more times: material, material, material. material
clean up Function Words & Phrases Unit 2 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use clean up to describe what people do when there is a mess. Say it with me: clean up. Clean up means “tidy up or remove the dirt or mess.” After you cook, you should clean up the pots and pans. 2. En español, to clean up quiere decir “limpiar, lavar, poner en orden las cosas.” Después de cocinar, hay que lavar las ollas. 3. This picture shows the words clean up. This family cleans up after dinner. They clear the table and wash the dishes. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner about a time you helped to clean up. What did you have to clean up? What did you do? 5. Look around the classroom. Tell your partner one thing you think should be cleaned up in our room. Use the sentence: I think we should clean up the ____________. 6. Repeat the words three times with me: clean up, clean up, clean up. clean up
clean out Function Words & Phrases Unit 2 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use clean out to tell what we do when we empty something. Say it with me: clean out. Clean out means “to empty or remove everything from a place.” Before washing the shelves, we will clean out the refrigerator. 2. En español, to clean out quiere decir “vaciar, desocupar, sacar lo que hay adentro.” Antes de limpiar el refrigerador hay que desocuparlo. 3. This picture demonstrates the words clean out. The children are helping to clean out the room. They are taking all of the papers out and recycling them. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I am going to say some sentences. Repeat each sentence. Replace the word empty with the words clean out. I empty my desk. I empty my schoolbag. I empty my lunchbox. 5. Think about what the words clean out mean. I am going to describe some situations. If you think I am cleaning something out, clap and say, “You’re cleaning it out.” If not, say nothing. I’m taking all of the stuff out of the closet. I’m putting all of my socks in the drawer. I’m removing all of the dirt from the birdcage. I’m filling a bag with groceries. 6. Repeat the words three times with me: clean out, clean out, clean out. clean out
let in Function Words & Phrases Unit 2 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use let in to describe what we do when someone wants to enter a place. Say it with me: let in. Let in means “do something to help or allow someone to enter.” If a visitor knocks on our door, we let in the visitor by opening the door. 2. En español, to let in quiere decir “permitir que algo o alguien entre.” Si una visita toca la puerta, abrimos la puerta para permitir que la visita entre. 3. This picture shows the words let in. The store owner is opening the door for his customers. He wants to let in the customers who come to his store. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I’ll say the name of someone or something. Say “Let in,” if you would let them into your house. Say “Not let in,” if you would not. your best friend a tiger a member of your family your dog a stranger 5. I’m going to describe some actions. Raise your hand and say “Let in,” if I am telling about letting someone or something in. Do nothing if I am not. I’m opening the door for my friend to come in. I’m opening the cage for the bird to fly in. I’m opening the door so my friend can leave. I’m opening the door for the bird to fly away. 6. Repeat the words three times with me: let in, let in, let in. let in
fall in Function Words & Phrases Unit 2 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use fall in to describe what might happen to a weak building or other kind of structure. Say it with me: fall in. Fall in means “cave in, collapse, or fall down.” If the wind blows too hard, a tent may fall in. 2. En español, to fall in quiere decir “derrumbarse, desplomarse, caerse.” Con un viento fuerte, una carpa puede desplomarse. 3. This picture shows the words fall in. Look at what happened to the roof of the house. Something caused the roof to fall in. PARTNER TALK 4. Suppose you are walking on a wooden floor and the floor falls in. Tell why this might happen. Start your discussion with the sentence: The floor might fall in if ____________. 5. What might cause a roof of a house to fall in? Think of as many reasons as you can, and discuss them with your partner. (Examples include: storms, snow, wind, termites) 6. Repeat the words three times with me: fall in, fall in, fall in. fall in
litter Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. litter
mud Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. mud
mess Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. mess
dust Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. dust
trash Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. trash
smell (odor) Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. smell (odor)
Basic Words Unit 2 ● Week 4 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.
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