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2018 Test Administrator training
NAPLAN Online 2018 Test Administrator training
Part A Part B TA Training Part D Part C Introduction
Log into a test session Part C Run a test session Part D Practice TA Training Training today can be divided into four parts. Part A – is a brief introduction and review of the key components of NAPLAN Online Part B – the Facilitator will demonstrate how to log into a test session as a Test Administrator (TA) Part C – the Facilitator will demonstrate how to run a test session using participants as students Part D – participants will have an opportunity to practice the role of Test Administrator
NAPLAN Online Assessment Platform
Moving to NAPLAN Online means that both students AND school staff will use online systems. Staff will always log in through the Assessment Platform “assessform” website. The Assessment Platform – is the location of the Training and NAPLAN environments. This is where schools log in to administer the NAPLAN tests or conduct training. It is important to note here that the environments on the Assessment Platform change from time to time, therefore it is vital that you ensure you are accessing the correct environment for the task you are trying to perform. Today we will be using the Training environment. You should bookmark this page now.
NAP Locked down browser
NAPLAN Online Students NAP Locked down browser Unsecured access Alternative formats Assistive technology Colour overlay Braille Black & White Large Print [Arrows are animated to appear upon clicks] Students use a different application to access the tests. There are three ways students they can do this: Through the NAP Locked down browser (primary access for most students) – a shortcut on the desktop or an app on an iPad Using an unsecured URL (for students approved with the disability adjustment codes AST and COL) Using approved alternative formats such as braille, large print and black and white
NAPLAN Online The NAP Locked down browser may appear as a shortcut on the desktop or an app on an iPad. Just like the assessform website, it shows the a number of available environments. It is important that students log into the correct environment. To check this they will be able to see the name of the environment on the login screens. When we use this today, we will access the Training environment. Please note that the NAP Locked down browser is the one to install - there is another locked down browser in the app store.
Roles P NC ST TA Principal NAPLAN Coordinator
School Technical Support Officer Test Administrator Can perform most tasks necessary for the preparation and delivery of the tests, as delegated by the principal. [Roles are animated to appear upon clicks] There are four main roles associated with the administration of the NAPLAN Online tests. The size of the school will determine the number of people performing each of these roles (except Principal): Principal – Accountable for NAPLAN administration NAPLAN Coordinator – Can perform most of the tasks necessary for the preparation and delivery of NAPLAN tests, as delegated by the Principal School Technical Support Officer – Can perform specific roles in the school technical support officer dashboard Test Administrator – Is the only role that can start a test in the Assessment Platform. Optional: Who are the people in our school who will fulfil these roles. Can perform specific tasks in the School Technical Readiness tile. Administers the test sessions. Accountable for the administration of the tests.
Not all TAs are the same…
≠ TA Test Administrator TA Teacher Aide Note that NAPLAN Online uses the acronym TA to refer to the Test Administrator. Test administrators can be teachers, school staff members and school support staff who are involved in delivering (administering) the NAPLAN tests to students. It is sometimes confusing as the acronym ‘TA’ is commonly used to refer to a teacher aide or teacher assistant in schools.
NAPLAN Online Tests are scheduled in the following order: Writing
Reading Conventions of language Numeracy In 2018, Year 3 will sit the Writing test on paper. In the same way that paper based NAPLAN tests are conducted in a specific order, so is NAPLAN Online. The order of the tests is different for paper and online tests. Tests are scheduled in the order as it appears on this screen. A test schedule will be created by the Principal or NAPLAN Coordinator for our school that will outline when tests will occur over the testing window. Please note that in 2018, Year 3 will sit the Writing test on paper.
