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Start-Up - Discussion 12/1/16

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Presentation on theme: "Start-Up - Discussion 12/1/16"— Presentation transcript:

1 Start-Up - Discussion 12/1/16 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: Have you ever had anyone in your life whom you considered an ENEMY? If so, why? What did they do that made you see them that way? If not, why do you think that is?

2 Start-Up - Writing 12/1/16 Now write about what YOUR PARTNER had to say: Have you ever had anyone in your life whom you considered an ENEMY? If so, why? What did they do that made you see them that way? If not, why do you think that is?

3 My So-Called Enemy In 1948, after WWII, the United Nations took a section of Palestine and created the state of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people. The Arabs nations surrounding the area were upset at having their land taken, so they began attacking the new state of Israel. Since that time, Israel and Palestine have been at war almost constantly; only stopping for short periods of time when attempts at peace were made.

4 My So-Called Enemy The documentary “My So-Called Enemy,” directed by Emmy Award winner Lisa Gossels, followed a group of teenagers from both side of the conflict for seven years. The teens were originally brought together in the United States by a leadership group called Building Bridges for Peace. Their hope was that, by building friendships between these teens, they could cause a change on a larger scale between the different countries.

5 My So-Called Enemy What we will be watching is just a trailer for the full-length documentary. A few terms you need to know before we start watching: Structure – The arrangement of film clips, on screen text, and audio to create a documentary film/trailer. Juxtaposition – The placement of different elements of a film/trailer close to one another. Media Techniques – Elements added to a film/trailer (eg: news reports, music, on-screen text) to help make the director’s point.

6 Analyzing the Media Questions DUE TOMORROW By 7:00 A.M.
Homework Analyzing the Media Questions DUE TOMORROW By 7:00 A.M.

7 Exit Ticket 12/1/16 What do you think was the point of getting these girls from Palestine and Israel together? Why do you think they decided to do it in the U.S.?

8 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 12/7/16 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: What would you say is the MORAL of the story of Jerry and Davidge? What is the lesson to be learned?

9 Now write about what YOUR PARTNER had to say:
Start-Up - Writing 12/7/16 Now write about what YOUR PARTNER had to say: What would you say is the MORAL of the story of Jerry and Davidge? What is the lesson to be learned?

10 We will be going over the questions from the movie.
Today We will be going over the questions from the movie.

11 Notes/Questions sheets from Enemy Mine are DUE BEFORE YOU LEAVE TODAY!

12 Exit Ticket 12/7/16 How are the stories of the girls in “My So-Called Enemy” similar to the story of Jerry and Davidge in “Enemy Mine?”

13 Start-Up - Discussion If the story could continue:
12/8/16 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: If the story could continue: Do you think the relationship between Davidge and Zamis would have any effect on the war between the humans and Draks? Why or why not?

14 If the story could continue:
Start-Up - Writing 12/8/16 Now write about it: If the story could continue: Do you think the relationship between Davidge and Zamis would have any effect on the war between the humans and Draks? Why or why not?

15 Comparison / Contrast Today, you will be completing a comparison and contrast of the movie and the trailer. You will be using the Cannon Comparison Chart in Google Classroom. Remember: 3 Similarities go in the center column (labeled A, B, and C). 3 Differences go in the outer columns (labeled 1, 2 and 3). You DO NOT write in the boxes that are shaded grey.

16 Comparison / Contrast You may work together QUIETLY in your groups to complete the chart portion of the assignment. The paragraph portion at the bottom of the page must be done individually.

17 Homework Your Cannon Comparison Charts and paragraphs are DUE by TOMORROW at 7:00 A.M.

18 Exit Ticket 12/8/16 Which do you think is easier to find between the movie and the trailer, similarities or differences? Why?

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