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Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project Project Certification – Planning Phase October 23, 2013

2 Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project
Introduction – Stakeholders John G. Franchini, Superintendent of Insurance Jolene M. Gonzales, Chief Administrative Officer Alan Seeley, Deputy Superintendent Bryan Maestas, Chief Financial Officer David P. Barton, General Counsel Larry Padilla, IT Specialist Project Director - Nanda Kumar, Chief Information Officer Project Manager / Business Analyst, Jane Hamlet, CSW

3 Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project
Background ‘The Office of Superintendent of Insurance (OSI) was created on July 1, 2013 pursuant to the passage of Constitutional Amendment 4 during the 2012 General Election and the subsequent enactment of House Bill 45 (Laws of 2013, Chapter 74) from the 1st Session of the 51st Legislature. These actions removed the insurance regulatory function from the Public Regulation Commission (where it was housed as the “Insurance Division”) and placed it in a newly-created adjunct state agency entitled the “Office of Superintendent of Insurance.” The enabling legislation also created an Insurance Nominating Committee to appoint the Superintendent of Insurance.’ 1  ‘The staff and physical location of the OSI have remained essentially the same as they were while in the Insurance Division of the PRC. The incumbent Superintendent of Insurance under the PRC, John Franchini, was subsequently appointed by the Insurance Nominating Committee to retain his role as Superintendent. As mentioned in its Vision Statement, the OSI currently has the following broad initiatives: Initiative 2: Replace the Agency’s dysfunctional legacy system (IDEAL) with the fully functional system promulgated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (SBS).’ From the OSI FY 15 Strategic Plan

4 Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project
Project Outline The objective for the OSI Paperless, Web-based Environment Project is to migrate the insurance system and processes towards a paperless, web-based environment by integrating State Based Systems (SBS) into all of the OSI processes within each division. SBS provides tools for state insurance departments to conduct business. SBS consists of National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) products and state insurance modules including Agents, Companies and Premium Tax. Thirty-two states use SBS to process their insurance transactions. SBS supports the National Insurance Producers Registry (NIPR), an Oracle database repository. Insurance transactions are sent to the SBS database for processing. SBS has complete disaster recovery capabilities.

5 Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project
Benefits for OSI: Find and retrieve electronic insurance document images quickly, without having to locate and search through boxes of paper. Eliminate redundant or out-of-date copies/versions of content (physical and electronic.) This leads directly to a reduction in storage requirements. Reduce operating costs. Moving content around electronically is cheaper than moving paper through an organization. Increase productivity by having the right information in the right hands at the right time. Using workflow to automate routine or low-value tasks leaves more time/resources to execute the high-value tasks. Increase customer satisfaction by getting the answer the customer needs (not wants) when they need it. Support business continuity by ensuring that the content needed to run the business is available, always. A properly architected and implemented paperless, web-based environment takes into account backups, archives, near and off-line storage, and disaster recovery. Perform reporting online. Compile OSI reports in a timely fashion. Post OSI reports online for review and comments. Comply with inspection, protection, and enforcement.

6 Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project
Project Progress as 10/23/2013 Project Manager / Business Analyst hired Project Charter and Project Management Plan completed Executive Steering Committee actively engaged SBS demonstrated software tools Project Schedule coordinated with SBS

7 Major Project Deliverable & Performance Measure
Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project Proposed Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measures Major Project Deliverable & Performance Measure Budget Due Date Project Phase Gap Analysis – Completed 2011 90,000 June 30, 2011 Initiation Issuance of RFP for e-IDEAL (cancelled) Sept. 30, 2012 Procure Project Manager/Business Analyst Sept. 1, 2013 Develop Project Management Plan & Schedule 22,000 Oct. 15, 2013 Project Coordination, Planning Phase 27,000 Nov. 01, 2013 Planning Gather Requirements 41,000 Dec. 31, 2013 Project Coordination, Implementation Phase 70,000 April 30, 2014 Implementation IV&V 50,000 Design and Integration (Phase 1) 240,000 Feb. 28, 2014 Testing (Phase 1) March 31, 2014 Deploy (Phase 1) June 30, 2014 Total 590,000

8 Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project
Proposed Project Timeline

9 Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project

10 Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project
Appropriation History Fiscal Year 2013 Amount: $590,000 Funding Source: Laws 2012, Chapter 19, Section 7. (The appropriation is from assessments authorized by Section 59A NMSA 1978 for an insurance division licensing and revenue accounting system) Fiscal Year 2014 Amount: $1,250,000 Funding Source: Laws 2013, Chapter 227, Section 7. (The appropriation is from the insurance operations fund.)

11 Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project
Certification History June 2012 Amount: $100,000 Funding Source: Laws 2012, Chapter 19, Section 7. (The appropriation is from assessments authorized by Section 59A NMSA 1978 for an insurance division licensing and revenue accounting system)

12 Office of Superintendent of Insurance Paperless, Electronic Web-based Environment Project
Requesting Approval for Project Planning Phase Certification and Release of Funds in the Amount of $490,000 THANK YOU!


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