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Certificate of Property Disposal (CPD)

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1 Certificate of Property Disposal (CPD)
A Certificate of Property Disposal is a web based form that is filled out and submitted by the agency property manager, requesting to dispose of property at the agency’s location.








9 Office of State Procurement Marketing and Redistribution
State of Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration 6620 Young Road Little Rock, AR Office of State Procurement Marketing and Redistribution (501) DFA-Marketing & Redistribution Document # Attn: David Justice Date: April 24, 2013   Certificate of Property Disposal ________ A. The property identified below is authorized for cannibalization by the state Surplus Property Manager who hereby authorizes the agency to perform the cannibalization. ________ B. The property identified below is authorized for destruction by the state Surplus Property Manager who hereby authorizes the agency to perform the destruction. _XXX___ C. Property that is scrap with material contents of lead, copper, brass, iron, etc., will be disposed of by sale to local scrap dealers at local prices. Payment (s) received are to be sent and made payable to: Marketing & Redistribution. ________ D. Property of resale value that is not feasible for transport to Marketing & Redistribution will be disposed of by Negotiated Sale, “as is, where is.” Copy of all bids & monies received are to be sent and made payable to: Marketing & Redistribution. ________ E. The computer and electronic equipment identified on the attached list has been disposed of in compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Federal Bureau of Prison Recycle Division (UNICOR) and the Office of State Procurement, Marketing & Redistribution. Please indicate below in what manner property was disposed of: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** Individuals with Supervisory or Managerial responsibility will sign this document. Signed: _______________________Date: ________Cost Center: ________ Print Name: __________________________________________ Witnessed by: __________________________Date:____________________ Print Name: ________________________________________

10 Department of Finance and Administration 6620 Young Road
State of Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration 6620 Young Road Little Rock, AR Office of State Procurement Marketing and Redistribution (501) Certificate of Property Disposal Document #: Date: April 24,2013 Item Description Asset/Property/Serial # Quantity 1._ One Lot of Scrap Metal 1-lot As mandated in ACA § , “no employee of the Department of Finance and Administration or member of their immediate family shall be entitled to purchase any commodities”. When an “On Location” sale takes place employees of the agency selling the goods may not bid for or purchase the item(s). Please return signed, complete form within thirty (30) days to: DFA – Marketing & Redistribution, ATTN: David W. Justice 6620 Young Road, Little Rock, AR Please retain a copy for your records & auditing purposes Thank you, David W. Justice


12 CATEGORY – A Cannibalization: To dismantle for parts to be used as replacements or as components of other machines or devices 1.) The disassembly of an item for its component parts for repair or maintenance of a similar item. Cannibalization may be authorized when greater potential value than disposal or trade-in exists. Authorization for cannibalization shall be approved by Marketing and Redistribution prior to any disassembly. If authorized, the item may be removed from the agency’s inventory property listing. Any residual material remaining after cannibalization must be processed through M & R. 2.) Motor vehicles eligible to be registered for highway use whether registered or not, may be cannibalized after obtaining authorization from M & R. These vehicles WILL NOT be removed from the agency’s inventory property listing until the carcass has been disposed of by M & R. No more than 90 days will elapse between authorization and processing of the carcass by M & R.

13 CATEGORY – B Destruction: The act of destroying.
Property that is broken, torn and soiled has no resale value may be authorized for destruction at the agency location. The property identified may be authorized for destruction by the state Surplus Property Manager on a case by case basis when requested prior to actions being taken.

14 CATEGORY – C Scrap Materials with Metal Contents: lead, copper, brass, iron, steel, tin, stainless
Property that is scrap with material contents of lead, copper, brass, iron, etc., will be disposed of by sale to local scrap dealers at local prices.

15 Category - D Negotiated/Quote Bids
Property of resale value that is not feasible for transport to Marketing & Redistribution may be disposed of by obtaining quote bids, “as is, where is.” Copy of all bid quotes, a copy of the signed Certificate of Property Disposal authorizing the sale and proceeds are to be sent and made payable to: Marketing & Redistribution.

16 CATEGORY - E Computer and Electronic Recycle
Computer and electronic equipment may be disposed of in compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Federal Bureau of Prison Recycle Division (UNICOR) and the Office of State Procurement, Marketing & Redistribution. This authorizes the agency to dispose of agency computers and electronics at a recycle collection center supported by ADEQ.

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