Test Administrator (TA) Pack
The NAPLAN Coordinator will provide a TA Pack for each scheduled test session. It is important to be familiar with the contents of the pack: Test Administrator (TA) Session Slip Student Session Slips Test Administrator handbook for teachers Participating students list Contact details for support To perform your role, each Test Administrator needs a TA Pack on the day of each test. These are created by the Principal or NAPLAN Coordinator and given to you prior to the scheduled tests. The following documents form the basis of the TA Pack. Test Administrator Session Slip - the Test Administrator uses the login details – the username and password - on this slip to log in to the Assessment Platform and create a Test Session code. Student Session Slips - the Test Administrator provides these to the students sitting the tests. Test Administrator handbook for teachers - for test administration guidelines, protocols and scripts. Participating students list - contains information such as the class group and Disability Adjustments (DACs). This list could be a class roll or a print out from the Assessment Platform. Contact details for support – to access support within the school if needed The dot points in bold will be included in the TA Pack you will receive today. Factsheet 12: Create Test Administrators (TA) Packs
Test Administrator Session Slip (one for each test session)
Student Session Slip (for each student) [Boxes in red are animated to appear upon clicks] Let’s take a closer look at two essential parts of the TA Pack. These are created in the Assessment Platform by the Principal or NAPLAN Coordinator. The Test Administrator Session Slip – has the login details you will need to use to access the Assessment Platform. It is printed on an A4 piece of paper and has a description at the top. In this instance we have the date, year level and test type. Schools will include information here that helps them best organise their test sessions. Below this are the Username and Password details. Text in the middle of the slip provides the website address and reminder that this session slip is a one- time login. Student Session slips – has the login details for the student to access the test. At the top of the slip, we can see the name of the test. Below the title is the student name and the unique 8 letter student code. Once it has been used, and the test completed, it cannot be used again. Note that the test the student will sit is defined by the slip you give them.
Handbooks Handbook for principals – NAPLAN online
NAPLAN online test administration handbook for teachers – Year 3 NAPLAN online test administration handbook for teachers – Year 5 NAPLAN online test administration handbook for teachers – Year 7 NAPLAN online test administration handbook for teachers – Year 9 Our school will receive handbooks similar to those we have received in the past for paper based NAPLAN. This will include the: Handbook for principals – NAPLAN online, and the NAPLAN online test administration handbooks for teachers - Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Test Administrator mini-handbook
QCAA has created the mini-handbook for preparation activities only. In addition, the QCAA have created a Test Administrator mini-handbook for teachers which is a condensed version of the original that we can use for training purposes. It includes information on: Preparing for the test session Monitoring the test session Reading from the test administration script Finalising the test session, and Resolving test issues You will find this inside your TA Pack. Please note that this is for preparation activities only, and should not be used in NAPLAN testing.
Public demonstration site
It our responsibility as a school to take students through the Public Demonstration Site to familiarise them with the style of test that will be presented to them. When students take a demonstration test, they will see a range of different question types. Some of these include: multiple choice/s, checkbox, text entry, drop down list, drawing lines and drag and drop. Students may need familiarisation with some of these question types. Note, that this is also a website that parents can access to see what their children will experience in the online test. There are several ways to access this site: NAP website – as on the screen. Select NAPLAN Online > Try the demonstration site NAP Locked down browser – on student devices: select Student demonstration tests You should bookmark this now if you haven’t already.
Public demonstration site
[Boxes in red are animated to appear upon clicks] In addition to the familiarisation of the different question types, students should be shown the different features on the page they are viewing. For example: Top left corner – magnifier tool and timer. The magnifier tool allows students to enlarge the screen they are using. Note that this may require scrolling to view the whole question. The timer counts down the test time remaining for the student. Students can select the Hide time button to hide the timer if they prefer. The timer flashes to alert students when there is 5 minutes left on the test. Top centre – indicates a student’s current test question and the number of items. Also, top centre – the grid icon opens a progress summary screen. Top right – tool symbol which is available for some items only. This item is a numeracy question that requires a ruler. When selected, it appears in the middle of the screen. The calculator may also been seen in Year 7 & 9 numeracy tests. Bottom left - Back button. To move back to previous questions if needed. In the opposite bottom right corner is the Next button to progress through the questions. Bottom right - Beside the Next button is the Flag button, which allows students to flag a question they might want to go back to later.
Public demonstration site
This page shows the progress summary of the student test. It appears at the end of each test or when the grid is selected at the top of the page. Students can see at a glance which questions they have answered, not answered, not read yet and flagged. They can select any of the question boxes to go directly to that question so it’s a great tool for them to review and check their answers.
Public demonstration site
Optional Now we will take a few minutes to explore the Public demonstration site. Please open the website and scroll down the page to the drop down lists of the tests. Select a test appropriate to your students’ year level and take a little time to explore.
