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Objective: Describe the Golden Age of India.

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1 Objective: Describe the Golden Age of India.

2 Gupta Empire Notes 2nd Empire of Classical India
How does it compare in size to other classical empires?


4 Gupta Empire Notes After the fall of the Mauryan Empire, India experienced several hundred years of political fragmentation. Despite the fragmentation, economic activity continued. The wealthy merchant class supported the arts. In 320 ce, Chandra Gupta became the first emperor of the newly formed Gupta Empire.




8 Trade Routes Linked the Gupta Empire to the Outside World

9 Extensive Trade: 4c spices silks cotton goods rice & wheat spices
horses gold & ivory gold & ivory cotton goods

10 “Theater State” The Gupta empire became wealthy from trade and taxes - 25% tax on crops. A “Theater State” was created with Lavish royal ceremonies. Scientists and artists receive royal support. Leads to a Golden Age in India

11 Achievements of Classical India

12 Indian Literature During this era several important pieces of literature were written The Ramayana The Mahabharata The Bhagavad Ghita Sanskrit was also standardized as a written language.


14 Read the Electronic Handout titled
“The Indian Invention of Arabic Numerals”

15 Hindu Architecture Huge Hindu temples were built with state money.
These temples were characterized by - Raised platforms High Towers. Sacred living place of a Hindu god. Statues of the deity. Decorated with paintings and sculptures

16 How do these temples compare?

17 Greatly influenced Southeast Asian art & architecture.
Gupta Art Greatly influenced Southeast Asian art & architecture.

18 Buddhist Art Artists also carved huge statues of the Buddha for people to worship. Wealthy Buddhist merchants who were eager to do good deeds paid for the construction of stupas—mounded stone structures built over holy relics. Buddhists walked the paths circling the stupas as a part of their meditation. Merchants also commissioned the carving of cave temples out of solid rock. Artists then adorned these temples with beautiful sculptures and paintings.

19 Buddhist Stupa Monasteries
Large Dome-shaped Shrines. Monks and nuns live, study, and worship here. Orphans, widows, poor, and the sick go to these houses for help. Missionaries stay here while traveling


21 Ancient Buddhist University

22 The Decline of the Guptas
Invasion of the White Huns in the 4c signaled the end of the Gupta Golden Age. Defense against the Huns depleted the state treasury. The empire collapsed in 550. After the decline of the Gupta empire, north India broke into a number of separate Hindu kingdoms and was not really unified again until the coming of the Muslims in the 7c.


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