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COSC 4P41 Functional Programming
Instructor: Michael Winter Office J323 Office Hours: Mon 10:00am – noon, Thu 01:00pm – 03:00pm Webpage: Course Description (Brock Calendar): Introduction to functional programming using the languages Haskell. Topics include all data types, type inference, pattern-matching, recursion, polymorphism, higher-order functions, lazy vs eager evaluation, modules and monads. Prerequisites: three and one-half COSC credits or permission of the instructor. Haskell:
Textbooks Main Text Haskell, The Craft of Functional Programming, 3rd edition, S. Thompson, Addison - Wesley (2011), ISBN Supplemental Texts The Haskell 2010 Report, Simon Marlow, online. Real World Haskell, Bryan O'Sullivan, John Goerzen, Don Steward, O'Reilly (2009), ISBN The Haskell School of Expression, P. Hudak, Cambridge University Press (2000), ISBN
Course Work Marking Scheme Lab Tests (3x20%) 60% Final Lab Exam 40%
Tests & Exam (D205) Lab Test 1 September 11:00am – 12:30pm Lab Test 2 October 11:00am – 12:30pm Lab Test 3 November 11:00am – 12:30pm Exam December tba
A mark of at least 40% on the final exam is required to achieve a passing grade in this course.
Consideration regarding illness for test dates will only be considered if accompanied with the completed Departmental Medical Excuse form. Academic misconduct is a serious offence. The principle of academic integrity, particularly of doing one's own work, documenting properly (including use of quotation marks, appropriate paraphrasing and referencing/citation), collaborating appropriately, and avoiding misrepresentation, is a core principle in university study. Students should consult Section VII, 'Academic Misconduct", in the "Academic Regulations and University Polices“ entry in the Undergraduate Calendar, available at to view a fuller description of prohibited actions, and the procedures and penalties.
Course Outline * Oct 08-12 is Reading Week. Week Date Book/Chapt.
Topics 1 Sep 07/11 [1] 1–3 Introduction to Functional Programming 2 Sep 14/18 [1] 4–5 Recursion and Data Types 3 Sep 21/25 [1] 6–7 Lists 4 Sep 28/Oct 02 [1] 9-10 Patterns of Computation, Functions as Values 5 Oct 05/16* [1] 12-13 Overloading, Type Classes, Type Checking 6 Oct 19/23 [1] 14-15 Algebraic Types 7 Oct 26/30 [1] 16 Abstract Data Types 8 Nov 02/06 [1] 17 Lazy Evaluation 9 Nov 09/13 [1] 18 Programming with Actions 10 Nov 16/20 [1] 8, 14.7 & 17.9 Reasoning about Programs 11 Nov 23/27 Reasoning about Programs II 12 Nov 30/Dec 04 [2] 7 Language extensions, Review * Oct is Reading Week.
Imperative languages Von Neumann model:
store with addressable locations machine code: effect achieved by changing contents of store locations instructions executed in sequence, flow of control altered by jumps imperative language: variable corresponds to store location instructions executed in sequence, flow of control altered by conditional and loop statements efficient implementation since close to design of conventional computers
Functional languages computational model: lambda calculus
mathematical functions: domain, range functional languages achieve effect by applying functions functional vs. imperative languages store location assignment statement vs. application of a function (expressions) side-effects aliasing referential transparency
Features of functional languages
usually strongly typed (modern languages) algebraic type definitions mathematical based notation no (implicit) pointers higher-order functions can accept functions as parameters can return functions as results recursion as a basic principle application of rewrite rule: function call replaced by code body run-time overhead garbage collection slogan: define “what to do”, not “how to do”
What is a function? A function is something which produces an output value depending on the input value(s). + 12 34 46 inputs output A type is a collection of values. Usually functions are considered to take values of specific types as input, and produce values of another type. + Int A functional program is basically a list of definitions of functions.
Definitions Haskell definitions are of the form: name :: type
name = expression Examples: size :: Int size = (12+13)*4 square :: Int -> Int square n = n*n
FirstScript.hs Simon Thompson, June 1998 The purpose of this script is - to illustrate some simple definitions over integers (Int); - to give a first example of a script. #########################################################-} -- The value size is an integer (Int), defined to be -- the sum of twelve and thirteen. size :: Int size = 12+13 -- The function to square an integer. square :: Int -> Int square n = n*n -- The function to double an integer. double :: Int -> Int double n = 2*n -- An example using double, square and size. example :: Int example = double (size - square (2+2))
FirstLiterate.lhs Simon Thompson, June 1998 The purpose of this script is - to illustrate some simple definitions over integers (Int); - to give a first example of a literate script. The value size is an integer (Int), defined to be the sum of twelve and thirteen. > size :: Int > size = 12+13 The function to square an integer. > square :: Int -> Int > square n = n*n The function to double an integer. > double :: Int -> Int > double n = 2*n An example using double, square and size. > example :: Int > example = double (size - square (2+2))
The Booleans type Bool operations exOr :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
exOr x y = (x || y) && not (x && y) && and || or not
The integers type Int: range –2147483648…2147483647
type Integer: range unbounded operations + sum * product ^ raise to the power - difference div whole number division mod remainder abs absolute value negate change sign
Relational operators and overloading
(==) for integers and Booleans. This means that (==) will have the type Int -> Int -> Bool Bool -> Bool -> Bool Indeed t -> t -> Bool if the type t carries an equality. (==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool > greater than >= greater than or equal to == equal to /= not equal to <= less than or equal to < less than
The rational numbers type Rational (import Ratio) operations
and +, *, -, negate, abs % Integer -> Integer -> Rational numerator the numerator denominator the denominator fromInteger Integer -> Rational
The characters type Char ‘a’ ‘\t’ tab ‘\n’ newline ‘\\’ backslash
‘\’’ single quote ‘\”’ double quote ‘\97’ character with ASCII code 97, i.e., ‘9’
Layout mystery x = x*x +x +2 next x = … fun v1 v2 … vn | g1 = e1
| otherwise = er
Operators and Do-it-yourself operators
(+) :: Int -> Int -> Int (+) 2 3 = 2 + 3 2 `max` 3 = max 2 3 Operator symbols !,#,$,%,&,*,+,.,/,<,=,>,?,\,^,|,:,-,~ (&&&) :: Int -> Int -> Int x &&& y | x > y = y | otherwise = x
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