Part A Part B TA Training Part D Part C Introduction
Log into a test session Part C Run a test session Part D Practice TA Training PART B In this part of the training, I will demonstrate how to log into a test session as a Test Administrator. Before I start, let’s run through the steps that can be completed in the room before students arrive.
Check technical devices Log into the environment
Test Administrator Set up the room Review the TA Pack Prepare the room Access to a whiteboard Planning paper (if applicable) Check technical devices TA device is charged and connected Earphones for students (if applicable) Spare devices and power boards Student devices are charged and connected Log into the environment Open and select environment Username / password from TA Session slip Create New Test Session Write the Session Code on the board. [Boxes are animated to appear upon clicks] Prior to administering a test, there are steps that the Test Administrator can perform before students enter the room. These include: Prepare the room – this includes reviewing the TA Pack and any necessary adjustments that need to be implemented; arranging the room so that students cannot see each other’s work or posters. Making sure there is access to a whiteboard so that the Session Code can be written, and making sure that planning paper is available (for all tests with the exception of the Reading test). Check technical devices - Technical checks, including device checks and the installation of the NAP Locked down browser have been done prior to the test window. On test days, it is the TA’s responsibility to check their device is charged and connected. It is also necessary to have spare earphones, devices and power boards in the event that a student is not prepared. If necessary, seek assistance from our NAPLAN Coordinator or School Technical Support Officer if you have questions on these, or other, technical aspects. Log into the Training Environment – using the details from the Test Administrator Session Slip in your TA pack. Once this has been done, you can then create a new test session and write this unique 8 letter code on the whiteboard for students to use.
Test Administrator Log in Open
Select NAPLAN Training Environment Enter Username and Password Select Login Select Create New Test Session Write down the Session Code on the whiteboard [Facilitator should show the following slides and then demonstrate live with the participants in a step by step approach] These are the steps that we need to follow to log in to the Assessment Platform as Test Administrator. I am going to show you the steps in more detail, and then we will all log into the Assessment Platform and do them together. Please do not log in before then. Factsheet 16: Test Administrators (TA) login and start test session
Test Administrator Open
Select the NAPLAN Training Environment First, I log in to the Assessment Platform by opening the website I select the NAPLAN Training Environment. It’s important that the correct environment is chosen as the login details will not work otherwise.
Test Administrator Enter the Username and Password from the Test Administrator Session Slip. Select Login. Next, I will use my Test Administrator Session Slip (from my TA Pack) to get my Username and Password. I know that I have selected the correct environment because TRAINING is displayed at the top of my page.
Test Administrator Create a new test session.
Once I have selected login, a dialogue box asks if I want to create a new test session. I will confirm that I want to ‘Create New Test Session’.
Test Administrator 6. Write the session code on the board. TRAINING
JHC MT HDY Test Administrator 6. Write the session code on the board. [Boxes in red are animated to appear upon clicks] This is my new session code. It can only be used for one test session. I need to write this code on the board for the students to use. I will also write the name of the environment so students can check they are logging into the correct place. Now that you have seen the process of logging into the Assessment Platform, we are going to go through the steps together. When we get to this stage, I would like you all to write down your unique Session Code on a piece of paper (instead of the board) so that we can use it later. [Facilitator should demonstrate the steps live with the participants in a step by step approach – repeat slides if necessary]
Part A Part B TA Training Part D Part C Introduction
Log into a test session Part C Run a test session Part D Practice TA Training PART C You have now run through the process of logging in to a test session as the Test Administrator. In Part C, you will all log in as students while I stay in the role of Test Administrator. I am going to demonstrate how to run a test session. Before we start, can everyone please EXIT the assessment platform browser we have just been using. This way there will be no confusion when you log into NAP Locked down browser. Do not log in at this stage.
Test Administrator Distribute a Student Session Slip to each participant. Firstly, I will hand out a Student Session Slip to each of you. This contains your student code. The NAPLAN Coordinator has a choice of printing these in different ways: 14 to a page (default) – this way requires each slip to be cut out individually. 1 per page - this way is useful as it can also be used as planning paper / working out paper (for all tests except the Reading test). Most importantly to note is that the test that students will do is defined by the student session slip I give them.
