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Presentation on theme: "INTEGRATION OF VISION & CHANGE INTO THE BIOLOGY CURRICULA"— Presentation transcript:

NW Biology instructors Conference 2015 INTEGRATION OF VISION & CHANGE INTO THE BIOLOGY CURRICULA Kirsten McDade, John Rousseau, Tealia Slagle, Hilary Engebretson VISION – To foster the development of scientifically literate citizens. MAIN GOAL– To engage all biology faculty in the process of embedding the Vision & Change Core Concepts and Core Competencies into multiple aspects of our biology curriculum. Photos should be at least 300dpi, but not more than 5-12 mgs each. Your poster is set to be enlarged 200% so do not change the page size to fit another poster size. Posters (3’ x 4’) will be printed at WWU using the same purchase order at the same time. Please your poster as a PPT file to by Joann Otto at WWU by April 20, Please contact Joann Otto with questions about poster printing. Also please put your institution “logo” on your poster. Please note that this template is provided to simplify your effort to prepare a poster for the NW Biology meeting. You can change the font size, colors, column widths, add photos, institutional logos, graphics, etc. This template can also be used as a starting point and you can be as creative as you want in your poster. However, we would like to have all of the posters the same size and we will be printed at the same time, at the same print shop in order to easily pay for printing with one purchase order. ACTIONS BARRIERS & CHALLENGES Re-worked all biology course outcomes to align with V&C Core Concepts and Competencies Implemented these new course outcomes Created a graphic to re-inforce the V&C Core Concepts and Competencies campus-wide Established a professional learning community(PLC) of WCC biology instructors Created an online platform to support, augment and foster the activities of the PLC Need better communication among faculty to develop and share V&C aligned curricula Scheduling conflicts interfere with establishing a PLC meeting time that works for all faculty Difficult to follow through in incorporating our PLC online platform into our daily/weekly routine of interaction with each other SUCCESSES Faculty continue to positively engage and share the V&C vision PLC meetings are vibrant and productive places where faculty are motivated to try new approaches in the classroom There is increased confidence in sharing ideas among faculty members SUSTAINABILITY STRENGTHS The establishment of an ongoing PLC is the most effective way to ensure sustainability of our shared vision. Our PLC is an ongoing collaboration with no end date. Shared vision and enthusiasm among faculty Momentum Supportive administration Adaptable infrastructure FUTURE GOALS Products Increase engagement of all biology faculty with the PLC online platform Increase communication among all STEM departments to align in-common curricula Gather and analyze data from entrance/exit quiz for non-majors biology RESOURCES & ALLIES Approved V&C-aligned outcomes for all biology courses PLC online platform Entrance/exit quiz for non-majors biology Sharing of resources V&C graphic (see right) Our efforts have been supported by: Pamela Pape-Lindstrom (coach) Joann Otto Change at the Core (NSF-sponsored grant with faculty from WWU and SVC) This work was supported in part by an NSF RCN UBE award #


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