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Frost Bite! Communism Capitalism

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Presentation on theme: "Frost Bite! Communism Capitalism"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: Why did a Cold War emerge between the United States and the Soviet Union

2 Frost Bite! Communism Capitalism
Economic & political systems incompatible Start of the Cold War Communism State controlled all property & economic activity Totalitarian Gov No opposing parties Capitalism Private citizens control Democracy!

3 Frost Bite Iron Curtain – Satellite nations!
Communist gov. protect USSR from the West

4 [ 1946-48] US Steps In Marshall Plan
Provide aid to all European nations that need it Against poverty, hunger, chaos Saved western Europe

5 3 western nations combine zones – make 1 nation USSR retaliates
Battle for Berlin [1948] 3 western nations combine zones – make 1 nation USSR retaliates [1948] Berlin Airlift West Berlin is held hostage! Cut all hways, rail lines, water to W. Berlin No supplies can get in – Result?! 327 days – flights round the clock May 1949 – lifted blockade

6 [ 1946-48] US Steps In Policy of “containment”
Stop Stalin & USSR by creating alliances & weaker nations Truman Doctrine USA should support free peoples who were resisting takeovers by “armed minorities” or “outside pressures” Controversial: USA power spread too thin Stay out of internal affairs of other nations

7 Alliances – Choosing Sides
[1949] NATO 12 European Nations – Defensive military alliance in fear of Soviet Aggression Attack on one – attack on all [1955] Warsaw Pact USSR military alliance w/E. European satellite nations under control



10 Conclusions 1. How does the Marshall Plan show that the US learned an important lesson from World War I? 2. How does the formation of NATO show a shift in America’s role in the world?

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