Test Administrator 2018 Test administration mini-handbook for teachers
Today we are using the Test administration mini-handbook for teachers. It is a shortened version of the TA Handbook you will use in May. It has a condensed script and additional guidance around how to prepare for and monitor the test session and information on how to manage test disruptions. This is included in your TA Pack that you will receive in the next section. It is important to note that this is for preparation activities only, and should not be used in NAPLAN testing. Today we are using the Training environment. Can you please write Training everywhere the orange boxes appear. I am going to read from the Test administration mini-handbook for teachers . I will stop from time to time to explain the screens you are looking at and what you need to be aware of. [Read from the start of the Test Administration script] You should all have your student code for this test on a piece of paper. Check to see that you have this. You should have your device turned on in front of you. The first thing we will do is check the sound using your earphones. Check that your earphones are plugged in. Set your device’s volume between halfway and full. You will NOT be able to adjust volume during the test.
Test Administrator Today we are using the Test administration mini-handbook for teachers. It is a shortened version of the TA Handbook you will use in May. It has a condensed script and additional guidance around how to prepare for and monitor the test session and information on how to manage test disruptions. This is included in your TA Pack that you will receive in the next section. It is important to note that this is for preparation activities only, and should not be used in NAPLAN testing. Today we are using the Training environment. Can you please write Training everywhere the orange boxes appear. I am going to read from the Test administration mini-handbook for teachers . I will stop from time to time to explain the screens you are looking at and what you need to be aware of. [Read from the start of the Test Administration script] You should all have your student code for this test on a piece of paper. Check to see that you have this. You should have your device turned on in front of you. The first thing we will do is check the sound using your earphones. Check that your earphones are plugged in. Set your device’s volume between halfway and full. You will NOT be able to adjust volume during the test.
Student Open the NAP Locked down browser Select Training
Complete the audio check [Continue reading from the Test Administration script] Select the icon for the NAP Locked down browser and wait. You should now all see a page which displays a number of options. One of these will say ‘Training’. Raise your hand if you cannot see this screen. Now, select the ‘Training’ button. You should now all see the audio check screen. Select play to hear the sound. If you can hear the sound, select ‘I can hear the sound’ and then select ‘Start test’. If not raise your hand.
Student 4. Enter the Session Code 5. Enter the Student Code
[Continue reading from the Test Administration script] You should now see the test session login screen with white boxes. If not raise your hand. I have written the 8-letter session code on the board. Type this code into the boxes. Be careful to type the letters exactly as they appear on the board. Once you have typed the session code into the boxes, select ‘next’ and wait. Now type your student code into the boxes on your screen. This is the 8-letter code that is printed on your piece of paper. Once you have typed it in, select ‘next’ and wait. You will see a box asking you to confirm your name for this test. Select ‘yes’ and wait. Note here: You will be presented with two successive screens that require unique 8 letter codes. There are several things to mention on these screens: The title at the top confirms the environment the student has logged into. The text underneath the title, indicates the code that needs to be entered and where it comes from. It is important that students use the correct code in the correct place – it is easy to confuse them. First screen – Session Code – this is the code the Test Administrator has written on the board. By entering this, you connect to the session I created. Second screen – Student Code – this is the code the students have on their piece of paper. By entering this, you join as a specific student sitting a specific test.
Student Next you will be presented with a screen to confirm your name and commence the test. Note that some tests may start with practice questions. The screen will ask you to wait to begin. The test will only start when I start the test session for the whole class.
Test Administrator Starting a test session.
[Boxes are animated to appear upon clicks] Before I start the test I want you to show you what my screen looks like. This is the TA dashboard before students start the test. At the top left of my screen is the Session Code – I wrote this on the board for the students (you) to log in with As my students (you) login to the session, your names will appear in a list in the middle. And on the right side of the screen is my Start session button. I select Start session when all students have logged in and completed any practice questions. A dialogue box will appear to confirm that I want to start. I am going to start the session now and give you a few minutes to look at the test and attempt some questions. Factsheet 16: Test Administrators (TA) login and start test session
Test Administrator Monitoring a test session.
[Boxes in red are animated to appear upon clicks] Now that you have started the test, I want to show you what my dashboard looks like. It has changed slightly so that I can monitor the students in my session: On the left of my screen is a selection of tabs that tell me the status of my students Below this is a list of students who have entered the test session. To perform actions for specific students, select the student by clicking to tick the checkbox next to their name. Then select the relevant button just above the student table. At the top right are my buttons to pause and finalise a session (this will affect the whole class) At the middle right are my buttons to pause, resume and finish a student(s) (selected using the box beside their name) And beneath this, is information to tell me student progress Finally, the actions column alerts me to issues that I need to investigate further Note here that there is a difference between a whole test session (the whole class), and an individual student attempt. Factsheet 17: Monitor a test session
Test Administrator Monitor students activity on the dashboard:
Check the status of students. Scan the Actions column: lock icon indicates an attempt to re-enter the test. warning icon indicates possible connectivity issues. plus sign indicates an adjustment. During the test session the test administrator should actively supervise students and monitor for disruptions. Let’s look a little more closely at parts of the screen displayed. The status tabs tell me the number of students in the Not Started, Paused, Finished, and Waiting entry tabs is as expected. If not, I need follow up as necessary by selecting the relevant tab, student and action. Scan the Actions column for icons A lock indicates an attempt to re-enter the test. This may be caused by a student exiting and re-entering, a device change or reboot. A warning icon indicates possible connectivity issues. Monitor the student and resolve the issue if necessary. A plus sign indicates an adjustment. Select the icon for details. Most adjustments are automatically applied to the test.
Test disruptions: student test attempt
Select student Select Pause student Enter details, select Confirm Rectify the problem (if possible) 1. Select Paused tab 2. Select student 3. Select Resume student 4. Enter details, select Confirm Where possible, tests should be completed in a single uninterrupted session. In the event of a disruption to a student’s test attempt, the Test Administrator should: Select Pause student Rectify the problem (if possible) Select Resume student Any disruption must be notified to the NAPLAN Coordinator at the end of the session. Refer to the back page of the TA mini-handbook for teachers or Quick start guide for further information.
Test disruptions: test session
Select Pause session Enter details, select Confirm Rectify the problem (if possible) 1. Select Resume session 2. Enter details, select Confirm Note that there is a difference between pausing/resuming individual student attempts, and a whole test session. In the event of a disruption to a test session which affects all students, the Test Administrator should: Select Pause session Rectify the problem (if possible) Select Resume session Any disruption must be notified to the NAPLAN Coordinator at the end of the session. Refer to the back page of the TA mini-handbook for teachers or Quick start guide for further information.
Test Administrator Students should finish their own test attempts once they have completed the test. However, you can finish a test attempt on their behalf (in the TA dashboard) if they have forgotten or walked off. If a student did not complete the test during the session because they experienced a test disruption, or they left the session because they were unwell, you should not finish their test attempt. The NAPLAN Coordinator will need to be informed and follow up.
Test Administrator Finalising a test session.
Check students have finished their test attempt. Check students have closed the NAP Locked down browser. Finalise Session (if possible). Advise the NAPLAN Coordinator of any paused students. Collect and return all test materials to the NAPLAN Coordinator. This is a list of things the Test Administrator needs to action at the end of a test session. Check students have finished their test attempt. Check students have closed the locked down browser. Finalise Session if possible. Collect and return all test materials to the NAPLAN Coordinator. It is really important that every test session is finalised whenever possible. If not finalised, students cannot sit anther test. The Test Administrator needs to promptly advise the NAPLAN Coordinator if they are unable to finalise a test session (e.g. a student was absent or refused to attempt the test) so that the NAPLAN Coordinator can take further steps.
Test Administrator Finalising a test session.
[Dialogue box animated to appear upon click] This is what the TA dashboard will look like.
Part A Part B TA Training Part D Part C Introduction
Log into a test session Part C Run a test session Part D Practice TA Training PART D In this final part of training we are going to take turns to practice being a Test Administrator. We will also try out what to do for possible scenarios. Before we start, can everyone please log out of the NAP Locked down browser. You do this by: selecting finish test selecting logout at the bottom of the page. confirming you wish to log out selecting X at the bottom right of the page
Over to you … Open your TA Pack and review the contents.
Test Administrator Session Slip Student Session Slips Test Administrator mini-handbook for teachers Participating students list Contact details for support Your pack will also have a Test Administrator checklist. HAND OUT A TA PACK TO EACH PARTICIPANT Your TA Pack today includes only these items in bold. Test Administrator Session Slip - the Test Administrator uses the login details on this slip to login to the Assessment Platform and create a Test Session. Student Session Slips - the Test Administrator provides these login details to the students sitting the tests. Test Administrator mini-handbook for teachers - for test administration guidelines and scripts. For NAPLAN, the following will also be included: Participating student list – a list of students in the test session, including information around students who require adjustments Contact details for support – for NAPLAN Coordinator and/or School Technical Support Officer
Over to you … Now we are going to take turns at practicing the roles of Test Administrator and Student. To do this, please: Arrange yourselves into small groups of three or four people. Nominate one person to act as Test Administrator. The remaining participants will be students. Can the nominated Test Administrator: Open and log into the NAPLAN Training environment using the Test Administrator Session Slip from their TA Pack. Create a new session and write the Session Code on the board (piece of paper) for their ‘students’. Distribute the Student Session Slips from their TA Pack to their ‘students’ Do this now.
Over to you … Test Administrator Students
Select NAPLAN Training environment Enter Username/Password Create a new test session Write the Session Code Distribute Student Session Slips Start and manage test session Finalise test session NAP Locked down browser Select Training Enter Session Code Enter Student Code Participate in a sample test Finish test attempt Log out [Columns animated to appear upon click] Students, can you now please: Open the NAP Locked down browser using the app on your desktop Select Training Enter Session Code provided by your Test Administrator Enter Student Code printed on your piece of paper Participate in a sample test Whilst you are in the test, and with the Test Administrator monitoring their dashboard, I would like you to try some possible scenarios that may occur in a testing classroom. On the next slide I have some suggestions.
Over to you … Practice different scenarios. Swap roles.
Test Administrator ( Start session Pause student Resume student Monitor dashboard Students (NAP Locked down browser) Late entry Finished test early Reopen test Disconnect (network) These are some scenarios you may like to try. You do not have to try them all at once. After a few minutes, change roles and repeat until everyone has a turn. Make sure to check the back page of your Test Administrator mini-handbook for more details on test disruptions.
Create new Test Session
Let’s review The Test Administrator has the following tasks when administering the NAPLAN tests online. Before Log in with TA Session Slip Create new Test Session Write Session Code on the board During Distribute Student Session Slips Read aloud from the script Start and manage the test session After Finalise session Collect Student Session Slips Return materials to NAPLAN Coordinator [Boxes are animated to appear upon clicks] Now that we have had a chance to practice, let’s review the tasks of the Test Administrator. Before students enter the classroom: Login to the Assessment Platform using the username and password from the Test Administrator session slip Create a new Test Session, and Write the session code on the board When students enter the room: Distribute student session slips Read aloud from the script, and Start and manage the test session by monitoring the TA dashboard When students have finished their test, the Test Administrator must: Finalise the test session Collect all materials, and Return the materials to the NAPLAN Coordinator
Let’s review: terminology
TA Session Login Username / Password Student Code Unique 8-letter code Printed on Printed on TA Session Slip Student Session Slip Session Code Unique 8-letter code [Images are animated to appear upon clicks] Lets also review the terminology that we will be using. It is really important that we use the right words for the right terms, as this can be confusing. This is a graphic of how these things work together: First, The Test Administrator logs in using their username and password on their Test Administrator Session Slip, they will then be asked to create a new Session Code which they will write on the board for students to use. The students use the Session Code and the code on their Student Session Slip to login to the test.
Next steps for test administrators
Use your TA Packs to practice (let me know of any unfinalised test sessions) Watch the videos ( Check out the Factsheets ( Familiarise yourself and students with the Public demonstration site ( So what do you do now? Here’s some suggestions.
Supporting websites QCAA Website DET Website ACARA Website Public demonstration site The following websites have a range of supporting resources available to schools. These include: QCAA – factsheets and guides that summarise the steps for the main tasks that school staff need to carry out, in addition to the regular monthly NAPLAN newsletters that can be subscribed to (no password required). ACARA – detailed guides for the NAP Locked down browser, training guides, user guides and videos for Principals, NAPLAN Coordinators and School Technical Support Officers (password access required). Public demonstration site – provides a way to familiarise students with the style of test and questions that will be presented to them (no password required). DET – information on school, staff and student readiness, in addition to parent information and other links (no password required).
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